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0.2.4 • Public • Published


Best Practice

  1. Don't compose primitive component packages (ie. Don't include a <Button> in a <Card>). Allow the implementor to use them together.

Adding a Component

Latest Steps

  • pnpm run ui:add -- table (or whatever component)
    • this will install to packages/ui/src/components/*.tsx
  • pnpm run ui:integrate table.tsx (or whatever the output file is)
    • answer the steps to generate packages/ui/src/components/MyComponent/*
  • Integrate your component for testing in apps/nextjs/src/apps/page.tsx
    • Add an accompanying *.stories.tsx for the component in apps/storybook/stories

Former Steps

  • pnpm run ui:add -- table (or whatever component)
    • this will install to packages/ui/src/components/*.tsx
  • It's probably best to stop your dev server so it can rebuild when you add the new component.
    • Restart it after you've stubbed out your component
  • Create the component directory structure to introduce the new component:
    • Duplicate a simple component (like Badge) and rename the component to your new one (including the copied files)
      • BaseBadge -> BaseNewThing
  • Copy everything except the imports from the downloaded component file, and replace everything below the imports with it
  • Rename all of the new components to be prefixed with Base
  • Replace all tailwind utility classes with a single styles.BaseComponent declaration, and apply them in the accompanying BaseComponent.module.css
    • To ensure legibility, split each class name at the space, and turn it into a new @apply line
    • Remove all dark: directives, as these will be controlled using :global(.dark) .some-class {}




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  • moimikey
  • quazia
  • sammccord
  • ccashwell