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Public-images-osm logo.svg highway = motorway
Snelwegen zijn wegen die bedoeld zijn om je snel te verplaatsen. Show/edit corresponding data item.
Representatie in OSM Carto
Rendering-highway motorway carto.png
Groep: wegen
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Status: de facto

Een grote weg met beperkte toegang, normaal gesproken met twee of meer rijbanen en een vluchtstrook.

Snelwegen worden gebruikt om grote steden met elkaar te verbinden en om ervoor te zorgen dat er daartussen snel gereisd kan worden.

In de meeste gevallen is een snelweg een weg die in het midden is gescheiden door een berm of een vangrail.

Hoe te mappen

Map dual carriageway.png To map a simple motorway you can just draw a line for it. Select all ways which belong to the motorway and tag them with highway=motorway. Use oneway=yes when it is not possible to drive in both directions on the motorway. Make sure the way points in the same direction as the oneway goes.

In the case of a dual carriageway you should draw one line for each direction and tag each direction on their own.

Be sure to set the nodes for the each direction on the same high, this gives a much better result when the map will be rendered as well as indicates directly that both ways belong together.

To attach more information for the motorway you should add further keys.

  • maxspeed=Number indicates the maximum speed which is allowed
  • minspeed=Number indicates the minimum speed which need to be reached to use the motorway
  • name=Name of the motorway
  • ref=reference name for example A 1, E 22
  • lanes=Number to indicate how many lanes exist on the motorway

Motorways shall be added to a relation that concludes all ways belonging to one named motorway, see Relation.

Special situations

In the case you do not have a normal motorway you should take a look on these sites:

  • highway=motorway_link - The link roads (sliproads / ramps) leading to and from a motorway.
  • highway=motorway_junction - Indicates a junction (UK) or exit (US) ref should be set to the exit number or junction identifier.
  • bridge=yes - If the motorway goes over a bridge.
  • tunnel=yes - If the motorway goes through tunnel.

International equivalence

Country Description more
Australia Motorways, freeways, and freeway-like roads.
Divided roads with 2 or 3 lanes in each direction, limited access via interchanges, no traffic lights. Generally 100 or 110 km/h speed limit. For example: Hume Freeway.
Australian Roads Tagging
Austria Autobahn
Belarus автомагистраль (avtomagistral')
Belgium nl:autosnelweg fr:autoroute d:autobahn maxspeed=120 km/u
Brazil Auto-estrada
Czech Republic Dálnice: Dálnice, Silnice pro motorová vozidla: Silnice pro motorová vozidla WikiProject Czechia/roads tagging
Dominican Republic Autopista
France autoroute (A) Fr:Map Features
Italia Autostrada, compresi i raccordi autostradali come le tangenziali di Milano e il Grande Raccordo Anulare di Roma. It:Italian Roads Tagging
Germany Autobahn
Hungary Autópálya
Korea Divided, grade-separated highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction.
This includes all toll roads designated by a red and blue shield.
Netherlands Autosnelweg Kaart eigenschappen
Norway Stamvei: Motorvei kl A og kl B <br\ > NO road sign 502.svg NO road sign 503.svg
Russia автомагистраль (avtomagistral') NO road sign 502.svg RU:Map_Features:highway
Switzerland Autobahn / autoroute
UK motorway
US Divided, grade-separated highway with 2 or more lanes in each direction.
Access by ramps only. This includes all Interstate Highways and some US highways.


Picture/Description Tags Mapnik
Motorway with 3 lanes and separation

/>ref=A 4