Shelf.js is a unified api to write safely key-value pairs to a persistent storage either in the browser or in Node.js environment.
The api abstract from the actual storage medium, and gracefully degrades to the next one available.
Shelf.js is a mesh-up of
and the cookies
It combines the best of the two and adds some extra features in order to offer persistent storage capabilities in the browser.
Morever, if Douglas Crockford's JSON-js cycle.js
library is available, also cyclic objects can be serialized. is a wrapper for various persistent client-side storage systems. supports IE 5+, Firefox 2+, Safari 4+, Chrome, Opera 10.5+, iPhone 2+, Android 2+ and provides a consistent API to handle storage cross-browser. is meant to allow you to utilize all the latest storage technologies for those browsers that have them, while gracefully degrading for those without support.
cookies library
This is a Javascript library for accessing and manipulating HTTP cookies in the web browser. You can get one or a list of cookies, set cookies, delete cookies, test if the browser accepts cookies. When JSON support is available, any JS value can be set to a cookie--it will be automatically serialized before being written to the cookie.
file system support
Native file system writing and reading support is offered through Node.js (v.6 and v.8) fs api.
Create your customized build of Shelf.js using the make file in the bin
node makejs build // Standard build, about 7Kb minifiednode makejs build -a -o shelf-full // full build, about 18Kb minifiednode makejs build -l amplifycookie // manually select libraries
node makejs --help
// Store something on the first shelf available ; // Grab something from the shelf ; // {foo: 'bar'} // Storing something on a specific shelf storecookiefoo2 foo2: 'bar2';
Checkings and configuration
// Check whether the browser offers persistent storage if !store ; // Check / set verbosity level storeverbosity = 1; // Check / set default shelf storetype = 'memory';
On Quota Error
In modern browsers you can catch the error generated by exceeding the quota limit by overriding the method store.onquotaerror
store { ; // Clean up the mess code };