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0.0.7 • Public • Published



A secure, multi-format database with built-in encryption, data validation, and automatic backups.


  • Bug fix.


  • 🔐 Secure Storage: Built-in encryption for sensitive data
  • 📁 Flexible Storage Format: Choose between YAML, JSON, or SQL format
  • 🗜️ Data Compression: Automatic zlib compression for efficient storage
  • 🔄 Automatic Backups: Configurable backup intervals with retention policies
  • 📊 Table Support: SQL-like table operations with validation and relations
  • 🔍 Rich Query API: Complex queries with where clauses, ordering, and pagination
  • 🛡️ Data Validation: Schema validation with type checking and custom rules
  • 🔗 Relationship Support: Define and maintain relationships between tables
  • 💾 Auto-save: Automatic saving of changes (configurable)
  • 🚀 Async/Promise Based: Modern asynchronous API


npm install pulsea.db

Quick Start

const PulseaDB = require('pulsea.db');

// Initialize the database with encryption and file format
const db = new PulseaDB({
    file: 'database.json',      // Choose format: database.json, database.yml, or database.sql
    encryption: {
        secretKey: 'your-secret-key'
    dir: './data',              // Optional: default is './data'
    autoSave: true,             // Optional: default is true
    debug: true                 // Optional: enables debug logging

// Basic Operations
await db.set('user.1', { name: 'John', age: 30 });
const user = await db.get('user.1');
console.log(user); // { name: 'John', age: 30 }

Table Operations

Creating a Table

await db.createTable({
    name: 'users',
    columns: ['name', 'email', 'age'],
    validations: {
        name: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[A-Za-z ]+$' },
        email: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$' },
        age: { type: 'number', min: 0, max: 120 }
    indexes: ['email'],
    relations: {
        groupId: { table: 'groups', column: 'id' }

Querying Data

// Insert data
await db.set('users.1', {
    name: 'John Doe',
    email: 'john@example.com',
    age: 30

// Query with conditions
const users = await db.query('users', {
    where: {
        age: { $gt: 25 },
        name: { $like: 'John%' }
    orderBy: 'age desc',
    limit: 10,
    offset: 0


PulseaDB supports MySQL-like operations for more complex data manipulation:


Insert or update records based on unique columns:

await db.upsert('users', 
    { email: 'john@example.com', name: 'John Doe', age: 30 },
    ['email']  // unique columns

Bulk Insert

Insert multiple records efficiently:

await db.insertMany('orders', [
    { userId: '1', amount: 100, status: 'completed' },
    { userId: '1', amount: 150, status: 'completed' },
    { userId: '1', amount: 200, status: 'pending' }

Aggregate Functions

Perform calculations on data with conditions:

const stats = await db.aggregate('orders', {
    functions: [
        { name: 'sum', column: 'amount', alias: 'total_sales' },
        { name: 'avg', column: 'amount', alias: 'average_order' },
        { name: 'count', column: '*', alias: 'order_count' }
    where: { status: 'completed' }


Check for record existence:

const hasActiveUsers = await db.exists('users', { status: 'active' });

Find and Count

Get paginated results with total count:

const { rows, count } = await db.findAndCount('orders', {
    where: { userId: '1' },
    orderBy: 'amount desc'


Group and aggregate data:

const groupedOrders = await db.groupBy('orders', {
    columns: ['status'],
    where: { userId: '1' }


Combine results from multiple queries:

const unionResults = await db.union([
    { tableName: 'orders', columns: ['status'], where: { amount: { $gt: 150 } } },
    { tableName: 'orders', columns: ['status'], where: { amount: { $lt: 120 } } }


Pattern matching for string searches:

const emailSearch = await db.like('users', 'email', '%@example.com');


Filter by a list of values:

const statusSearch = await db.in('orders', 'status', ['completed', 'pending']);

Detailed API Reference

Core Database Methods


const db = new PulseaDB({
    file: 'database.json',        // Required: database file with format extension
    encryption: {
        secretKey: 'required-key' // Required: encryption key
    dir: './data',               // Optional: database directory
    debug: false,                // Optional: debug mode
    autoSave: true,              // Optional: auto-save changes
    backupInterval: 3600000,     // Optional: backup interval (ms)
    maxBackups: 5,               // Optional: maximum backups to keep
    enableAutoBackup: true       // Optional: enable automatic backups

The constructor initializes a new PulseaDB instance with the following features:

  • Single file format support (YAML, JSON, or SQL)
  • Automatic directory creation for database and backups
  • File locking mechanism for concurrent operations
  • Built-in encryption with zlib compression
  • Auto-backup scheduling if enabled

Storage Optimization

PulseaDB automatically optimizes storage using zlib compression. This feature:

  • Reduces database file size by 50-90% depending on data type
  • Compresses data before encryption for maximum efficiency
  • Automatically handles compression/decompression transparently
  • Works with all storage formats (JSON, YAML, SQL)
  • Maintains data integrity with efficient binary compression

Security Mechanism

PulseaDB implements a robust security mechanism to protect critical database operations:

  • 🔒 Method Protection: Core methods are locked and cannot be modified
  • 🛡️ Class Protection: Database class structure is frozen and immutable
  • 🔐 Instance Protection: Each database instance has its own protected method registry
  • Runtime Verification: Critical method calls are verified during execution
  • 🚫 Tamper Detection: Attempts to modify protected methods trigger security errors

Protected methods include:

  • encryptValue: Data encryption
  • decryptValue: Data decryption
  • validateTableData: Data validation
  • sanitizePath: Path security
  • init: Initialization process

Data Management

set(key, value)

Stores an encrypted value in the database.

// Simple key-value storage
await db.set('user.preferences', { theme: 'dark' });

// Table record storage
await db.set('users.123', {
    name: 'John',
    email: 'john@example.com'
  • Validates key format and type
  • Encrypts values automatically
  • Supports nested objects and arrays
  • Handles table data with validation
  • Auto-saves if enabled
get(key, defaultValue = null)

Retrieves and decrypts a value from the database.

// Get with default value
const theme = await db.get('user.preferences.theme', 'light');

// Get table record
const user = await db.get('users.123');
  • Returns decrypted data
  • Supports deep object paths
  • Returns defaultValue if key doesn't exist
  • Handles table metadata and relations

Removes a key and its value from the database.

// Delete user
await db.delete('users.123');

// Delete nested value
await db.delete('user.preferences.theme');
  • Cleans up empty parent objects
  • Returns boolean indicating success
  • Auto-saves if enabled

Retrieves detailed information about the database file.

const info = await db.info();

console.log('🚀 Database Information:');
console.log('📂 File Path:', dbInfo.databasePath);
console.log('📄 File Format:', dbInfo.fileFormat);
console.log('📊 File Size:');
console.log('   - Bytes:', dbInfo.fileSize.bytes);
console.log('   - Kilobytes:', dbInfo.fileSize.kilobytes);
console.log('   - Megabytes:', dbInfo.fileSize.megabytes);
console.log('🕒 Last Modified:', dbInfo.lastModified);
console.log('📋 Tables:');
console.log('   - Total Table Count:', dbInfo.tables.count);
console.log('   - Table Details:', JSON.stringify(dbInfo.tables.details, null, 2));
console.log('🔢 Total Record Count:', dbInfo.totalRecordCount);
console.log('💾 Backups:');
console.log('   - Backup Count:', dbInfo.backups.count);
console.log('   - Latest Backup:', dbInfo.backups.latestBackup);
console.log('🔒 Encryption:', JSON.stringify(dbInfo.encryption, null, 2));
console.log('💾 Auto Save:', dbInfo.autoSave);
console.log('🐛 Debug Mode:', dbInfo.debugMode);

Backup Operations


Creates a backup of the database in the selected format.

const backupPath = await db.backup();
console.log(`Backup created at: ${backupPath}`);
  • Creates timestamped backup file
  • Maintains specified number of backups
  • Supports all storage formats


Restores the database from a backup file.

await db.restoreFromBackup('./data/backups/backup-2024-01-01.json');
  • Validates backup file format
  • Restores data with encryption
  • Maintains data integrity

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