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Waspinator (BW)/toys

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The universe loves Waspinator, so his toys get this page for themselves!



Beast Wars

BW-toy Waspinator.jpg Waspinatorjbwtoy.jpg
Left: An unlikely star is born. (Hasbro version)
Right: The Japanese version is more Playskool. (Takara version)
  • Waspinator (Deluxe, 1996/1997)
    • Takara name: Waspeeter
    • Takara ID number: D-3
    • Accessories: Launcher, 2 missiles
Part of the first wave of Beast Wars Deluxes, Waspinator transforms into a large organic wasp. His stinger separates to become a hand-held spring-loaded missile launcher for his robot mode; the bolts are stored on the underside of his insect-wings. His head is on a vertical column that rotates around a horizontal axle; each end has a different head, one "mutant", one "robot". The "mutant" head was used as the base for his CGI model, and thus the norm for his fictional portrayals.
The initial Hasbro release of Waspinator came on a "rocky bubble" style card that was quickly phased out for a "smooth bubble" card style in wave 2. Waspinator shipped in both styles, but the rocky-bubble release is much rarer and demands more money on the secondary market, if you're into that kinda thing.
The Takara version of Waspinator (released a year later) uses slightly brighter, more primary colors than the Hasbro version (save for slightly-darker gray plastic), as well as giving his "normal" robot head a white face.
This mold was later redecoed for a "Fox Kids" version, as well as both the Hasbro and Takara 10th anniversary versions of the character.
This mold was also used to make Buzz Saw and retooled into Dirgegun.
Beast Wars mold: Waspinator

Version 1:

  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-04 Waspeeter

Version 2:

Catbug is a cat but he's got bugness in his veins.
  • Saisoku no Taiketsu: Cheetus VS Waspeeter (VS pack, July 1997)
    • ID number: VS-3
    • Accessories: Launcher, 2 missiles
In Japan, Waspinator was available both separately and in a "Quickest Showdown" (最速の対決 Saisoku no Taiketsu) VS pack with Cheetor. Both toys are identical to their original (Japanese) releases.
Currently, it is unknown if the later "show-like" versions of the two toys were ever released in the VS set.

Contains a tiny bit of Starscream in every mold.
  • Waspinator (Deluxe Transmetal, 1998)
    • Takara name: Metals Waspeeter
    • Takara ID number: D-42
    • Accessories: Stinger-rifle
Now an almost completely robotic figure, Transmetal Waspinator transforms into a robotic wasp. He features a F-15-like jet mode, flipping and folding his wings into a fighter-jet configuration as well as flipping a cockpit/nosecone between his insect-head mandibles. Though he appears solid black at first glance, he is actually made of very dark transparent-black/green plastic.
The Takara version of this toy is almost completely identical, except the "WASPINATOR" tampograph on his wing was replaced with "DESTRON" and the Predacon sigil.
This mold was later redecoed for a "Fox Kids" version of the character. It was also slated for a Universe version of Waspinator, but that set was canceled.

  • Hayate no Taiketsu: Metals Cheetus VS Metals Waspeeter (VS pack, 1999)
    • ID number: VS-42
    • Accessories: Stinger-rifle
In Japan, Transmetal Waspinator was available both individually and in a "Gale Showdown" (疾風の対決 Hayate no Taiketsu) two-pack with Transmetal Cheetor. The two-pack version was unchanged from the normal individually-packaged one.

Do be a blue bee.
  • Waspinator (Deluxe, 1999)
    • Accessories: Launcher, 2 missiles
Part of the first wave of "FoxKids!" Deluxe redecoes, this toy has a radically different color scheme than the original, consisting primarily of slate blue and green-gold plastic, with dark blue (barely) translucent parts.
Hasbro solicitations for this toy gave it the name "Power Flight Waspinator",[1] but this name never made it to final packaging.
This toy's deco was later used for the non-toy character Buzzbomb.
Beast Wars mold: Waspinator

Version 1:

  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-04 Waspeeter

Version 2:

Why FoxKidzzzz hate Waspinator?
  • Waspinator (Deluxe Transmetal, 2000)
    • Accessories: Stinger-rifle
Transmetal Waspinator was redecoed for the fourth wave of 2000's "Fox Kids!" Transmetals, the only new toy in that wave. His deco bears more than a passing resemblance to that of Buzz Saw (just ignore the name tampographed on his wing).
This toy was later repurposed as Shattered Glass Waspinator, and the deco was used as the basis for the BotCon 2015 Timelines Mudfighter toy.

Universe (2003)

Wazzpinator... purple?
  • Nightprowler vs. Waspinator (Halloween Horrorcon Value Pack, 2004?)
For a brief time, Hasbro's official website checklist featured listings for two "Halloween Horrorcon Value Packs" that were to be Wal-Mart exclusives... which also likely explains why they were canceled. (Wal-Mart had taken a good half-dozen exclusives and released them more-or-less simultaneously, leading to a huge glut. A lot of other Transformers exclusives were canceled during the Universe era.)
In 2004, several test-shots appeared on eBay in a group, among them the Transmetal Waspinator toy with opaque-salmon wings and lavender insect legs. This, presumably, was to have been the Universe incarnation of Waspinator, as the other toys in the group line up with the names given for the two Halloween sets. He was to come in a "Vs." two-pack with the presumably-Autobot character Nightprowler.
This toy's deco was later used for the Timelines Parasite and Legacy Skywasp toys.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Beast Wars 10th Anniversary

Finally Waspinator come with pieces that aren't Waspinator's!
  • Waspinator (Beast Wars 10th Anniversary, 2006)
    • Accessories: Launcher, 2 missiles, Transmutate's head
This toy is a slight redeco of the first Waspinator toy to make it closer to Waspinator's cartoon appearance, replacing the gray with green and adding extra gold paint applications. He came with the head to Transmutate plus a DVD with the episode "Possession".
Beast Wars mold: Waspinator

Version 1:

  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-04 Waspeeter

Version 2:


This works surprisingly well on many levels.
  • Darksyde Megatron and Darksyde Waspinator (Bagged set, 2006)
    • Accessories: 2-part rifle
Available exclusively at the BotCon 2006 event itself, this Timelines two-pack represents Waspinator and Megatron before the events of the Beast Wars show. "Darksyde Waspinator" is a Basic-sized figure, originally used for Machine Wars Skywarp and Thundercracker, which autotransforms to robot mode from a Dassault Rafale fighter jet. (One can surmise, however, that it is meant to represent a Cybertronic design in this case.) His rifle splits into two pieces, which store in the backs of his lower legs. Only 500 of this figure were released.
Generation 2 mold: Thundercracker
  • Hasbro:
  • Robots in Disguise (2001) Skyfire
  • Fun Publications:
  • Takara:
  • Beast Wars D-14 Dirge

Wazzpinator hatez the Fly.
  • Thrustinator (TFSS 2.0, 2014)
    • TFSS2 number: 3
    • Accessories: missile launcher, 2 missiles
Part of the Transformers Collectors' Club Figure Subscription Service 2.0, Timelines Thrustinator is the Deluxe-sized Dirgegun tooling with a retooled head, now redecoed to look like an amalgam of Waspinator and Thrust. His stinger becomes a hand-held spring-loaded missile launcher; the missiles are hidden in each of his wings. These missiles can also be used in the launcher mounted on his beast mode back. This mold has a pop-up gun in place of the mutant head found on the original, meaning you have to flip his head down if you want to use this feature in robot mode.
The original version of Dirgegun's mold was, of course, used for like a dozen Waspinators and a Buzz Saw.
Beast Wars mold: Waspinator

Version 1:

  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-04 Waspeeter

Version 2:

Beast Wars Telemocha Series

Waspinator now comes with more ball-joints for easy disassembly. Recreate your favorite moments from the show!
  • Waspeeter (Deluxe, 2007)
    • Japanese ID number: TM-04
    • Accessories: Launcher, 2 missiles
This toy is a ridiculously-extensively-painted redeco of the first Waspinator toy to make it almost completely show-accurate to Waspinator's cartoon appearance (forgiving mold issues and unpaintable plastic, of course).
He came with a DVD of the episode "The Aerial Mountain Explodes", the Japanese dub of "Power Surge".
Beast Wars mold: Waspinator

Version 1:

  • Beast Wars Telemocha Series TM-04 Waspeeter

Version 2:


Special feature: can be torn to pieces and be instantly reassembled, just like the cartoon!
  • Waspinator (Micro-Changer, 2012)
    • Bag number: 21451 2
    • Accessories: Small pistol
Part of a six-figure "preview" wave of Micro-Changer Kreons, Waspinator is a blindpacked bagged mini-figure. He comes with extra parts which help him form a crude wasp form. He has big purple bug-eyes hidden under his visor, and a chest deco of a wasp-head like the original Beast Wars Waspinator (complete with Predacon faction symbol!), which is normally hidden by his armor.
He uses Jazz's helmet. His body armor, wings and "insect legs" come from the Battleship sets; the armor is simply for the US soldier Kreons, the wings are swim flippers, while his "legs" are rifle supports, which are also used for Scorponok's beast mode legs.


As an exorcist, Skywarp's strategy was to just push both of them down a flight of stairs.
  • Starscream & Waspinator (Legends Class, 2013)
    • Series / Number: 02 / #003
    • Accessories: 2 null ray cannons
Part of the fourth wave of 2012-onwards Generations Legends Class toys, Thrilling 30 Waspinator comes with Starscream in homage to the Beast Wars episode, "Possession". Waspinator can transform into a wasp, a robot with 3 mm-compatible hands, and a gun with a 5 mm handle. He has an autotransformation feature that folds up his wings when his gun barrel is extended.
Generations mold: Waspinator (Legends Class partner)
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:

"Wazzpinator and Fandom happy at last!"
  • Waspinator (Deluxe Class, 2013)
    • Series / Number: 02 / #008
    • Accessories: stinger/gun
Waspinator is a Deluxe Class sculpt that is proof that there is indeed a God, and that He loves fans of Beast Wars. His design is based on his classic appearance in the Beast Wars cartoon, but he can pass for his appearance in IDW's Robots in Disguise comics if you want! His gimmick is that pressing a button on his back makes his wings beat.
Due to the use of standardized 5 mm peg holes for his hands, Waspinator is capable of wielding the smaller version of himself that came in the Legends Class two-pack with Starscream in weapon mode.
The version released in the United States comes with a reprint of IDW Publishing's Robots in Disguise issue #19 sporting an exclusive cover. The versions released in Canada and Latin America come without the comic.
Multiple reports indicate that the thin plastic parts used for the hinge joints required for the transformation of his shoulders have a tendency to develop cracks very quickly, sometimes straight out of the packaging. Thus far, there have been no reports of actual breakage, though.
Oddly, the instructions (in the Hasbro release at least) fail to mention separating the two halves of the beast mode head when creating the robot mode chest. Indeed, the line-art depicts the robot mode chest with the two pieces closed, completely obscuring the underlying 'breast bone' section.
This mold was redecoed into BotCon 2015's four Waruder mechs, Storm Rider, Paralyzer, Parasite, and Mudfighter, the latter of which is also prepurposed/repurposed as Shattered Glass Waspinator.
Generations mold: Waspinator (Deluxe Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:

Generations (Japan)

No additional yellow and black paint operations? SHAME ON YOU, TakaraTomy!
  • Megatron & Starscream (Multi-pack, December 28, 2013)
    • Japanese ID number: TG-28
    • Accessories: 2 null ray cannons
The TakaraTomy Generations release of Legends Class Waspinator is redecoed in darker shades of green and features silver eyes in robot mode instead of blue. He and Starscream were only available in a two-pack with Megatron and Chop Shop.
Generations mold: Waspinator (Legends Class partner)
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:

The Japanese Generations release of Hasbro Generations Waspinator is cast in different colors, replacing the two brighter shades of green with a dark metallic green, and features metallic gold paint instead of yellow.
Generations mold: Waspinator (Deluxe Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:


You will never be happy. There will always be a better Waspinator.
  • Waspeeter[3] (Deluxe, 2016-05-07)
    • ID number: LG-EX
    • Accessories: gun/stinger
Legends Waspeeter is a redeco of Generations Deluxe Class Waspinator, exclusive to Transformers Fes2016. Unlike the previous TakaraTomy version of the toy, it tones down the metallic plastic finish, most noticeably changing its gold to yellow. It also paints the bee stripes on the robot head's antenna. The toy comes packaged with a Waspinator edition mini-comic, "Legends Comic: Bonus Edition Vol. EX".
Generations mold: Waspinator (Deluxe Class)
  • Hasbro:
  • Fun Publications:
  • TakaraTomy:

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

At last! Yellow shoulder circles!
  • Waspinator (Deluxe Class, 2021)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-K34
    • TakaraTomy ID number: KD-20
    • TakaraTomy release date: June 25, 2022
    • Accessories: Stinger blaster
Part of the fourth wave of Kingdom Deluxe Class figures, Waspinator transforms from a show-accurate robot into a "realistic" wasp in 20 steps. This figure's engineering and sculpting are based largely on that of the previous Thrilling 30 Deluxe Class toy. The show model's iridescent details are represented as clear purple plastic. Waspinator's weapon is concealed in his abdomen and has sculpting on its underside to resemble his show model's pistol (though its lack of transformation and color separation results in an unaltered wasp stinger from most angles). His insect-leg kibble has moved around compared to the show model: his rear four insect legs are now attached to his robot mode's shins, meaning his forearms only have one leg each as opposed to two. The wasp legs on his, er, legs, can point down so his robot feet and wasp feet are level with each other. In beast mode, he features a movable head, swiveling mandibles, antennae, legs, and ball-jointed wings, so they can point up in robot mode. He also has far more 5 mm ports for the C.O.M.B.A.T. System\F.O.S.S.I.L. Technology compared to his Beast Wars compadres.
Along with his wave mate Shadow Panther, Waspinator lacks the cave painting depicting his beast mode on the back of the box. Also like his wave-mate, his metal pins are black. Waspinator comes with one of four possible holographic Golden Disk cards for his wave, which reveals a possible destiny of a key character.
Waspinator was first found in September 2021 at Irion Toystore in Chile,[4] prior to an official reveal.
This figure was redecoed into Buzzworthy Bumblebee Skywasp and retooled into Legacy Buzzsaw.

Beast Wars Again

  • Shunsoku no Taiketsu (October 28, 2023)
    • ID number: BWVS-03
    • Accessories: Stinger blaster
Released as part of the Beast Wars Again line, the "Instant Showdown" (瞬速の対決) set contains Waspeeter and Cheetus. Waspeeter is a redeco of Kingdom Waspinator in more cartoon-accurate colors.

Released as part of the Beast Wars Again line, the "Phantom Showdown" (幽幻の対決) set pits "Haunted Waspeeter" against "Ghost Starscream". Haunted Waspeeter is another use of Kingdom Waspinator in darker colors, and using Decepticon insignia to represent his possession by Starscream in the Beast Wars episode "Possession".


Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game

  • Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)
Waspinator was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game.

First 4 Figures

Talk about a wasp waist.
  • Waspinator (2006 unreleased)
This was to be a 7-or-8-inch tall resin bust of Waspinator released as part of a Beast Wars tenth anniversary series by model company First 4 Figures. Waspinator is depicted from the waist and upwards (give or take his large abdomen sticking out behind) and mounted on a Predacon-branded stone column. He is sculpted to be accurate to his Beast Wars cartoon design, including the tiny little "cheated" depictions of his wasp legs on his forearms. Waspinator was first revealed to the public as a digital render on the First 4 Figures website in March 2006,[5] after having been shown to toy news sites at New York Toy Fair the previous month.[6] He put in an appearance in the form of an unpainted prototype at San Diego Comic-Con in 2006.[7]
Mini busts in the planned Beast Wars line were designed to reflect the scale of the characters as seen in the cartoon, and each was set to be limited to 1,996 pieces, in a nod to the franchise's year of origin.[6] Waspinator was at one stage expected to ship in September 2006, likely as the third release in the line given his full render being solicited to the public. Unfortunately, he and the rest of the Beast Wars bust line were cancelled, with First 4 Figures citing a challenging marketplace and lack of retailer interest.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Robot Heroes

Do we want to know what that is gushing out of his butt?
  • Rhinox & Waspinator (Two-pack, 2008)
Waspinator was released in the second wave of Universe Robot Heroes packed with Rhinox as part of the "Beast Wars Series". An amalgam of toy and television show depictions, Waspinator has articulation at the neck and shoulders. He suspends himself in the air on a strong stream of fluid launching from his butt. (Okay, it's probably supposed to be a compressed air jet or something, but look at it. Eyuw.)

Prime 1 Studio

Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Optimus Primal.jpg
  • Optimus Primal (2017)
    • ID Number: PMTFBW-01 / 01EX (exclusive)
Prime 1 Studio Premium Masterline Optimus Primal is a highly detailed statue of Primal's robot mode posing over the bits of a destroyed Waspinator.

Jada Toys

Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

  • Transformers Series 3 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
Released by Jada Toys, Nano Metalfigs Waspinator is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing an action pose. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He is marketed as a Decepticon instead of a Predacon and comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

Transformers Character Card

Transformers Character Card Waspinator and Cheetor.jpg
  • Cheetus & Waspeeter Set (June, 2024)
    • ID number: 87 & 88
Released as part of the twelfth wave of the e-HOBBY exclusive Transformers Character Card series, this pair of holographic trading cards depict super-deformed art of the "Cheetus" and "Waspeeter" along with character profiles and tech specs.

Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.



  1. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.toys.transformers/C30fV9dqOK0/gPO8D3N_PAUJ
  2. "First up is the Botcon 2006 Dawn of Future's Past set. I did concepts for the set & came up with the ideas for a few including Megatron & Primal. I've sadly lost the mock ups of Waspinator, Buzzsaw & Laserbeak. After mock ups, they went to Fub Pub to finalize colors and design."—Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
  3. ワスピーター (Waspeeter) is written on the packaging in Japanese text, but the accompanying English subtitle is "Waspinator"
  4. "These figures (part of Kingdom Wave 4 Deluxe) showed up out of nowhere at Irion Toystore, a single Toystore at Santiacho, Chile."
  5. Waspinator's digital render is revealed on First 4 Figures' website (archived)
  6. 6.0 6.1 "First4Figures Limited Transformers Statues and Busts Info!" at ASMzine.com (archived)
  7. Tformers.com's SDCC 2006 gallery
  8. Post by Randy Para (Powered Convoy) on The Allspark Forums, 6 May 2022
    "Looks like Parasite / Skywasp comes with the Buzzsaw head too. The TCC was planning on including new heads with the Waruder sets they still had and categorizing them as new characters. Skywasp would have had a new Buzzsaw head (as would the others). It was going to be black with a dark gray face and yellow eyes. The eyes would have the outlines of eyes painted on it like the original Seeker eye stickers for Skywarp. This is where those last day bios came from despite the plans for the new heads falling through."
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