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Gift: Meaning, Tax Considerations, and Examples

Lesbian couple celebrating at wedding with gifts Lesbian couple celebrating at wedding with gifts

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What Is a Gift?

A gift is property, money, or assets that one person gives to another while receiving nothing or less than fair market value (FMV) in return. Under certain circumstances, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) collects a tax on gifts. Transfers of money or property that are given freely or exchanged for less than market value may be subject to the gift tax if the donor has exceeded the lifetime gift exemption. For 2024, the lifetime gift exemption is $13.61 million.

Key Takeaways

  • A gift is an offering of money or assets made by one person to another in which nothing of comparable value is given, or expected to be given, in return.
  • Most gifts are tax-free for both the donor and the recipient, but certain gifts—if they exceed the lifetime gift tax exemption ($13.61 million in 2024, or $12.92 million in 2023)—will be taxed.
  • Gifts that are made after the donor has already surpassed the lifetime gift exemption would incur taxes.
  • Estate planning and other financial planning that involves the strategic giving of gifts can make it possible for an individual or couple to save on gift taxes.

Gifts and Taxes

The gift tax doesn't apply to relatively small gifts. That is, you would only need to worry about the gift tax kicking in if you give a gift that is worth a substantial amount. In 2024, that amount is $13.61 million. That's the lifetime gift tax exemption amount.

There is, however, a much smaller annual amount—the annual gift tax exclusion—that, if exceeded, must be reported to the IRS. This annual amount itself isn't taxable, as it doesn't equal the lifetime exemption amount, but gifts exceeding the annual amount do need to be reported to the IRS using Form 709.

For the 2024 tax year, the annual gift tax exclusion is $18,000 for an individual who's giving a gift and $36,000 for a married couple filing jointly who's giving a gift. (In 2023, the annual exclusion amounts for individuals and married couples filing jointly were $17,000 and $34,000, respectively.) The thresholds are applied to each person who is the recipient of a gift, meaning as an individual, you could give up to $18,000 each to several people without tax consequences in 2024, as long as you don't exceed the lifetime gift exemption amount ($13.61 million in 2024).

Giving an individual a gift that exceeds the annual gift tax limit in a single year ($18,000 in 2024) means you have to fill out a gift tax form when filing your returns, but it doesn't mean you have to pay taxes—unless you've exceeded the lifetime limit ($13.61 million in 2024).

Special Considerations

If you receive a gift, you generally aren't required to report it as income.

Gifts of any amount to spouses or political organizations, and payments of tuition and medical expenses on behalf of others, are generally not taxable as gifts. In the case of gifts used for medical or educational expenses, the gifts must be paid directly to the hospital, school, or other providers in order for the tax exclusion limits to be inapplicable.


Let's say Melinda and Bonnie are getting married. They might ask their wedding guests to transfer funds to an account to support their honeymoon. On the day of the wedding, some relatives might bring envelopes full of cash with them to the reception.

As long as the fair market value of each gift, made either in cash or any other format, does not exceed $18,000 in 2024 (or $17,000 in 2023), the gift doesn't need to be reported to the IRS. And that's if the gift was given by a single individual—if it was given by a married couple who files their taxes jointly, the limit is $36,000 in 2024 (or $34,000 in 2023). If a gift does exceed this amount, then the gift givers (not the newlyweds) would report the gift using Form 709.

Estate planning can help wealthy individuals avoid paying gift taxes. By making financial gifts strategically, it is possible for an individual or couple to bestow quite a bit of money in financial gifts without incurring a large tax bill.

Consider another example. Suppose Steven's father gifts him $13 million on his 17th birthday in 2023. The gift is subject to taxes because it exceeds the $12.92 million lifetime tax exemption limit for 2023.

Finally, consider the example of Rachel, a mother who gifts her son $18,000 each year, starting on his first birthday. She continues the practice until her son turns 25. This gift does not need to be reported to the IRS because it does not exceed the annual or lifetime gift tax limits.

What Is the IRS Gift Limit for 2023 and 2024?

The 2024 annual exclusion limit for gifts is $18,000. For 2023, the limit was $17,000. This number applies to each donee. For example, in 2024 a parent may gift $18,000 to each of their three children without needing to report it to the IRS.

How Do I Avoid the Gift Tax?

To avoid getting taxed on gifts, it is useful to give under the lifetime gift tax exemption limit. In 2024, the lifetime gift tax exemption limit is $13.61 million. In 2023, the lifetime gift tax exemption limit was $12.92 million.

A gift of tuition, if paid directly to the school, is not considered a taxable gift. (It doesn't count against the lifetime gift tax exemption limit.) Medical expenses paid directly to the hospital, gifts to spouses, and gifts to political organizations for their own use are treated the same way. They can be gifted in unlimited amounts.

Do I Have to Declare Gifts as Income?

Broadly speaking, receivers of gifts do not declare gifts to the IRS.

The Bottom Line

A gift differs from other types of financial vehicles, such as investments and loans, because a gift does not involve any expectation or obligation of repayment or a profit in return. A gift in its purest sense is given as a philanthropic gesture, as an act of generosity. A gift can also be given to a charitable organization so the donor can benefit from tax deductions.

In the eyes of the IRS, some gifts are tax-free for both the donor and the recipient, but certain gifts may be subject to taxes. In 2024, if you give a gift worth more than $18,000, you need to fill out Form 709. However, the gift isn't taxed unless you have exceeded the lifetime gift tax exemption limit. In 2024, that limit is $13.61 million.

Article Sources
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  1. Internal Revenue Service. "Form 709."

  2. Internal Revenue Service. "Frequently Asked Questions on Gift Taxes," Select "How Many Annual Exclusions Are Available?” and “What if My Spouse and I Want To Give Away Property That We Own Together?"

  3. Internal Revenue Service. "Estate Tax."

  4. Internal Revenue Service. "Instructions for Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return," Pages 1-3.

  5. Internal Revenue Service. "Instructions for Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return," Pages 2-3.

  6. Internal Revenue Service. "Frequently Asked Questions on Gift Taxes," Select "How Many Annual Exclusions Are Available?"

  7. Internal Revenue Service. "Frequently Asked Questions on Gift Taxes," Select "Who Pays the Gift Tax?"

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