Excellent .
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tally -ho!
it's the green knight! withering wizards and diseasing dudes!
the green knight always seemed like the jerk of the group. like the raphael, all attitude. he was the first guy i went through the game with so i'll always have a soft spot for the little asshole. who seriously poisons all the other knights and then runs away, coming back only after they're dead to make out with the princess!? i did, and i'm sure a lot of you guys did as well :D.
Excellent .
The Green Knight
Wow this was a nice set up for the green knight he is in action mode too An amazing art piece and one of my faves of the day A nice art piece here so nice effort so not much more to say except that I really liked this piece especially for the little things you ad, The action pose with creatures chasing him looks good love the small details that shine in there own way Some nice polish kind of like a knockout and a sizzling touch you added to this, great green knight and awsome texture all throughout
El caballero verde es mi favorito 🤩
Again, cool!
Cool,i like this REPTILE (Mortal Kombat) style!
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