trackParser is a tiny credit card or magstripe card parser that reads in the raw string from the card and converts it to usable data. This can be used to charge a credit card as well as just read what is inside random magnetic stripe cards. For more information how magnetic cards work as well as the 3 different types of tracks available for the cards, visit This Wikipedia Article On The Magnetic Stripe Card
NOTE ************************************
This libary only supports track 1 and track 2, NOT track 3
Currently it is only available through npm or right here on github
$ npm install trackparser
const trackParser = require('trackparser'); var trackData = new trackParser("%B1234123412341234^CardUser/John^030510100000019301000000877000000?;1234123412341234=0305101193010877?"); if ( trackData.hasTrack1 ){ console.log( trackData.lastName, trackData.firstName, trackData.account, trackData.expMonth + "/" + trackData.expYear)} // do stuff with trackData