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Caterina Visocchi Iannaccone was born in 1912.
Caterina had 9 siblings: Luigi Visocchi, Filippo Visocchi and 7 other siblings.
Caterina married Florestano Iannaccone.
Florestano was born on month day 1906.
They had one child.
Caterina passed away in 1989, at age 77.
Caterina Iannaccone was born on month day 1821, in birth place.
Caterina had 3 siblings: Gaspare Pasquale Iannaccone and 2 other siblings.
Caterina passed away in death place.
Caterina Pescatore (born Iannaccone) was born in 1794, in birth place.
Caterina married Fiorentino Pescatore on month day 1813, at age 19 in marriage place.
Fiorentino was born on month day 1788, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Domenico Pasquale Pescatore, Filomena Pescatore and 7 other children.
Caterina Iannaccone (born Sanseverino) was born on month day 1765, in birth place.
Caterina married Modestino Iannaccone.
Modestino was born on month day 1760, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Carmela Montefusco (born Iannaccone) and one other child.
Caterina Iannaccone (born del Prete) married Raffaele Iannaccone.
They had one daughter: Maria Costantina Russo (born Iannaccone).
Caterina passed away.
Caterina Festa (born Iannaccone) married Pasquale Festa.
They had one daughter: Arcangela Russo (born Festa).
Caterina passed away.
Maria Caterina Iannaccone (born Montesano) was born on month day 1889, in birth place, New York.
Maria had 4 siblings: Carmela Iannaccone (born Montesano) and 3 other siblings.
Maria married Ferdinand Iannaccone.
Ferdinand was born on month day 1887, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Catherine Ianaconne.
Maria passed away on month day 1983, at age 93 in death place, New York.
Caterina Iannaccone (born Pagano) was born in 1825, in birth place.
Caterina married Michele Iannaccone on month day 1866, at age 41 in marriage place.
Michele was born in 1812, in birth place.
Caterina Iandolo (born Iannaccone) was born in 1761.
Caterina married Giovanni Iandolo.
Giovanni was born in 1755.
They had 2 sons: Luigi Iandolo and one other child.
Caterina Venga (born Iannaccone) was born in birth place.
Caterina married Modestino Venga.
Modestino was born in birth place.
They had one daughter: Margarita della Bruna (born Venga).
Record image of Caterina Iannaccone

Caterina Iannaccone, born Circa 1884

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Caterina Iannaccone was born circa 1884.
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Caterina lived in address.
Record image of Caterina Iannaccone

Caterina Iannaccone

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Genealogy record of Caterina Iannaccone
Record image of Caterina Iannaccone (Dalessandro)

Caterina Iannaccone (Dalessandro)

New Jersey Marriage Licenses, 1915-2017
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Emil Dalessandro married Caterina Iannaccone in 1917, in marriage place, New Jersey.
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