Discover people named Mariet Mattsdotter

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Mariet Andersson Drake Flodahl (born Mattsdotter) was born on month day 1713, in birth place.
Mariet married Helje Andersson on month day 1734, at age 21 in marriage place.
Helje was born in 1701, in birth place.
Mariet then married Nils Andersson Drake Flodahl in Before 1749, at age 35 in marriage place.
Nils was born in month 1713, in birth place.
Mariet passed away on month day 1749, at age 35 in death place.
Mariet Larsson (born Mattsdotter) was born in 1701, in birth place.
Mariet married Augustin Larsson Sjöman on month day 1725, at age 24.
Augustin was born on month day 1702, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Jonas Augustinsson Dahlström, Karin Augustinsdotter and 4 other children.
Mariet passed away on month day 1768, at age 67 in death place.
Mariet Märit Margareta Christiersson Forsberg (born Mattsdotter) was born in 1668, in birth place.
Mariet had 11 siblings: Karin Mattsdotter, Åke Mattsson and 9 other siblings.
Mariet married Jacob Christiersson Forsberg in 1688, at age 20 in marriage place.
Jacob was born in 1665, in birth place.
They had 11 children: Brita Olsen/Apeltun (born Jacobsdatter), Malin Fosberg- Hansson (born Jakobsdotter) and 9 other children.
Mariet passed away in 1702, at age 34 in death place.
Mariet Märit Margareta Christiersson Forsberg (born Mattsdotter) was born circa 1662, in birth place.
Mariet had 10 siblings: Åke Mattsson, Erik Mattsson and 8 other siblings.
Mariet married Jacob Christiersson Forsberg.
Jacob was born circa 1666, in birth place.
They had 10 daughters: Brita Johannesson (born Jacobsdotter), Malin Forsberg Hansson Bygdeå Bäck (born Jakobsdotter Gullmark Bygdeå) and 8 other children.
Mariet passed away circa 1702, at age 40 in death place.
Mariet Nilsson Forsberg (born Mattsdotter) was born on month day 1859.
Mariet had 5 siblings: Anna Anderssen Indal (born Mattsdotter), Kerstin Mattsdotter [Andersson] and 3 other siblings.
Mariet married Erik Nilsson Forsberg in 1877, at age 17.
Erik was born on month day 1854.
They had 9 children: Nils Forsberg [?Eriksson], Mattias Forsberg [? Eriksson] and 7 other children.
Mariet passed away.
Mariet Mattsdotter was born on month day 1707, in birth place.
Mariet had 4 siblings: Jon Mattzon Hallgren and 3 other siblings.
Mariet Philipsson (born Mattsdotter) married Mårten Philipsson.
They had one son: Göran Mårtensson.
Mariet passed away in death place.
Mariet ???? (born Mattsdotter) married Mårten ????.
They had one son: Göran Mårtensson.
Mariet passed away.
Mariet Mattsdotter (born Jonsson) was born in 1668, in birth place.
Mariet had 2 siblings: Sara Mattsdotter (born Jonsson) and one other sibling.
Mariet married Jacob Christiersson.
Jacob was born in 1666, in birth place.
They had 4 daughters: Malin Jacobsdotter (born Christiersson) and 3 other children.
Mariet passed away in Before 1740, at age 72 in death place.
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