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Black Sheep Acres

Author Comments

Defend Black Sheep Acres as you blast your way through 45 levels of animal destroying action! Earn money to purchase new weapons, items, repairs, and additional layers to your wall. New animal types will appear as you progress through the game.

*NOTE. There is a bug that sometimes causes the round to end early, and animals will attack your wall while in the buy screen. I do not yet know the cause of this

HINT. Sentry guns will help you out a LOT

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A nice one

A nice action shooter you have here I like music and low sounding too some nice shooter style here you have a good idea of the game and made it fun it really has a nice visual and some good gameplay all together so for me this was a fun shooter and good mechanics too so awsome game indeed but anyways you guys always make some fun games indeed so keep at it


its like da last stand

Got up to level 35.

I thought this was a pretty good game. I admit I think it's a tad repetitive, but still nice. It reminds me of the Easter defense games. Those are better because it's just funnier to see the bunnies take on more distinct appearances. What is it with my love of seeing bunnies die?I appreciate the good graphics.

I can recognize them from other stuff by BoMToons. Not much else to say, but this is worth looking at. I like the soft music and how it contrasts with the theme. The weapon upgrades are fairly easy to get. Then again, you do have limited ammo unlike the other weapons.

Really fun game :)

Credits & Info

3.88 / 5.00

Oct 25, 2006
7:40 PM EDT