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Online Payments
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
Track Payments
Payment Form for Employment Verification
Full Name of Employee to be Verified:
Month-Year in Which Resigned/Term Over/Retired:
Name of Verifying Company/Agency:
E-mail of Verifying Company/Agency:
Contact No:
GSTIN: (mandatory to take credit of GST)
Verification Company Type:
For Domestic Verification Company/Agency - INR 1500
For Overseas Verification Company/Agency - USD 25
Amount (Including 18% GST):
Pay Now
For information and queries on verifying appointments/service certificates issued by IIMA, please write to the "Verification Email ID" available at
Verification Request Page
Important Notice
All payments will be accepted in Indian Rupees (INR)
Additional transaction charges will be applicable as per BillDesk Payment Gateway Policy
Please ensure that you are not exceeding your online transaction limit set by your bank or credit/debit card issuing agency
Compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 and above or Firefox 3 and above.
Please don't use back or refresh buttons of your browser during the payment process.
Control will revert to IIMA site after successful payment.
Note down your transaction number for future reference and check your email.