Exponent Range: to+ above minimum exponent Output results in HTML format Output results in text-only format Output results in plain-text format Show full details (current assignment, history, LL residues) Include full ECM history (every "NF-ECM" result, slow) Include ancient history logs (1997-2007, slow) Include expired assignments Show software version in historyGet statusMnStatusDetails214161709Composite: 1 known prime factor FactoredFactorDigitsBitsDate685228398406545953352312375.92024-11-27 15:54:59 HistoryDateUserTypeResult2024-11-27SRBaseFFactor: 68522839840654595335231 / TF: 75-76*2023-05-19SRBaseNFno factor from 2^74 to 2^752018-07-06SRS TechnologyNFno factor from 2^73 to 2^742018-06-06SRS TechnologyNFno factor from 2^72 to 2^732018-06-06SRS TechnologyNFno factor from 2^71 to 2^722018-06-06SRS TechnologyNFno factor from 2^70 to 2^712018-06-06SRS TechnologyNFno factor from 2^69 to 2^702017-12-09rmaximusNFno factor from 2^68 to 2^692016-08-29XZTNFno factor from 2^67 to 2^682013-01-23america64NFno factor from 2^66 to 2^672012-07-07america64NFno factor from 2^65 to 2^662011-05-24Lukin DmitryNFno factor from 2^64 to 2^65