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"... Jim Stem, mandodnn. Miss An nie McCarthy was first for ladles in the euchre, and MIr. Boughen. gentlemen. Consolation prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. McNamara and Mr. Jack Italia. Refreshmnents were served. Social.-Miss Lily Bels, Gxley, spent a few days as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. Bulow. air. and Mrs. Bowles and family spent part of their ..."
Publication place: Longreach, Queensland, Australia
Record image of Jack Italia

Jack Italia in Omaha daily bee. - ‎May 23 1915

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... the Medlcsl Adviser, The Hwift Ppe-cltlc Co., 102 Kwlfc Bids., Atlanta, (ia. It 1 worth while doing so. Jatk Hall I Ftr. Th Bait Lak club ha given Pitcher Jack Italia notice of reluas. LlOuPlillf and all drug and drink habits overcome by, the most modern and human treatment known to mankind. Call or address us for more detailsd Information or ..."
Publication place: Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska
Record image of Jack Italia

Jack Italia in Albuquerque morning journal. - ‎Sep 16 1911

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... ilayril twenty-one inning cutlers ilarkni' with l.os A utiles, toe tail-if the liauur toilay. WI1011 sloppoj the contest the score as 4 to 4. "Spider" Pcau of Sacramento, and Jack Italia, fotnu rly of Louisville, for the home team, were the opposing twirbrs. I'.eKlniiini; with the ninth, lia tun pitched ciK-it Innings without aHowiiiu a hit. From the ninth to the ..."
Publication place: Albuquerque, Bernalillo, New Mexico
Record image of Jack Italia

Jack Italia, born Circa 1860

1880 United States Federal Census
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Jack Italia was born circa 1860, in birth place.
Personal Info
Jack lived in 1880, in address, Connecticut.
His occupation was a occupation.
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