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TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.52 • Public • Published

The point of this project?

-it also allows you to change it without reloading the page. useful for virtual doms like (react, svelte, angular .. etc).

-it has callback when each variable changes (you have to use the same package for it to work).

-made with typescript!.

-it can return an object with these variable instead of a boaring string, for example: "?a=5&b=dad" => {a:5,b:"dad"}

How can i use this?

How to install:

Using npm:

-in your command promp type:

npm install param-handler

How can i test it:

Major Update changed the class name:

Its easy, you will need jsdom if you don't have a dom(plain nodejs),

first of all you need to import the package:

const _PH = require("param-handler"), 
    {PH} = require("param-handler") 
// or
import _PH, {PH} from "param-handler" 

// _PH and PH are the same thing


let ph = new PH(window) // pass the window from the virtual dom

Then you can start using it!

How can i update a specific variable in the query search location:

Well its easy.

You can just use

ph.set("name_of_the_variable", "the_new_value")

How can i read a specific variable from the query search location:

You have two choises:

1- keep track of the changes of a specific variable:

ph.on("change", "name_of_the_variable", (new_value)=>{
    console.log(`name_of_the_variable has changed to ${new_value}!`)

note that you can use the second argument inside the callbackfunction to call "this".

2- Or you can just get the value of that specific variable:

ph.get("name_of_the_variable", "default_value", "reverse_if_boolean")

    name_of_the_variable has the value of 

How can i get that fancy object thingy:

console.log(`the fancy object ${ph.params}`)

How can i check if a variable exists:

console.log(`does name_of_the_variable exists?`)

console.log(ph.exists("name_of_the_variable")?"YES":"no :(")

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  • wolfpat01