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1.9.7 • Public • Published



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html-to-docx is a powerful JavaScript library designed to convert HTML documents to DOCX format, compatible with Microsoft Word 2007+, LibreOffice Writer, Google Docs, WPS Writer, and other word processors. Originally created by @PrivateOmega, this hard fork is now maintained and supported by TurboDocx to ensure ongoing development and improvements.


While html-to-docx is robust and used in production environments, it is continually evolving. Please ensure it meets your specific needs through thorough testing. Note that it currently does not work directly in the browser.


Use the npm to install the project.

npm install @turbodocx/html-to-docx


await HTMLtoDOCX(htmlString, headerHTMLString, documentOptions, footerHTMLString)

full fledged examples can be found under example/


  • htmlString <String> clean html string equivalent of document content.
  • headerHTMLString <String> clean html string equivalent of header. Defaults to <p></p> if header flag is true.
  • documentOptions <?Object>
    • orientation <"portrait"|"landscape"> defines the general orientation of the document. Defaults to portrait.
    • pageSize <?Object> Defaults to U.S. letter portrait orientation.
      • width <Number> width of the page for all pages in this section in TWIP. Defaults to 12240. Maximum 31680. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
      • height <Number> height of the page for all pages in this section in TWIP. Defaults to 15840. Maximum 31680. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
    • margins <?Object>
      • top <Number> distance between the top of the text margins for the main document and the top of the page for all pages in this section in TWIP. Defaults to 1440. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
      • right <Number> distance between the right edge of the page and the right edge of the text extents for this document in TWIP. Defaults to 1800. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
      • bottom <Number> distance between the bottom of text margins for the document and the bottom of the page in TWIP. Defaults to 1440. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
      • left <Number> distance between the left edge of the page and the left edge of the text extents for this document in TWIP. Defaults to 1800. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
      • header <Number> distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the header in TWIP. Defaults to 720. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
      • footer <Number> distance from the bottom edge of the page to the bottom edge of the footer in TWIP. Defaults to 720. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
      • gutter <Number> amount of extra space added to the specified margin, above any existing margin values. This setting is typically used when a document is being created for binding in TWIP. Defaults to 0. Supports equivalent measurement in pixel, cm or inch.
    • title <?String> title of the document.
    • subject <?String> subject of the document.
    • creator <?String> creator of the document. Defaults to html-to-docx
    • keywords <?Array<String>> keywords associated with the document. Defaults to ['html-to-docx'].
    • description <?String> description of the document.
    • lastModifiedBy <?String> last modifier of the document. Defaults to html-to-docx.
    • revision <?Number> revision of the document. Defaults to 1.
    • createdAt <?Date> time of creation of the document. Defaults to current time.
    • modifiedAt <?Date> time of last modification of the document. Defaults to current time.
    • headerType <"default"|"first"|"even"> type of header. Defaults to default.
    • header <?Boolean> flag to enable header. Defaults to false.
    • footerType <"default"|"first"|"even"> type of footer. Defaults to default.
    • footer <?Boolean> flag to enable footer. Defaults to false.
    • font <?String> font name to be used. Defaults to Times New Roman.
    • fontSize <?Number> size of font in HIP(Half of point). Defaults to 22. Supports equivalent measure in pt.
    • complexScriptFontSize <?Number> size of complex script font in HIP(Half of point). Defaults to 22. Supports equivalent measure in pt.
    • table <?Object>
      • row <?Object>
        • cantSplit <?Boolean> flag to allow table row to split across pages. Defaults to false.
      • borderOptions <?Object>
        • size <?Number> denotes the border size. Defaults to 0.
        • stroke <?String> denotes the style of the borderStrike. Defaults to nil.
        • color <?String> determines the border color. Defaults to 000000.
    • pageNumber <?Boolean> flag to enable page number in footer. Defaults to false. Page number works only if footer flag is set as true.
    • skipFirstHeaderFooter <?Boolean> flag to skip first page header and footer. Defaults to false.
    • lineNumber <?Boolean> flag to enable line numbering. Defaults to false.
    • lineNumberOptions <?Object>
      • start <Number> start of the numbering - 1. Defaults to 0.
      • countBy <Number> skip numbering in how many lines in between + 1. Defaults to 1.
      • restart <"continuous"|"newPage"|"newSection"> numbering restart strategy. Defaults to continuous.
    • numbering <?Object>
      • defaultOrderedListStyleType <?String> default ordered list style type. Defaults to decimal.
    • decodeUnicode <?Boolean> flag to enable unicode decoding of header, body and footer. Defaults to false.
    • lang <?String> language localization code for spell checker to work properly. Defaults to en-US.
  • footerHTMLString <String> clean html string equivalent of footer. Defaults to <p></p> if footer flag is true.




Currently page break can be implemented by having div with classname "page-break" or style "page-break-after" despite the values of the "page-break-after", and contents inside the div element will be ignored. <div class="page-break" style="page-break-after: always;"></div>

CSS list-style-type for <ol> element are now supported. Just do something like this in the HTML:

  <ol style="list-style-type:lower-alpha;">
    <li>List item</li>

List of supported list-style-types:

  • upper-alpha, will result in A. List item
  • lower-alpha, will result in a. List item
  • upper-roman, will result in I. List item
  • lower-roman, will result in i. List item
  • lower-alpha-bracket-end, will result in a) List item
  • decimal-bracket-end, will result in 1) List item
  • decimal-bracket, will result in (1) List item
  • decimal, (the default) will result in 1. List item

Also you could add attribute data-start="n" to start the numbering from the n-th.

<ol data-start="2"> will start the numbering from ( B. b. II. ii. 2. )

Font family doesnt work consistently for all word processor softwares

  • Word Desktop work as intended
  • LibreOffice ignores the fontTable.xml file, and finds a font by itself
  • Word Online ignores the fontTable.xml file, and finds closest font in their font library


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to branch new branches off of develop for contribution.


Proudly Sponsored by TurboDocx "Proudly Sponsored by TurboDocx"




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  • nicolasiscoding