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1.0.4 • Public • Published


The front-end MediaClient module implements the client of the WebMedia data channel. Refer to this module according to the following code:

<script src="mediaclient.min.js"></script>


The following shows MediaClient module APIs.


MediaClient Class

new MediaClient(origin, shakeHandle[, opts])

  • origin {String} Web media data channel url origin(protocol + host). Currently supports the websocket protocol.
  • shakeHandle {Function} As shakeHandle event callback. The user should establish a stream channel in this callback. Arguments:
    • client {MediaClient} MediaClient self object.
    • path {String} Recommended stream channel url path.
  • opts {Object} Options:
    • timeout {Integer} When the client opened timeout, the client will be closed and the error event will be triggered, default: 30000s.
    • path {String} Data channel url path, default: '/live'.
    • token {String} EdgerOS account token, which can be obtained by EdgerOS Web-SDK.
    • srand {String} EdgerOS login serial number, which can be obtained by EdgerOS Web-SDK.
  • Returns: {MediaClient} MediaClient client object.

Create an WebMedia client in the Front-End.


var client = new MediaClient('ws://xxxx.com', (client, path) => {
	// Media stream connect.

MediaClient Object


  • opts {Object} Option:
    • token {String} EdgerOS account token, which can be obtained by EdgerOS Web-SDK.
    • srand {String} EdgerOS login serial number, which can be obtained by EdgerOS Web-SDK.

Connect to server and create data channel.


Disconnect and close the channel.

client.send(opts, data[, cb])

  • opts {Object | Undefined} Event options.
  • data {String | Array | Object} Event data.
  • cb {Function} Remote callback. Argument:
    • client {MediaClient} Media client self.
    • opts {Object | Undefined} Options reply by remote client.
    • data {String | Array | Object} Data reply by remote client.

Send message event to client by data channel when client is opened.If the cb is valid and the remote client replies to the event, cb will be called.

Event protocol see WebMedia Data Channel Protocol.


  • Send message event:
client.send({type: 'mediaInfo'}, {width: 480, height: 320});
  • Send message event with reply:
client.send({type: 'mediaInfo'}, {width: 480, height: 320}, (client, opts, data) => {
	// Do something.
  • Receive message event:
client.on('message', (client, opts, data, cb) => {
	// Do something.
	if (cb) {
		cb(opts2, data2); // cb(opts, data)

emit(event, ...args[, cb])

  • event {String} Event name.
  • args {String | Array | Object} Event args.
  • cb {Function} Remote callback. Argument:
    • client {MediaClient} Media client self.
    • args {Any} Arguments reply by remote client.

Send event event to client by data channel when client is opened.If the cb is valid and the remote client replies to the event, cb will be called.

Users cannot use reserved events. Hold event:

  • 'error', 'open', 'close', 'pause', 'resume', 'message', 'data', 'shakeHandle'.

Event protocol see Data Channel Protocol.


  • Send event:
client.emit('addRoles', {id: 1, name: 'xming', age: '22'}, {id: 2, name: 'xli', age: '25'});
  • Send event with reply:
client.emit('addRoles', {id: 1, name: 'xming', age: '22'}, {id: 2, name: 'xli', age: '25'}, (client, result) => {
	if (result) {
		console.log('Add roles success.');
  • Receive event:
client.on('addRoles', (client) => {
	var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
	for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
		var role = args[i];
		// Add role.
  • Receive event with reply:
client.on('addRole', (client, role, cb) => {
	// Add role.
	cb('ok'); // cb(...args)

MediaClient Events

The first parameter of all events is MediaClient object itself.


  • client {MediaClient} MediaClient object self.
  • path {String} Recommended stream channel url path.

Emit shakeHandle event when client ready.


  • client {MediaClient} MediaClient object self.

Emit open event when client open (after sttream channel connected).


  • client {MediaClient} MediaClient object self.

Emit close event when client closed.


  • client {MediaClient} MediaClient object self.

Emit error event when client error. The client will close automatic.


  • client {MediaClient} MediaClient object self.
  • opts {Object | Undefined} Options send by remote client.
  • data {String | Array | Object} Data send by remote client.

Emit data event when receive data event from remote.


  • client {MediaClient} MediaClient object self.
  • opts {Object | Undefined} Options send by remote client.
  • data {String | Array | Object} Data send by remote client.

Emit message event when receive message event from remote.

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