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0.0.7 • Public • Published

moleculer-cron NPM version

Cron mixin for Moleculer using cron.


Easy to use cron with Moleculer!


$ npm install moleculer-cron --save


Create cron service

Specify all of your cron tasks inside the settings.cronJobs array of the service.

const CronMixin = require("moleculer-cron");

    name: "cron-job",

    mixins: [CronMixin],

    settings: {
        cronJobs: [
                name: "jobHelloWorld",
                cronTime: '*/5 * * * * *', // Run every 5 seconds
                manualStart: true, // This job needs to be started manually
                onTick: async function() {
                    this.logger.info('JobHelloWorld ticked');
                    try {
                        const data = await this.broker.call("cron-job.say");
                        this.logger.info("Oh!", data);
                        // Stop this job and start the other one
                        this.logger.info("Stopped JobHelloWorld and started JobToggle");
                    } catch (e) {
                        this.logger.info("error ", e);
                onInitialize: function() {
                    this.logger.info("JobHelloWorld is init");
                    // This job is manual start, so it won't start automatically
                onComplete: function() {
                    this.logger.info("JobHelloWorld is stopped");
                name: "jobToggle",
                cronTime: '*/5 * * * * *', // Run every 5 seconds
                onTick: function() {
                    this.logger.info('JobToggle ticked');
                    // Stop this job and start the other one
                    this.logger.info("Stopped JobToggle and started JobHelloWorld");
                onInitialize: function() {
                    this.logger.info("JobToggle is init");
                    // This job will start automatically
                onComplete: function() {
                    this.logger.info("JobToggle is stopped");

    actions: {
        say: {
            handler() {
                return "HelloWorld!";

Available Cron patterns:

  • Asterisk. E.g. *
  • Ranges. E.g. 1-3,5
  • Steps. E.g. */2

Read up on cron patterns here. Note that this library uses six fields, with 1 second as the finest granularity.

Cron Ranges

  • Seconds: 0-59
  • Minutes: 0-59
  • Hours: 0-23
  • Day of Month: 1-31
  • Months: 0-11 (Jan-Dec)
  • Day of Week: 0-6 (Sun-Sat)


Job Configuration

  • name - [REQUIRED] - Set a name for the job.
  • cronTime - [REQUIRED] - The time to fire off your job. This can be in the form of cron syntax or a JS Date object.
  • manualStart - [OPTIONAL] - Specifies whether to start the job just before exiting the constructor. Default is false.
  • timeZone - [OPTIONAL] - Specify the timezone for the execution. Check all timezones available at Moment Timezone Website.
  • onInitialize - [OPTIONAL] - Executed before the cron job is created.
  • onStart - [OPTIONAL] - When the cron is starting.
  • onStop - [OPTIONAL] - When the cron is stopping.
  • onComplete - [OPTIONAL] - A function that will fire when the job is stopped.
  • onTick - [REQUIRED] - The function to fire at the specified time.

Mixin Methods

  • startJob(jobName) - Starts the specified job.
  • stopJob(jobName) - Stops the specified job.
  • getJob(jobName) - Returns the job object for the specified job name.

Job Object Methods

  • startJob() - Starts the job.
  • stopJob() - Stops the job.
  • lastDate() - Returns the last execution date of the job.
  • running() - Returns whether the job is currently running.
  • setTime(time) - Changes the time for the job. time can be a cron string or a Date object.
  • nextDates(count) - Returns an array of the next count dates that the job will run.
  • addCallback(callback) - Adds an additional callback function to be executed when the job ticks.

Utility Methods

  • getCronTime(time) - Returns a CronTime instance for the given time.


For any issues or feature requests, please create an issue on the GitHub repository. Make sure to search existing issues before creating a new one.


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    • davidroman