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Zdeňka Urešová

Room 420
+420 951 554 361

Main Research Interests


Principal Investigator

Participation in Grants and Projects

  • 2020-2024  GAČR EXPRO project “LUSyD”: Language Understanding: from Syntax to Discourse; Lexical work package leader
  • 2020-2022  LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Research Infrastructure, language resources specification, annotation, maintenance, annotation leader 
  • 2014 JHU/CLSP Fred Jelinek Memorial PIRE Workshop http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/JHU-PIRE-workshop-2014
  • LINDAT-Clarin: Large infrastructural grant for language resources, MŠMT LM2010013, 2010-2013. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
  • KONTAKT II: Use of semantic information in machine translation, MŠMT LH12093, 2011-2014. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (travel support only.
  • KHRESMOI: Medical Information Analysis and Retrieval, IP of the 7th FP of the EU, FP7 – 257528, 2010-2014 Supported by: European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies.
  • KONTAKT: Multilingual annotation of linguistic data, MŠMT ME09008, 2009-2011. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (travel support only.
  • CCL (Center for Computational Linguistics), a virtual Center for joint research with the University of West Bohemia, Masaryk University of Brno, and the Institute of the Czech Language in Prague) MŠMT LC536, 2005-2011. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic
  • AMALACH: Making a large video archive of cultural heritage accessible by speech recognition and machine translation methods, DF12P01OVV022, 2012-2015. Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
  • INTLIB:(Intelligent Library), Intelligent document retrieval using language technologies. TA02010182, 2012-2016. Supported by: Technology Agency of The Czech Republic.
  • META-NET, Network of Excellence of the 7th FP of the EU - Building the Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance, FP7 - 249119, 2010-2013. Supported by: European Commission under the Information and Communication Technologies.
  • PRVOUK – Charles University Core Research Funding, 2012-2015. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
  • VÝZKUMNÝ ZÁMĚR: Modern Methods, Structures, and Systems of Computer Science, MSM0021620838, 2005-2010. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
  • Centrum komputační lingvistiky (Center of Excellence) - Center for Computational Linguistics, MŠMT LC536, 2005-2009. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.
  • Linguistic Data Laboratory (Laboratoř počítačového zpracování jazykových dat), MŠMT VS 96151, 1996-2000. Supported by: Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience

Since 2012  
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (Research Associate)
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (Research Assistant)
Freelance Translator

Education and Academic Carrier

2012 Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics, Charles University in Prague
Ph.D. thesis on Valency in the Prague Dependency Treebank (in Czech)
1985 PhDr. (MA) degree in Czech and German Philology, Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Arts

Selected Bibliography

Books and Chapters in Books


Journal Articles

Selected Conference and Workshop Papers

Technical Reports

  • Zdeňka Urešová, Eva Fučíková, Jan Hajič, Karolina Zaczynska (2021): Annotation guidelines for German verbal synonyms included in SynSemClass Lexicon (technical report). In: (pdfbibtex)
  • Mikulová Marie, Bémová Alevtina, Hajič Jan, Hajičová Eva, Havelka Jiří, Kolářová Veronika, Kučová Lucie, Lopatková Markéta, Pajas Petr, Panevová Jarmila, Ševčíková Magda, Sgall Petr, Štěpánek Jan, Urešová Zdeňka, Veselá Kateřina, Žabokrtský Zdeněk: Annotation on the tectogrammatical level in the Prague Dependency Treebank. Technical report no. 2007/3.1, ÚFAL, Charles University, 193 pp., May 2007
  • Cinková Silvie, Hajič Jan, Mikulová Marie, Mladová Lucie, Nedolužko Anja, Pajas Petr, Panevová Jarmila, Semecký Jiří, Šindlerová Jana, Toman Josef, Urešová Zdeňka, Žabokrtský Zdeněk:Annotation of English on the tectogrammatical level. Technical report no. 2006/35, UFAL MFF UK, 150 pp., Dec 2006
  • Hajič Jan, Mikulová Marie, Otradovcová Martina, Pajas Petr, Podveský Petr, Urešová Zdeňka: Pražský závislostní korpus mluvené češtiny. Rekonstrukce standardizovaného textu z mluvené češtiny. Technical report no. 2006/33, ÚFAL MFF UK, Prague, Czech Rep., 80 pp., Dec 2006
  • Mikulová Marie, Bémová Alevtina, Hajič Jan, Hajičová Eva, Havelka Jiří, Kolářová Veronika, Kučová Lucie, Lopatková Markéta, Pajas Petr, Panevová Jarmila, Razímová Magda, Sgall Petr, Štěpánek Jan, Urešová Zdeňka, Veselá Kateřina, Žabokrtský Zdeněk: Annotation on the tectogrammatical level in the Prague Dependency Treebank. Annotation manual. Technical report no. 2006/30, ÚFAL MFF UK, Prague, Czech Rep., 1287 pp., Dec 2006
  • Mikulová Marie, Bémová Alevtina, Hajič Jan, Hajičová Eva, Havelka Jiří, Kolářová Veronika, Kučová Lucie, Lopatková Markéta, Pajas Petr, Panevová Jarmila, Ševčíková Magda, Sgall Petr, Štěpánek Jan, Urešová Zdeňka, Veselá Kateřina, Žabokrtský Zdeněk: Annotation on the tectogrammatical level in the Prague Dependency Treebank. Reference book. Technical report no. 2006/32, ÚFAL MFF UK, Prague, Czech Rep., 193 pp., Dec 2006
  • Mikulová Marie, Bémová Alevtina, Hajič Jan, Hajičová Eva, Havelka Jiří, Kolářová Veronika, Kučová Lucie, Lopatková Markéta, Pajas Petr, Panevová Jarmila, Ševčíková Magda, Sgall Petr, Štěpánek Jan, Urešová Zdeňka, Veselá Kateřina, Žabokrtský Zdeněk: Anotace na tektogramatické rovině Pražského závislostního korpusu. Referenční příručka. Technical report no. 2006/31 ÚFAL MFF UK, Prague, Czech Rep., 183 pp., Dec 2006
  • Mikulová Marie, Bémová Alevtina, Hajič Jan, Hajičová Eva, Havelka Jiří, Kolářová Veronika, Lopatková Markéta, Pajas Petr, Panevová Jarmila, Razímová Magda, Sgall Petr, Štěpánek Jan, Urešová Zdeňka, Veselá Kateřina, Žabokrtský Zdeněk, Kučová Lucie: Anotace na tektogramatické rovině Pražského závislostního korpusu. Anotátorská příručka. Technical report no. 2005/TR-2005-28, ÚFAL MFF UK, Prague, ISSN 1214-5521, 1185 pp., 2005
  • Hajič Jan, Urešová Zdeňka, Bémová Alevtina, Kaplanová Marie: Anotace na tektogramatické rovině (úroveň 3). UFAL/CKL technical report, Technical report no. 2004/TR-2004-24, UFAL MFF UK, ISSN 1214-5521, 2004
  • Hajič Jan, Urešová Zdeňka, Bémová Alevtina, Kaplanová Marie: The Prague Dependency Treebank. Annotation on tectogrammatical level. UFAL/CKL technical report, Technical report no. 2004/TR-2004-25, UFAL MFF UK, ISSN 1214-5521, 2004
  • Hajič, J., Panevová, J., Buráňová, E., Urešová, Z. and Bémová, A: Annotation at analytical level: Instructions for annotators. (English translation by Z. Kirschner). Technical report. Prague: UFAL MFF UK. 1999
  • Jan Hajič, Jarmila Panevová, Eva Buráňová, Zdeňka Urešová, Alla Bémová, Jiří Kárník, Jan Štěpánek, Petr Pajas. Anotace an analytické rovině. Návod pro anotátory. Technical report. Prague: UFAL MFF UK. 1999
  • J. Hajič et al.: A Manual for Analytic Layer Tagging of the Prague Dependency Treebank (in Czech) UFAL Technical Report TR-1997-03, Charles University, Czech Republic, 1997

Others (mainly various talks, unpublished or only slides available)

  • Urešová Zdeňka (with Jan Hajič): LSA 2011 Workshop on the Prague Dependency Treebank, Linguistic Institute 2011 University of Colorado, Dept. of Linguistics, Boulder, CO, USA July - August 2011
  • Urešová Zdeňka: Valency approach applied in the PDT, Seminar, University of Colorado, Dept. of Linguistics Boulder, CO, USA, May 2009
  • Urešová Zdeňka: PDT-Vallex: valenční slovník trochu jinak, Internal workshop, Jazykovedný ústav Ľudovíta Štúra (JÚĽŠ) SAV, Bratislava, February 2009
  • Urešová Zdeňka: Diathesis and Transformations of Surface Expressions of Valency Arguments. Contributed talk, Third Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, Columbus, OH, USA, Jun 2008
  • Urešová Zdeňka: Valency in the family of Prague Dependency Treebanks. Talk, Seminar of the Natural Language Systems group, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Aug 2007

Complete list of bibliography

Public Releases of Linguistic Data

Listed below are datasets to which I have significantly contributed.