Tigris Command Line Interface
Create databases and collections, read and write data, perform transactions, stream events and setup Tigris locally, all from the command line.
The tigris CLI tool can be installed as follows:
npm i @tigrisdata/tigris-cli
$ npx tigris
tigris is a command line interface of Tigris data platform
tigris [command]
Available Commands:
alter Alters collection
completion Generates completion script for shell
config Configuration commands
create Creates database or collection
delete Deletes document(s)
describe Describes database or collection
dev Starts and stops local development Tigris server
docs Generates CLI documentation in Markdown format
drop Drops database or collection
generate Generating helper assets such as sample schema
help Help about any command
insert Inserts document(s)
list Lists databases or collections
login Authenticate on the Tigris instance
logout Logout from Tigris instance
ping Checks connection to Tigris
publish Publish message(s)
read Reads and outputs documents
replace Inserts or replaces document(s)
scaffold Scaffold a project for specified language
search Searches a collection for documents matching the query
server Tigris server related commands
subscribe Subscribes to published messages
transact Executes a set of operations in a transaction
update Updates document(s)
version Shows tigris cli version
-h, --help help for tigris
Use "tigris [command] --help" for more information about a command.
# Start up Tigris locally on port 8081
npx tigris dev start
# Create sample schema
npx tigris generate sample-schema --create
# Create database and collection
npx tigris create database testdb
npx tigris create collection testdb \
"title": "users",
"description": "Collection of documents with details of users",
"properties": {
"id": {
"description": "A unique identifier for the user",
"type": "integer"
"name": {
"description": "Name of the user",
"type": "string",
"maxLength": 100
"primary_key": [
# Insert some data
npx tigris insert_or_replace sampledb users \
{"id": 1, "name": "Jania McGrory", "balance": 6045.7},
{"id": 2, "name": "Bunny Instone", "balance": 2948.87}
# Read data
npx tigris read sampledb users '{"id": 1}'
# Perform a transaction
npx tigris transact sampledb \
"insert": {
"collection": "orders",
"documents": [{
"id": 1, "user_id": 1, "order_total": 53.89, "products": [{"id": 1, "quantity": 1}]
"update": {
"collection": "users", "fields": {"$set": {"balance": 5991.81}}, "filter": {"id": 1}
"update": {
"collection": "products", "fields": {"$set": {"quantity": 6357}}, "filter": {"id": 1}
# Shutdown the local Tigris
npx tigris dev stop
This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0.