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Henrika Joonasdotter was born on month day 1856, in birth place.
Henrika married Jeremias Eriksson.
Jeremias was born on month day 1842, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Jeremias Kilpi, Ida Maria Jeremiasdotter and 6 other children.
Henrika passed away on month day 1913, at age 57 in death place.
Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1818, in birth place.
Henrika had 5 siblings: Elias Andersson, Johanna Andersson and 3 other siblings.
Henrika married Henrik Annasson.
Henrik was born on month day 1816, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Emanuel Annasson, Carl Annasson and 5 other children.
Documents of Henrika Annasson
Anna Hinrica Eliasson in Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
Anna Hinrica Eliasson was born on month day 1818.
Anna was baptized on month day 1818, in baptism place.
Henrika Josefina Puraslahti (born Gustafsdottir) was born on month day 1854, in birth place.
Henrika married Anders Gustaf Puraslahti (born Annasson) on month day 1872, at age 18 in marriage place.
Anders was born on month day 1827, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Hilda Sofia Puraslahti, Antti Vilhelm Puraslahti and 4 other children.
Henrika passed away on month day 1887, at age 32 in death place.
Henrika Annasson (born Mattsdr.) was born on month day 1831.
Henrika married Jeremias Annasson.
Jeremias was born on month day 1837, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Serafia Jeremiasdotter and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Henrika lived in between 1855 and 1866, in address.
Henrika passed away on month day 1868, at age 36 in death place.
Record image of Henrika

Henrika, born 1868

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrika Annasson, Johansdotter, Johantytär was born on month day 1868.
Henrika had 7 siblings: David Annasson Johansson Johanpoika, Anna Maja Annasson Johansdotter Johantytär and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Henrika lived in between 1851 and 1871, in address.
Record image of Henrika Sofia

Henrika Sofia, born 1845

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrika Sofia Annasson, Mattsdotter, Mattstytär was born on month day 1845.
Henrika had 3 siblings: Anna Lesa Annasson Mattsdotter Mattstytär and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Henrika lived in between 1844 and 1857, in address.
Record image of Henrika

Henrika, born 1855

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrika Annasson, Emanuelsdotter, Emanueltytär was born on month day 1855.
Henrika had 3 siblings: Wilhelmina Annasson Emanuelsdotter Emanueltytär and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Henrika lived in between 1851 and 1855, in address.
Record image of Henrika

Henrika, born 1856

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Henrika Annasson, Gustafsdotter, Gustaftytär was born on month day 1856.
Henrika had 3 siblings: Gustaf Adolf Annasson Gustafsson Gustafpoika and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Henrika lived in between 1850 and 1857, in address.
Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1850.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1850, in baptism place.
Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1862.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1862, in baptism place.
Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1837.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1837, in baptism place.
Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1843.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1843, in baptism place.
Record image of Henrika Annasson

Henrika Annasson, born 1849

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1849.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1849, in baptism place.
Record image of Henrika Annasson

Henrika Annasson, born 1848

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1848.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1848, in baptism place.
Record image of Henrika Annasson

Henrika Annasson, born 1842

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1842.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1842, in baptism place.
Record image of Henrika Annasson

Henrika Annasson, born 1838

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Henrika Annasson was born on month day 1838.
Henrika was baptized on month day 1838, in baptism place.
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