Raster to G-Code for LaserWeb/CNCWeb.
Using NPM
npm install lw.raster-to-gcode
Using GIT
git clone https://github.com/lautr3k/lw.raster-to-gcode.git
cd lw.raster-to-gcode
npm install
Or download the last build from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lautr3k/lw.raster-to-gcode/master/dist/lw.raster-to-gcode.js
let settings = ppi: x: 254 y: 254 // Pixel Per Inch (25.4 ppi == 1 ppm) toolDiameter: 01 // Tool diameter in millimeters rapidRate : 1500 // Rapid rate in mm/min (G0 F value) nullish value to disable feedRate : 500 // Feed rate in mm/min (G1 F value) rateUnit : 'mm/min' // Rapid/Feed rate unit [mm/min, mm/sec] beamRange: min: 0 max: 1 // Beam power range (Firmware value) beamPower: min: 0 max: 100 // Beam power (S value) as percentage of beamRange milling : false // EXPERIMENTAL zSafe : 5 // Safe Z for fast move zSurface : 0 // Usinable surface (white pixels) zDepth : -10 // Z depth (black pixels) passDepth: 1 // Pass depth in millimeters offsets : X: 0 Y: 0 // Global coordinates offsets trimLine : true // Trim trailing white pixels joinPixel: true // Join consecutive pixels with same intensity burnWhite: true // [true = G1 S0 | false = G0] on inner white pixels verboseG : false // Output verbose GCode (print each commands) diagonal : false // Go diagonally (increase the distance between points) precision: X: 2 Y: 2 S: 4 // Number of decimals for each commands nonBlocking: true // Use setTimeout to avoid blocking the UI filters: smoothing : 0 // Smoothing the input image ? brightness : 0 // Image brightness [-255 to +255] contrast : 0 // Image contrast [-255 to +255] gamma : 0 // Image gamma correction [0.01 to 7.99] grayscale : 'none' // Graysale algorithm [average, luma, luma-601, luma-709, luma-240, desaturation, decomposition-[min|max], [red|green|blue]-chanel] shadesOfGray: 256 // Number of shades of gray [2-256] invertColor : false // Invert color... onProgress : null // On progress callbacks onProgressContext: null // On progress callback context onDone : null // On done callback onDoneContext: null // On done callback context onAbort : null // On abort callback onAbortContext: null // On abort callback context
// Create RasterToGcode objectlet rasterToGcode = settings // Register events callbacksrasterToGcode; // <file> can be Image, File URL object or URL string (http://* or data:image/*)rasterToGcode;