- [Discord] : https://discord.gg/ZKzmmt4gvq
- [Site] : https://scarlex.org/api
- join our Discord for any support (link above).
- register your own profile on our website (link above).
- then login and you're ready to fetch endpoints and check your stats.
- Async Will Be Needed
// import the apiCLient
const { ApiClient } = require('scarlex');
// create a new instance of the apiClient & pass your name and password which you used to register on our website.
const api = new ApiClient({
name: 'A V I X I T Y',
password: 'uwudaddy',
// example of making a request to the api with endpoint and query you've provided.
(async () => {
// to get full list of current added endpoints you can use the `json` endpoint.
const data = await api.makeRequest('progressbar?max=100&value=69&size=100&style=3').then(async (e) => {
return e
console.log(await data)
// will return json response
"code": 200,
"message": "•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••───────────────────────────────",
"percentage": "69/100"