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Imaging-guided precision hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparticles


Magnetic nanoparticles, including those formed of superparamagnetic iron oxides (SPIOs), are employed in various magnetic imaging and therapeutic techniques. In vivo imaging techniques based on the detection of magnetic nanoparticles inside the body include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic particle imaging (MPI), magneto-motive ultrasonography (MMUS) and magneto-photoacoustic imaging (MPAI). Preclinical data indicate that the conditions required to heat up magnetic nanoparticles, including energy considerations, particle modifications, localization and exposure time, can be dynamically modulated during a single treatment procedure by monitoring imaging data acquired from the same magnetic nanoparticles. This Review explores the potential use of magnetic-nanoparticle-mediated imaging techniques combined with magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH) to selectively and precisely heat tumour locations while avoiding damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Imaging-guided MFH could provide individualized treatment plans based on information about the biodistribution of magnetic nanoparticles within the tumour and adjacent organs, as well as the volumetric distribution of the thermal dose. Requirements for the clinical translation of MFH-enabled magnetic imaging techniques are also discussed — the development of magnetic nanoparticle formulations with a favourable biosafety profile, optimal magnetic heating properties and maximal magnetic imaging signals; and the integration of magnetic imaging and heating hardware into a single platform.

Key points

  • Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles can be used as both therapeutic and diagnostic agents for multimodal cancer imaging and therapy.

  • Combinations of magnetic imaging and hyperthermia could be used to provide individualized treatment plans based on magnetic nanoparticle biodistribution within the tumour and adjacent organs that provide guidance for an appropriate volumetric distribution of thermal dosing.

  • A critical assessment of knowledge gaps in the field of precision hyperthermia is essential for increasing clinical translation.

  • Navigation of complex regulations is essential for the manufacture of optimized magnetic nanoparticles for use with magnetic imaging-guided hyperthermia.

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Fig. 1: Milestones in the development of imaging modalities and magnetic imaging-guided hyperthermia.
Fig. 2: Precision imaging-guided hyperthermia treatment of solid tumours.
Fig. 3: Applications of magnetic fluid hyperthermia.
Fig. 4: Tentative workflow for imaging-guided magnetic fluid hyperthermia.

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A.S.-Z. and J.W.M.B. are supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants R01 CA257557 and S10 OD026740.

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A.S.-Z. composed the initial draft, made illustrations and performed a literature search. J.W.M.B. contributed to the writing, overall outline and revisions. Both authors reviewed and approved all versions of this manuscript.

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Correspondence to Jeff W. M. Bulte.

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J.W.M.B. declares that he is a paid scientific advisory board member and shareholder of SuperBranche. This arrangement has been reviewed and approved by the Johns Hopkins University in accordance with its conflict-of-interest policies. A.S-Z. declares no competing interests.

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Shakeri-Zadeh, A., Bulte, J.W.M. Imaging-guided precision hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparticles. Nat Rev Bioeng (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44222-024-00257-3

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