A full command framework for Discord interactions based on @discordjs/builders.
published version 1.0.44, 2 years agoSimple builder classes for Discord interaction responses (Messages/Modals), Components and Commands.
published version 0.3.18, 9 months agoA full command framework for Discord interactions.
published version 0.3.23, 3 months agoA verification module using the Node.JS (todo libsodium?) Crypto API.
published version 0.2.7, 2 years agoA verification module using the Web SubtleCrypto API.
published version 0.3.16, 2 years agoAn isorchonous ponyfill for the fetch API. Works across the browser, Node, React Native,
published version 0.3.18, 9 months agoA Discord HTTP client that handles global and resource rate limits automatically
published version 0.3.21, 3 months agoA Discord HTTP client that handles global and resource rate limits automatically
published version 0.3.21, 3 months ago