Highlighter provides a simple way to add syntax highlighting to all files by using highlight.js. Comes with built-in syntax highlighting for diffs and patches.
npm install highlighter --save
var highlight = ;
Basic Usage
Highlighter can be used programmatically, by passing in the source string and the source language.
; //=> '<span class="hljs-keyword">var</span> foo = <span class="hljs-string">"bar"</span>'
Markdown Parser
Highlighter returns a function that supports most markdown parsers already.
var marked = ; marked;
Diff Support
Highlighter comes with complete diff support by appending .diff
or .patch
to the language name. This will wrap each section in a span with the section type class (diff-addition
, diff-deletion
, diff-header
, diff-chunk
or diff-null
; //=> '<span class="diff-addition"><span class="hljs-keyword">var</span> foo = <span class="hljs-string">"bar"</span>;</span>'
This also works within Markdown files. The primary drawback of this approach causes the parent <code>
element to have the class appended with .diff
or .patch
, which may cause your specific CSS rules to fail. For example, <code class="lang-javascript.diff">
```javascript.diff+var foo = "bar";```