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super-sources test

This package contains classes for representing pieces of source code, and allows you to print beautiful errors/warnings that display the referenced pieces of source code. Unicode is supported, including the Supplementary Multilingual Plane. Windows line terminators (\r\n) are also supported.


npm install super-sources

Requires Node.js v14.x.x or later.


const { File, SourceError } = require('super-sources');

const file = new File('example.txt', 'this is a simple file.\nhello worl!\n');
const source = file.at(29, 4); // offset 29, length 4

const error = SourceError.build()
	.error('Misspelling detected')
	.source(source, 'here')
	.note('expected: "world"')
	.note(`received: "${source.string()}"`)

assert(error instanceof Error);
assert(error instanceof SourceError);

console.log(error.print({ colors: false }));


Error: Misspelling detected
 --> example.txt
2 |   hello worl!
  |         ^^^^
  * expected: "world"
  * received: "worl"


new File(filename, content)

An object that represents a source file.

const fs = require('fs');

const filename = 'example.txt';
const content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');

const file = new File(filename, content);

file.at(offset, [length]) -> Source

Creates a Source object, which represents a slice of the source file. If length is not provided, it defaults to 1.

const source = file.at(0);

file.lineNumberAt(offset) -> number

Returns the line number at the given offset. The first line is 1.

const lineNumber = file.lineNumberAt(0);

assert(lineNumber === 1);

File properties

  • file.filename: The filename that was passed to the File constructor.
  • file.content: The content string that was passed to the File constructor.

new Source(file, start, end)

An object that represents a slice of the given File, from offsets start (inclusive) to end (exclusive). The length of the slice (end - start) must be at least 1.

const fs = require('fs');

const filename = 'example.txt';
const content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');

const file = new File(filename, content);
const source = new Source(file, 0, 1);

source.to(otherSource) -> Source

Creates a Source object that spans the range from this source to another source. A negative or zero-length range will result in a RangeError. Also, both sources must be from the same file.

const source1 = new Source(file, 0, 5);
const source2 = new Source(file, 3, 8);
const result = source1.to(source2);

assert(result.start === 0);
assert(result.end === 8);

source.string() -> string

Returns the original source string represented by this object.

const file = new File('example.txt', 'abcdefg');
const source = new Source(2, 4);

assert(source.string() === 'cd');

source.error(message, [helperText]) -> ErrorBuilder

Shorthand for SourceError.build().error(message).source(source, helperText). See the ErrorBuilder class for more details.

source.error('Invalid expression').throw();

source.warning(message, [helperText]) -> ErrorBuilder

Shorthand for SourceError.build().warning(message).source(source, helperText). See the ErrorBuilder class for more details.

console.warn(source.warning('Invalid expression').done().print());

Source properties

  • source.file: The File that this source came from.
  • source.start: The offset where this source slice starts (inclusive).
  • source.end: The offset where this source slice ends (exclusive).

class SourceError

A subclass of Error that can reference Source objects, and is capable of printing beautiful error messages containing the source code.

Instead of constructing them manually, you can use the static SourceError.build() method to conveniently create a new ErrorBuilder.

const error = SourceError.build()
	.error('Misspelling detected')
	.source(source, 'here')
	.note('expected: "world"')
	.note(`received: "${source.string()}"`)

error.print([options]) -> string

Returns a string containing a beautifully formatted error message, containing any source code that this error references.

The following options are supported:

  • colors (boolean)
  • filenames (boolean)
    • Whether or not the output should contain the names of the referenced source files. Default: true.
  • lineNumbers (boolean)
    • Whether or not the output should contain the line numbers of the referenced source code. Default: true.
  • positions (boolean)
    • Whether or not the output should highlight the exact positions of the referenced source code. Default: true.
  • maxLines (number)
    • The maximum number of source lines to display (per source snippet) before lines are omitted to save space. Default: 7.

class ErrorBuilder

A convenient builder class for making customized SourceErrors.

builder.error(message) -> this

Adds an error message to the builder. Any number of error messages can be added.

builder.warning(message) -> this

Adds a warning message to the builder. Any number of warning messages can be added.

builder.source(source, [helperText]) -> this

Adds a Source object to the builder. Any number of sources can be added. The added source will be associated with the most recent .error() or .warning() that was added.

builder.note(message) -> this

Adds a note to the builder. Any number of notes can be added. The note will be associated with the most recent .source() that was added.

builder.done() -> SourceError

Returns a SourceError containing all errors, warnings, sources, and notes that were added to this builder.

builder.throw() -> throw

This is the same as builder.done(), but the resulting SourceError will be immediately thrown.






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  • joshuawise