inkdoc - a KISS JavaScript documentation engine
It shouldn't be THAT difficult to tame a documentation generation engine.
The rationale here is to have a generic-enough solution.
One can edit and extend its logic (kinda hard) and templates (easy as pie - it uses Handlebars!).
npm install -g inkdoc
(sudo may be required depending on your system configuration)
how to
sample results
- inkdoc API (generated from the files in lib folder)
- your page can be here!
The engine is split into the following parts:
- comments parsing into JSON metadata
- additional massaging of the extracted data is done in
- markup generation from JSON metadata
It uses esprima to extract block comments from JavaScript source files.
It uses handlebars templates for generating the final markup.
It uses marked to convert markdown syntax to HTML.
It groups information in a hierarchy of modules, classes and functions/attributes.
You can find a human-readable log of inkdoc versions and their changes here