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Rhinox (BW)/toys

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Transformers Legends LG EX Rhinox.jpg

If there is a rhinoceros Transformers toy, it is probably one of Rhinox.



Beast Wars

Hasbro version pictured
Slightly more real-world accurate. (Takara version pictured)
  • Rhinox (Deluxe, 1996 / 1997)
    • Takara ID number: C-7
    • Takara release date: October ??, 1997
    • Accessories: "Rotor spinner", sawblade, 2 flails, tail-sword
Part of the second wave of Hasbro Beast Wars Deluxes for 1996, Rhinox transforms from a Samurai-styled robot (a concept that the TV show would not utilize) into an organic white rhinoceros (white as in the type of rhinoceros, not color of the toy). The two panels mounted on either side of his head close together to form his "mutant" battle mask, which must be done to get his noggin to fit into his beast mode.
In robot mode, his primary weapon is a spinning blade-gun/double mace-thing/lawn edge trimmer, though the television series liberally reinterpreted this weapon as a sort of Gatling gun (nicknamed by fans as a "Chaingun of Doom"—a term which was subsequently adopted by Hasbro and TakaraTomy in a couple of variations). All four parts store away inside his beast mode: the main body/"rotor spinner" stores in his stomach (though this compresses the spring inside so it's not a good idea to leave it in there for long-term storage), the sawblade pegs onto his spine under the beast-mode plating, and each chain-flail pegs into holes inside his beast mode rhino-mold flank-plates. His tail also detaches to become a blade.
Takara released Rhinox in the second wave of their Beast Wars line. This version changed the Hasbro version's darker-brown spraypaint on the rhino skin to thick, stony-gray paint, and changed his beast-mode eyes to black. Why they changed the overspray to gray is uncertain, as this made him even less like his show coloration.
Bizarrely, there is a running change with Takara Rhinox, where his tan plastic has been replaced with a darker shade (pictured at right), which really makes the gray paint pop out more.[1] It is possible —but unconfirmed— that one of these variants was done as part of the big "redeco the show characters" re-release wave of January 1998.

  • Deluxe Beast Assortment (Rhinox / Blackarachnia) (Two-pack, 1996)
    • Accessories: "Rotor spinner", sawblade, 2 flails, tail-sword
Rhinox was also available alongside Blackarachnia in a two-pack card sold exclusively at BJ's Wholesale Club.
Both toys are identical to their original releases. As in, they're exactly the original releases, packaging and all, just fitted into a larger cardboard sleeve.

  • Kōya no Taiketsu: Rhinox VS Shadow Panther (Multi-pack, 1997)
    • ID number: VS-7
    • Release date: October ??, 1997
    • Accessories: Rotating mechanism, sawblade, 2 flails, tail-sword
In Japan, Rhinox was available both as an individual release, and in a "Wilderness Showdown" (荒野の対決) two-pack with the Takara-toyline-original Predacon Shadow Panther.
Both toys are identical to their individual releases, and it appears that both variants of Rhinox were available in VS packs as well.

  • Gold Rhinox (Multi-pack "Lucky Draw", 1998)
    • Accessories: "Rotor spinner", sawblade, 2 flails, tail-sword
A one-of-a-kind, all-gold-chromed version of Rhinox was awarded in Japan for a TV Magazine contest. Where he was part of a set of other gold Beast Wars toys of the 5 main Maximals characters.

Hasbro version pictured
Takara version pictured
  • Rhinox (Deluxe Transmetal, 1998)
    • Takara ID number: C-44
    • Takara release date: September ??, 1999
    • Accessories: Horn dagger/pistol
Released in the Transmetals subline of the third year of Beast Wars, Rhinox now transforms from a robotic rhinoceros with shiny chrome into a distinctly organic-looking robot mode. He also has a third "beast-vehicle" mode, which adds flip-out skis/skids to his rhino forelegs and brings down his rear legs as tank treads, turning him into a rhinoceros-shaped snowmobile-like thing. Unfortunately, this vehicle mode lacks any kind of functional wheels, which means "rolling" it around is a great way to scrape plastic off the toy.
In robot mode, he is armed with only his beast mode horn, which becomes a hand-held gun/blade. The panels of his chest can open up to reveal a heat-sensitive energon chip revealing a Maximal sigil.
In the Hasbro line, early releases of the toy had a much paler aqua-colored body chrome than later versions; the chrome "gears" on the beast shoulders/hips were the darker, richer blue of the later releases. Such chrome differences were fairly common among the Transmetals, but the pale/rich-chrome Rhinoxes seem to be the most common and most likely intentional change.
Takara released Transmetal Rhinox in the first wave of 1999's very short-lived Beast Wars Metals line. This release has gold chrome instead of the aqua-blue, and replaces the "RHINOX" tampograph with "CYBERTRON" and the Maximal faction sigil. He also comes with a nifty lenticular bio card, showing off his multiple modes.
This mold was retooled slightly to make Armada Rhinox.

VS44 Strength Showdown.jpg
  • Gōriki no Taiketsu: Metals Rhinox VS Metals Tarans (VS set, 1999)
    • ID number: VS-44
    • Release date: September ??, 1999
    • Accessories: Horn dagger/pistol
In Takara's Metals line, "Metals Rhinox" was also available in a "Strength Showdown" (剛力の対決) VS set with Metals Tarans. Both toys are identical to their individual releases.

Repurpose this as Shattered Glass Rhinox. You know it'd be awesome.
  • Rhinox (Deluxe, 1999)
    • Accessories: "Rotor spinner", sawblade, 2 flails, tail-sword
Part of the first wave of "Fox Kids" Deluxe redecoes, this toy uses the original Rhinox mold in off-white and dark burgundy, with a strange midnight-blue splotching on his beast mode.
Hasbro documents listed this toy as "Energon Surge Rhinox",[2] a name that never made it to the final package.
This assortment was exclusive to Toys"R"Us stores in the US.

It's Morphin' Time! Triceratops!
  • Rhinox (Deluxe Transmetal, 2000)
    • Accessories: Horn dagger
Released in the first wave of the final year of mass-retail Beast Wars product (sold concurrently with the early releases of Beast Machines), Transmetal Rhinox got a "Fox Kids"-branded redeco in blues, grays and bright chrome green.

Merciful death.
  • Beast Wars (Fast food premium, 2001)[3]
Available only as part of a Hasbro-brand-names fast food promotion (which otherwise included miniature versions of Hasbro properties Cootie, Mr. Potato Head, & Twister), and labeled simply as "Beast Wars", this toy is an extremely simplified version of the Transmetal Rhinox toy, available only at participating Rally's and Checkers restaurants.
Despite it being... well, look at it... it goes for mad money on the secondary market. Or, more likely, because of look at it. Most people didn't realize the promotion even existed until after it was over, and the restaurant chain is fairly small and somewhat regional.
For some reason, the baggie has a silhouette of Transmetal Tarantulas, Transmetal Megatron, and Inferno on it, derived from a scene in "Coming of the Fuzors (Part 2)".

Beast Wars 10th Anniversary

BW10Rhinox toy.jpg
  • Rhinox (Beast Wars 10th Anniversary, 2006)
    • Accessories: Rotating mechanism, sawblade, 2 flails, sword
For the 10th Anniversary of Beast Wars, Hasbro redecoed the original 1996 Rhinox toy in more show-accurate colours, giving him a darker beast mode colour scheme, and painted gold details on his robot mode head, to more closely match the CGI model. They also tampographed a Maximal sigil on his beast mode's right foreleg.
Also included was the lower torso and right leg to Transmutate, and a DVD of the Beast Wars episode "The Spark".
This version of Rhinox is assembled with his shoulders on the wrong sides, so the screws that hold them together are visible from the front of the robot.


"I only signed onto this crew so I could bulldoze some flowers *evil laugh*"
  • Dawn of Future's Past (Multi-pack, 2006)
    • Accessories: Launcher, missile, "Golden Disk Key"
A redeco of Cybertron Landmine, Timelines "Axalon Rhinox" transforms into a front-end loader, with pop-out blades in his rear tires that are revealed with the use of his Golden Disk Key (or any Cyber Planet Key). This gimmick and his spring-loaded missile launcher are usable in both modes.
He was only available in BotCon 2006's Dawn of Future's Past box set. This set also included "Axalon" versions of Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rattrap, and "Darksyde" Dinobot.
This mold was also used to make the 2007 movie Grindcore, which was repurposed as Shattered Glass Scoop.

Beast Wars Telemocha Series

  • Rhinox (Deluxe, 2007)
    • ID number: TM-09
    • Accessories: Rotating mechanism, sawblade, 2 flails, sword
This redeco of the original Beast Wars figure features the most show-accurate deco of Rhinox. It also has the same assembly problem as the 10th Anniversary version, and additionally has the upper arms switched.


And he finally gets his ChainGatling Guns of Doom. (Hasbro Version Pictured)
  • Rhinox (Voyager Class, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 02 / 005
    • Accessories: 2 "Gatling Guns of Doom"
Part of the fifth wave of Generations Voyagers, Thrilling 30 Rhinox transforms from a robot that takes inspiration from both the original toy and especially his appearance in the cartoon to a tan-colored realistic organic white rhinoceros. Included are Rhinox's twin "Gatling Guns of Doom", which can be stored in his rhino mode and have a spinning gimmick when you press down on the little lever/button whatevers on the sides. Although the discs of the gatling guns are silver in the stock photography, the final product leaves them in an unpainted brownish color, similar to the color of the levers.
Rhinox's instructions neglect to mention a few things—the slot below the robot head that plugs into a tab on the inside of the rhino head that holds the two pieces together in beast mode, the fact that the sliding elbow pieces can click into place in both modes, and the holes on the back of the shoulders that can be used to store the weapons in robot mode.
Early runs of Rhinox were known to have extremely loose knee joints, to the point the figure was unable to stand up unless posed in a way that offsets his very top-heavy design. Later samples seemed to have resolved the knee issue, but the figure's feet have uneven soles which can still lead to balance problems. Rhinox does feature a waist swivel, but it's intended for transformation, meaning the waist must be mistransformed via extending to use it. Lastly, Rhinox's hands feature extended index fingers in a trigger position, which ironically obstruct the guns themselves and prevent them from being inserted completely into the 5 mm pegholes.

Generations (Japan)

  • Rhinox (2014)
    • ID number: TG31
    • Release date: February 22, 2014
    • Accessories: 2 gatling guns
Released in the thirteenth wave of TakaraTomy's version of the Generations toyline, this Rhinox uses the same mold as the Hasbro Thrilling 30 Rhinox (above). This toy however features much richer metallic bronze and green plastics, and adds a considerable amount of paint to the spinning blade-discs of the gatling guns to make them more show-accurate.


After losing his buildable chainguns of doom, Rhinox had to use the wimpy golden gun.
  • Rhinox (Kreon Micro-Changer, 2014)
    • Bag number: 33501 40
    • Accessories: Stand brick, scoped pistol
Part of the fourth assortment of blind-bagged Kreon Micro-Changers, Rhinox can be... no, you don't rebuild him, we can't even complete that. Rhino mode is just the robot mode on all fours.
Later releases of this assortment feature a running change to the Kreons' arms, sharpening the angles of the forearms/cuffs to make them work better as studs compatible with standard parts, as opposed to the softer rounded shapes (pictured here). Eventually the ID numbers on the bags were also dropped; these releases were mainly found at Walgreens stores.


Sha la la, la la, la la, la la, l-la te da
My brown Rhinox
  • Rhinox (Voyager Class, 2016-05-07)
    • ID number: LG-EX
    • Accessories: 2 guns
Legends LG-EX Rhinox is a redeco of Generations Rhinox, exclusive to Transformers Fes2016. It features a more show-accurate paintjob compared to the earlier releases, with dark brown skin, cartoon-accurate rhino eyes with white sclerae and black pupils, and some of his gold accents in robot mode changed to green.

War for Cybertron: Kingdom

Fans: "Does Rhinox come with a fart cloud effect?"
Hasbro: "No."
  • Rhinox (Voyager Class, 2021)
    • Hasbro ID number: WFC-K27
    • TakaraTomy ID number: KD-13
    • TakaraTomy release date: October 30, 2021
    • Accessories: 2 "Gatling Blasters of Doom"
Released to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Beast Wars, War for Cybertron: Kingdom Rhinox transforms from robot to a tan organic black rhinoceros with mottled markings. The lime and gold on Rhinox have been toned down brightness-wise and the horns are made of soft plastic. Unlike previous toys, this Rhinox utilizes a faux lower rhino jaw for his robot torso. In a departure from the rest of Kingdom, Rhinox's robot mode takes its inspiration not from the cartoon's CGI model, but directly from his Forged to Fight phone game model, which itself was a liberal adaptation of the Thrilling 30 toy. Rhinox comes with his two "Gatling Blasters of Doom", though they're diminished in many directions so that they can fit within his hind quarters while in rhinoceros mode. In robot mode, he can wield them in his 5mm fists or store them in 5mm ports on his back.
Rhinox's legs are not designed optimally, and can be rather irritating to transform. If the parts aren't aligned perfectly, the legs will have to be forced back into robot mode, possibly causing breakage. Make sure the panels on the outside of the thighs and shins are perfectly aligned before manipulating the rear thigh.
Not mentioned in the instructions, the rhino's real lower jaw can be opened fully and folded down to leave it open, giving a more accurate robot mode. However, doing so requires a small amount of finesse and turning the head sideways to give it enough clearance.
Much like most of the toyline, Rhinox comes with one of four possible holographic Golden Disk cards for his wave, which reveals a possible destiny of a key character.

Beast Wars Again

  • Gankyō no Taiketsu (September 30, 2023)
    • ID number: BWVS-02
    • Accessories: 2 "Gatling Blasters of Doom"
Released as part of the Beast Wars Again line, the "Tough Showdown" (頑強の対決) set contains Rhinox and Scorpos. Rhinox is a redeco of Kingdom Rhinox in more cartoon-accurate colors.


*Rhinox (June 2024)
    • ID number: MP-59
    • Accessories: "Gatling Guns of Doom" x2, spark, alternate facesculpt, stand adapter,
Masterpiece Rhinox transforms from a show-accurate rhino to a show-accurate robot. In beast mode, via the included stand adapter , he can carry Optimus Primal's Masterpiece toy to imitate how the Maximal leader rode him in Beast Wars (Part 1).
He comes with several accessories. Firstly, there are his signature "Gatling Guns of Doom", which he can wield in both hands. He can store one of these guns internally in his rhino mode, and both of them on his back in robot mode. Secondly, he has a spark that he can cradle in his hands, presumably meant to be Airazor's as an homage to "The Spark". Last but not least, he has a representation of the gadget he used to extract Primal from the Vok probe in "Chain of Command", which can be attached to his left arm.
Rhinox was teased on June 10, 2023 and officially revealed on October 5 the same year.


Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game

  • Beast Wars Transformers Mutating Card Game (1997)
Rhinox was one of the 24 beast warriors to receive a battle card representation for the Beast Wars card game.

Beast Wars Movie Coin

  • Beast Wars Movie Coin (1997)
Released only in Japan, Rhinox was one of ten characters from Beast Wars to receive a movie coin.


  • Rhinox (candy toy, 1997)
A tiny plastic Rhinox figurine molded onto an irregularly-shaped stand was released by Kabaya. Labeled toy 3 of 6, the other characters in his wave were Dinobot, Rattrap, Megatron, Optimus Primal, and Cheetor. As always, terrible candy is included.

Hard Hero

Flower-smelling/nature-hating, gentle/megalomaniacal, Maximal/Jerk.
  • Rhinox (2004)
In 2004, Hard Hero announced a line of Beast Wars statues, starting with Rhinox. As it turned out, Rhinox was the only one to be released.

First 4 Figures

First 4 Figures Battlefield Megatron vs Rhinox.jpg
  • Megatron vs Rhinox (name unknown) (2006/2007 unreleased)
Intended for release in the Transformers Battlefield line by model company First 4 Figures, this was to be 13-inch-ish tall diorama depicting a fight between Megatron and Rhinox. When shown to toy news sites at New York Toy Fair in 2006, the digital sculpt for this set apparently depicted the rather gruesome scene of Megatron impaling Rhinox through the chest with his T. rex hand.[6] Unlike the other planned statues in the Battlefield series, which were designed and sculpted by Little IroN and "Mad" Alterton respectively, this Megatron/Rhinox statue was designed by Palisades alumn Jeffry Englert (alias Trion Studios).[7]
As a Battlefield release, this model would likely have featured a detailed base designed to interlock with others in the same range to create a massive battle diorama–though that isn't a given, seeing as this statue differs from the others, which were advertised as being by Alterton and depicting "Generation 1" characters. We'll never find out what the deal was, since a general discontinuation of First 4 Figures' Transformers-related output meant that this set was never released.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

  • Rhinox (2006/2007 unreleased)
This was to be a 7-or-8-inch tall resin bust of Rhinox released as part of First 4 Figures' Beast Wars tenth anniversary series. Rhinox would have been sculpted to be accurate to his Beast Wars cartoon design, and would likely have been depicted from the waist and upwards on a base or pedestal. Unlike most of the other mini busts in this range, Rhinox's sculpt has never been shown publicly, with the figure's existence only being known due to First 4 Figures allowing BigBadToyStore to solicit him for sale.[8][9]
Mini busts in the planned Beast Wars line were designed to reflect the scale of the characters as seen in the cartoon, and each was set to be limited to 1,996 pieces, in a nod to the franchise's year of origin.[6] As with the statue above, Rhinox and the rest of the Beast Wars bust line were cancelled, with First 4 Figures citing a challenging marketplace and lack of retailer interest.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Robot Heroes

You may remember him as "Dr. Teeth" on The Muppet Show.
  • Rhinox & Waspinator (Two-pack, 2008)
Rhinox was released in the second wave of Universe Robot Heroes packed with Waspinator as part of the "Beast Wars Series". An amalgam of toy and television show depictions, Rhinox has articulation at the neck and shoulders.

Jada Toys

  • Transformers Series 2 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2022)
Released by Jada Toys, Nano Metalfigs Rhinox is an incredibly small die-cast figurine molded doing squats an action pose. He has a little base attached to his feet for balancing reasons.
He is marketed as an Autobot instead of a Maximal and comes in an impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.

  • Transformers Series 3 18-pack (4cm Die Cast Figure Multipack, 2023)
Nano Metalfigs Rhinox was re-released with no noticeable changes in another impressive multipack with seventeen other figurines.


Rhino bw toy.jpg


  1. Takara Rhinox comparisons at Seibertron.com
  2. https://groups.google.com/d/msg/alt.toys.transformers/C30fV9dqOK0/gPO8D3N_PAUJ
  3. The copyright year on the bag is 2000, but the earliest the fandom noticed the toy was in January of 2001. Whether the figure actually came out in December of 2000 or January of 2001 is currently unknown.
  4. "Rhinox, I think, was the first one I was asked to mock up. This was another really easy choice. Cybertron Landmine had the right bulk and alt-mode. The final figure underwent some changes due to molding, and getting more original toy colors into it."—Joe Moore, Twitter, 2021/03/11
  5. Transformers panel at Hasbro Pulse Fan Fest 2021
  6. 6.0 6.1 "First4Figures Limited Transformers Statues and Busts Info!" at ASMzine.com (archived)
  7. "Here's an image of the unreleased Battlefield statue I designed for First4Figures. Obviously it is BW Megatron vs. Rhinox."—Primus (Jeffry Englert), TFW2005.com, 2008/08/28
  8. "Update from BigBadToyStore.com: Transformers and G.I.Joe Statues and Busts!!!" on Seibertron.com
  9. BigBadToyStore's listings for First 4 Figures' busts (archived)
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