Automatic MWE Identification |
Project |
Czech–German Lexicon of Anaphoric Connectives |
Project |
CzeDLex - A Lexicon of Czech Discourse Connectives |
Project |
CzEngVallex - Czech and English verbal valency |
Project |
DeriNet |
Project |
EngVallex - English valency lexicon linked to corpora |
Project |
European Language Grid |
Project |
Lexical-semantic Annotation / SemLex Lexicon |
Project |
MorfFlex CZ |
Project |
NomVallex: Valency Lexicon of Czech Nouns and Adjectives |
Project |
Project |
Project |
Project |
PDT-Vallex: Valency Lexicon Linked to Czech Corpora |
Project |
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank |
Project |
Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank 3.0 |
Project |
Prague Dependency Treebank |
Project |
Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 |
Project |
Prague English Dependency Treebank |
Project |
QT21 |
Project |
Selected derivational relations for automatic processing of Czech |
Project |
Semantic Pattern Recognition |
Project |
Sentiment Analysis in Czech |
Project |
Shallow discourse parsing in Czech |
Project |
Slovakoczech NLP workshop |
Project |
Strojový překlad se sémantickou informací |
Project |
SynSemClass (formerly CzEngClass) |
Project |
Systematic, economical and corpus-based description of valency properties of Czech deverbal nouns (theory and practice) |
Project |
UniDive |
Project |
Uniform Meaning Representation for Czech |
Project |
Universal Derivations |
Project |
Universal Segmentations |
Project |
Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs VALLEX |
Project |
VPS-30-En: Verb Pattern Sample - 30 English |
Project |
VPS-GradeUp |
Project |
Combining Words: Syntactic Properties of Czech Multiword Expressions with Light Verbs |
Grant |
A comparison of Czech and English verbal valency based on corpus material (theory and practice) |
Grant |
A data-based approach to competition in word-formation: selected semantic categories across seven languages |
Grant |
Anaphoricity in Connectives: Lexical Description and Bilingual Corpus Analysis |
Grant |
Automatická analýza diskurzních vztahů v češtině |
Grant |
Centre for Language Research Infrastructure in the Czech Republic |
Grant |
Contextually-based synonymy and valency of verbs in a bilingual setting |
Grant |
Corpus-based Valency Lexicon of Czech Nouns |
Grant |
Czech non-verbal predicates motivated by nouns and their syntactic behavior |
Grant |
Delving Deeper: Lexicographic Description of Syntactic and Semantic Properties of Czech Verbs |
Grant |
Epistemic and Evidential Markers in Czech |
Grant |
Establishing and operating the Czech node of pan-European infrastructure for research (Vybudování a provoz českého uzlu pan-evropské infrastruktury pro výzkum) |
Grant |
Health in my Language |
Grant |
LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ Language Resources and Digital Arts and Humanities Research Infrastructure |
Grant |
Modeling Mopheme Flow among Languages |
Grant |
On Linguistic Structure of Evaluative Meaning in Czech |
Grant |
PARSEME: Parsing a víceslovné výrazy – k jazykovědné přesnosti a výpočetní efektivitě ve zpracování přirozeného jazyka |
Grant |
PARSEME: Parsing and Multiword Expressions |
Grant |
Quality Translation 21 |
Grant |
Sentence-Level Polarity Detection in a Computer Corpus |
Grant |
Strojový překlad se sémantickou informací |
Grant |
Systematic, economical and corpus-based description of valency properties of Czech deverbal nouns (theory and practice) |
Grant |
TextLink: Skladba diskurzu v evropských jazycích |
Grant |
Uniform Meaning Representation (UMR) |
Grant |
Valency of Non-verbal Predicates. An Extension of Valency Studies to Adjectives and Deadjectival Nouns. |
Grant |
VALLEX - Between Reciprocity and Reflexivity: The Case of Czech Reciprocal Constructions |
Grant |
Word-formation Relations Reflected in Noun Valency: The Case of Czech Deverbal and Deadjectival Nouns |
Grant |