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Ravage (ROTF)

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The name or term "Ravage" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ravage (disambiguation).
Ravage is a Decepticon from the Revenge of the Fallen portion of the live-action film continuity family.
Twisted tales of Felix the death-dealing moggy.

Ravage specializes in infiltration. A frequent partner of Soundwave, he does the dirty work of the larger Decepticon. Ravage's body and armament are all dedicated to hitting the enemy before they even know what hit them. He can be orbitally inserted at fifteen times the speed of sound, spy inside highly secure locations using swarms of microcons, and generally ruin your day. He respects the danger humans present though, as they were the ones who managed to kill Megatron.

Perhaps due to his origin as a reengineered mechanimal, some doubt Ravage's sentience, and there is debate on the degree to which he is a distinct entity, rather than an extension of Soundwave's will.[1] However, he's displayed guile, cunning, and split-second tactical thinking, making it hard for others to believe he does not have some innate intelligence.[2] In reality, Ravage just considers the other Decepticons beneath him, and allows his eerie, silent ways and manner to alienate him from his comrades. Soundwave is the one exception: the two are kindred spirits, understanding each other's true nature and motives.[3]




The six movies are the primary component of the live-action movie continuity family. Their events should be taken as canon for all other pieces of fiction listed below, unless otherwise specified.

Revenge of the Fallen film

Voice actor: Frank Welker
Meowth! That's right!

From his vantage point high in orbit above Earth, Ravage's master Soundwave located the last remaining shard of the AllSpark in a NEST holding facility on Diego Garcia, and dispatched Ravage to retrieve it. Launched from Soundwave's chest, Ravage plummeted through Earth's atmosphere in re-entry mode and impacted just off Diego Garcia's shore, bounding to land in the blink of an eye. Quickly and stealthily, the feline Decepticon knocked several of the base's security sensors offline to cover his approach, then proceeded to vomit a large quantity of small, metallic spheres down a ventilation shaft. Once inside the base, the spheres transformed and combined into "Reedman", who successfully stole the shard and returned to the surface to reunite with Ravage. As the human soldiers attempted stop Reedman, Ravage provided cover fire, killing several humans in the process. The pair then made their escape.

He arms himself in case a Monday comes along.

Having secured the shard, Ravage traveled to the Bayos, a human freighter carrying the Constructicons which was passing the area of the sea in which Megatron was buried. After diving over the side of the barge and reaching the bottom where Megatron's body rested, Ravage ejected the Doctor from a compartment in his chest. While the Constructicons began to tear apart "ze little one", Ravage was going for a swim, apparently enjoying the water, but quickly ended his little frolic when the Doctor demanded the shard. After the Doctor resurrected Megatron using the AllSpark shard, Ravage and the Constructicons swam up to the surface following their revived leader.

Remember to neuter your pets. Or Bumblebee will kill them!

Some time later, Ravage joined the other Decepticons in searching for Sam Witwicky and the Matrix of Leadership amid some Egyptian ruins. The forces of NEST soon arrived, and battle broke out, complicating their search. Spotting Sam, Starscream instructed Rampage to release Ron and Judy Witwicky. Ravage jumped out of the Constructicon when he ejected the fleshlings, and went stalking. Bumblebee managed to get the jump on Rampage, and Ravage in turn jumped on Bumblebee's head, clawing off part of his battle helmet. Unfortunately for Ravage, Bumblebee still had plenty of fight left in him, and he promptly dispatched the killer kitty by tearing out Ravage's own goo-covered spine. Ouch. He even used the torn out spine to whip Rampage across the face. Double Ouch. Revenge of the Fallen

Ravage's involvement in the preceding events, or events mostly similar, was also chronicled in the novels Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Revenge of the Fallen: The Junior Novel, and The Last Prime; the comic mini-series Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Official Movie Adaptation; and the storybooks "Rise of the Decepticons" and "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Mix & Match".

Bumblebee film

Just you wait, I'll come back with just one eye and then I'll get degloved!

As Optimus Prime leapt off an exploding launchpad and fought off several attacking Seekers, Soundwave ejected Ravage and commanded him to attack the Autobot leader as well. He fared much better than his full-sized comrades, evading several shots from Prime's ion blaster and even wrestling him to the ground, but ended up being grabbed by the jaw and bodily thrown off by the Autobot. His attack, however, bought the Decepticons some time to bring reinforcements and surround Optimus completely. Despite this, Prime managed to escape the planet. Bumblebee

The Veiled Threat

Ravage made his way to Earth following the destruction of the AllSpark. After the crab spy successfully infiltrated NEST headquarters at Diego Garcia, it made its way back to the sea where Ravage was waiting to pick it up. The Veiled Threat

Titan movie comics

Ceiling cat is watching you masturbate.

Ravage was dispatched to NEST's Scotland base to find, interrogate, and kill Skids and Mudflap before they could pass on information about the Decepticon plans. Easily breaking into one of the most secure bases on Earth, he went on to swiftly knock out Sideswipe and attempt to rip into the twins. While they were able to evade him, Ravage shrugged off any attack and finally cornered Mudflap, broadcasting Soundwave's demands to him.

This, however, was a trap the twins had set up, and Ravage found himself trapped in a simulated combat exercise. To escape, he faked unconsciousness and then snuck out the back when nobody was looking. But he made sure to bug the base before he left... New Tricks

Said the Cat, I know a fun game I will win. I think it is called Dismember the Twin!

When the twins temporarily pretended to defect, poor Ravage had to listen to them nattering throughout briefings. Not even his ominous growl would silence them! Turnabout

IDW movie comics

Early in the war, Ravage joined Megatron's Decepticon malcontents in attacking Sentinel Prime and his archeological digs. However, Optimus Prime anticipated this move by the Decepticons and arrived on scene, literally on top of Ravage, to protect his mentor. Foundation #3

After the moon landing of 1969, Soundwave sent Ravage to gather agents to ensure a stop to human exploration of the Ark. Convergence chapter 4

Months after Ravage's death at the hands of Bumblebee, his reconstructed form was brought back on-line in an undisclosed location by a mysterious new master. Subsequently, Ravage appeared outside Guantanamo Bay, searching for a "new target". Ravage snuck in, found the remains of the appliancebots and appropriated them. Ravage leaped into the ocean to escape the military, who had located him.

Ravage emerged on a beach near MacDill Air Force Base. Though he curled up on the ground to wait for further instructions from his unknown benefactor, he was once again discovered. Ravage destroyed several helicopters before being surrounded by soldiers and jeeps. To bolster his defensive, he unleashed Reedman, and although the smaller robot was eventually taken down, it provided the distraction needed to allow Ravage to escape into a petrochemical plant.

Deciding the relatively subtle approach wasn't working, officials at the White House asked the President of the United States for permission to level the plant. As the explosion engulfed the plant, Ravage tried to conceal himself beneath its foundation. Ravage's attempt to survive was mostly successful; his damaged form was still online, waiting in a pit beneath the rubble for new instructions. The remnants of the smuggled appliancebots reached out to him with streams of energy... Tales of the Fallen #5

The Cat Kingdom really wants Haru back.

Shortly after, Soundwave, disturbed by Ravage's reactivation, dispatched a quartet of minions (Buzzsaw, Rumble, Beastbox and Ratbat) to investigate. This soon erupted into a conflict with cleanup crews and Autobot reinforcements, which prompted Soundwave to intervene. Although the battle resulted in several casualties on both sides, Ravage was undisturbed. While the other Decepticons retreated, Buzzsaw stuck around to tend to Ravage. Nefarious #1 Buzzsaw managed to get Ravage operational, and the pair burst out of the ruins of the petrochemical plant, surprising an NSA team which was investigating the disaster zone. Soundwave ordered Ravage to find a quiet location. There Soundwave rendezvoused with him in order to give him a scan. Ravage subsequently accompanied Soundwave in going to the aid of a Decepticon team in Wendover, under attack by Autobot forces. He attacked Ironhide and was thrown aside. Nefarious #2

Following Soundwave's capture by the Autobots, Ravage took part in a rescue mission, however, when he was about to free Soundwave, Ingrid overrode his higher functions, and Ravage fled. Nefarious #3 Ravage returned to his new masters, the Initiative, however Soundwave tracked him and mounted an unsuccessful attack on the Initiative base. Nefarious #4 Soundwave returned, having teamed up with Autobot forces, to assault the base. He was able to regain control of Ravage and had his minion unleash Reedman in an attempt to stop Carter Newell from destroying all Transformer life on Earth. Nefarious #6

It is now the time of huggings. I demand it.

After the defeat of the Initiative, Ravage returned to the Decepticon fold and spent some time at their base in Namibia. Rising Storm #2 Soundwave later sent Ravage and his other minions to attack Arcee, Chromia and Elita-One when they discovered the cage holding Shockwave's "pet". Rising Storm #3 The battle ended with the Autobots setting off a massive bomb. While only they and Soundwave got away unharmed, Ravage was possibly killed once more. Rising Storm #4

Spot the 'Bots

Ravage was waiting at an old warehouse when Megatron came driving in, with several Autobots in tow! Ravage then participated in a battle in the warehouse that would decide Earth's ultimate fate! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Spot the 'Bots

Unite for the Universe

Along with fellow Decepticon Skystalker, Ravage joined in on Starscream's plan to steal the results of N.E.S.T.'s Project: Unite and apply it to Decepticons. He stealthily followed Bumblebee into the N.E.S.T. Divisional Headquarters in South Africa, where he released an airborne nano-virus that let Starscream access N.E.S.T's computers. He fled after a quick brawl with Bumblebee, not knowing he was being stalked by Bludgeon. Ambition Instigated While Starscream was making use of Project: Unite, Autobots Sea Spray and Sideswipe located his base in Greece. Ravage and Lockdown attacked them but were defeated and captured. Bludgeon's Revenge

Sector 7 Adventures

Should I speak with a Russian accent during Cold War?

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The Battle at Half Dome


Autobot Stronghold

Ravage autobotstronghold.gif

Ravage was used as the basis for an army of drone units, who were part of the constant attacks on the Autobot's LG Stronghold. These Ravage drones were weak, but fast, and attacked in great numbers. Autobot Stronghold

Transformers: The Ride – 3D


Ravage and Sideways were dispatched by Megatron to break into the NEST secret facility and steal the last shard of the AllSpark. Ravage manages to get hold of the shard and starts clawing at you. However, Bumblebee suddenly appears and tears apart Ravage and hands over the Allspark to Evac and you. Transformers: The Ride – 3D


Revenge of the Fallen

Do not aim Ravage towards face.
  • Soundwave (Deluxe Class, 2009)
  • Japanese ID number: RD-04
  • Accessories: 1 Ravage missile
  • Known designers: Alex Kubalsky (TakaraTomy)
Soundwave comes with an intricately sculpted missile that appears to represent Ravage in transition form. He can't transform, though. Bummer.

Admit it: between the spiky spine and that dead, purple eye, you just want to cuddle the guy.
  • Ravage (Deluxe Class, 2009)
  • Japanese ID number: RD-13
  • Known designers: Alex Kubalsky (TakaraTomy)
Part of the third wave of Revenge of the Fallen Deluxe Class toys, Ravage transforms from "panther mode" into a "reentry mode" based on a fish-like mode used for pre-production animatics. (The "reentry mode" is exactly as involved as it looks.) He has two pivotable cannons, and by pulling back on the long lever/spike on his back, Ravage's head will extend forward, his ears will swing back, and his jaws will open; sliding the lever back and forth will reverse and reactivate the gimmick. The tip of his tail is on a ball joint and can be popped off. His waist also plugs into his torso by a ball joint, so his toy sort of meets the same fate as him.
During part of 2010, Hasbro did a promotion wherein US fans could receive three free Deluxes in exchange for receipts showing the purchase of $25 or more of select Transformers product. As noted in this thread over at Allspark.com, and later confirmed by this listing here, Ravage was one of a pool of eight figures (all from the same wave) from which the free Deluxes were drawn, with several people having noted receiving him.

  • Gathering at Nemesis (Multi-pack, 2009)
  • Accessories: 1 Ravage missile
A Toys"R"Us exclusive three pack (technically a four pack if you want to count Ravage), also featuring The Fallen, and a silver Voyager Class Megatron from the first movie toyline. Soundwave was redecoed predominantly in blue as an homage to the original Soundwave. The Fallen was unchanged from his original release.
Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

Specifics: A picture of the missile itself.

There I am, peeking out like a backpack rocket...
  • Soundwave Black Version (Deluxe Class, 2009)
  • Accessories: 1 Ravage missile
Exclusive to the 2009 "C3 X Hobby Chara Hobby" show that ran across August 29-30 in Japan, Soundwave Black Version is a redeco of the deluxe Revenge of the Fallen Soundwave toy in black and red with orange highlights. Following the convention, remaining quantities of the figure were made available to purchase via lottery through the e-HOBBY website. The Ravage missile is still there.

I'm not an accessory! I'm a human being! Wait, that's not right either.
  • Battlefield Bumblebee vs Infiltration Soundwave (NEST Global Alliance two-pack, 2010)
  • Accessories: 1 Ravage missile
Part of the "N.E.S.T. Global Alliance" campaign, a two-pack of Battlefield Bumblebee and Infiltration Soundwave included yet another redeco of that damn Ravage missile!

And I'll form the yikes!
  • Recon Ravage (Deluxe mail-in exclusive, 2010)
When you buy the above Bumblebee/Soundwave pack and two specially-marked Transformers products, you can send in for an exclusive Recon Ravage figure! All you need is the order form and "starter sticker" from the N.E.S.T. Alliance two-pack, stickers from two additional specially-marked "N.E.S.T. Global Alliance" products, $4.95 for shipping and handling, and 6-8 weeks. He is a redeco and retool of his Deluxe-Class toy, being decoed in black, chrome, and red, in what appears to be an homage to Voltron's Black Lion. The ball joint joining his torso to his hind legs from the original version has been replaced with a swivel joint, and his tail was retooled to remove the rotational articulation just above the middle hinge.
Ravage was mailed in a white box with the NEST logo on it. Also, it came with a letter from Optimus Prime and a $5 off coupon for ROTF toy purchases over $20.
In Canada and Australia, this toy was sold at retail as a Toys"R"Us exclusive.
In New Zealand, this figure was available as a Toyworld exclusive and packed as a bonus when one purchased a NEST Voyager-Class figure.
This toy was also later offered as a gift to attendees at the Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong fair 2010 if they made a combined purchase of Transformers (2010) toys amounting to more than HK$400.

Transformers (2010)

Transforms from jaguar to jaguar-with-pointy-nose and back!
  • Ravage (Legends Class, 2010)
Legends Class Ravage transforms from a metallic jaguar to a "reentry mode". He possesses a high level of articulation for a Legends class figure, with ball-jointed shoulders and hips, hinge joints at the knees, wrists, toes, and the base of his tail, and guns that pivot up and down. The tip of the figure's tail is rotatable, meaning it can be turned round and changed from a "grappling hook" configuration to more of an "impaling spike" configuration.

  • Sea Attack Ravage (Deluxe Class, 2010)
Sea Attack Ravage is a redeco of his Deluxe-Class toy, retaining the ball-jointed hind legs of the original release, but using the retooled tail from the Recon Ravage release. His color scheme is a combination of black and light blue plastic with painted silver body parts and cannons, some painted gold details here and there, painted red wings, and an eye cast in translucent red plastic. This color scheme is meant to recall his attack on Diego Garcia.

This is not kawaii! This is not kawaii at all!
  • Rampage Among the Ruins (Multi-pack, 2010)
A soon-to-be-mutilated Ravage, decoed in gunmetal and caramel, comes packaged with that murderous jerk Bumblebee and a red Rampage. This Toys"R"Us-exclusive set was included in the Hunt for the Decepticons promotion.

Bluesteel Ravage?
  • The Ravage Infiltration (Multi-pack, 2010)
This three-pack comes with a more movie-accurate version of Ravage, as well as Flak, a Scattorshot redeco, and Rollbar, a Dune Runner redeco. He also comes with 3 NEST soldier figurines, redecoed from Screen Battles figures from the first movie. The instructions included with this release show the on-package alternate mode as the "vehicle mode" and how to get to a third "re-entry" mode; essentially the normal vehicle mode with his legs folded back into his thighs.
While this set was originally planned for North American Target stores, it is only known to have been sold through the Sainsbury's supermarket chain in the United Kingdom.


  • Ravage (EZ Collection, 2010)
Yes, you read that correctly. The Legends-class Ravage was released under the Transformers Animated brand in Japan, as part of the second assortment of blind-packed "EZ Collection" toys, which was half-Animated, half-movie. This version of Ravage is cast in black plastic.

Studio Series

And now he gets partnered with a helicopter like originally intended.
  • Grindor & Ravage (Leader Class, 2021)
  • Movie: Revenge of the Fallen
  • Hasbro ID number: 73
  • Known designers: Sam Smith (Hasbro)[4]
A small non-transforming figure of Ravage is packed in with Studio Series Grindor (despite the two never appearing together in the movie), replacing the Scorponok figure found with the original release of Blackout. Ravage possesses articulation via ball joints in each of his legs, and his tail can hinge up and down. Ravage is scaled considerably smaller than Scorponok's figure.
Much like with Scorponok, Ravage can be stored in the tail section of Grindor's helicopter mode. This requires splaying Ravage's legs out and attaching him to a circular port within the helicopter's underside.
Grindor and Ravage were found at Australian retail in June 2021, and subsequently at Target stores in the United States, before any official reveal.[5]

From a rectangular prism to a cube. Your mileage may vary on if that's an improvement.
  • Ravage (Core Class, 2022)
  • Movie: Bumblebee
  • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-78
  • TakaraTomy release date: May 28, 2022
  • Accessories: Left & right missiles, blaster, missile pod
  • Known designers: Sam Smith (Hasbro), Ittoku Kuwazu (TakaraTomy)[6]
Part of the 2022 introduction of Core Class to Studio Series, Ravage is an extremely accurate depiction of his appearance in the Bumblebee film and transforms into a cubic Cybertronian cassette. He can fit into the chest of the concurrently-released Soundwave, allowing him to "eject" Ravage. Ravage comes with four 3mm compatible accessories: his two hip mounted missiles, a (tiny) missile pod for his back and a silver missile based on "Generation 1" Soundwave's that can attach to his tummy, but is intended to attach to the barrel of Soundwave's shoulder cannon to emulate the G1 weapon. This connection uses a post that is roughly 4mm wide, so it is not compatible with the 5mm ports found on other figures and weapons.
Ravage fits best in Soundwave's chest when his missile launchers are pointing upwards and on Soundwave's left side.
Ravage's Hasbro stock photography is missing his bottom jaw. Thankfully, TakaraTomy's stock photography rectifies this error. His cassette CG render also depicts parts of his back legs clipping into his front legs.
While the Core Class lacks the backdrops included with all other Studio Series classes, the insides of Ravage's packaging is decorated with the artwork used as the second version of the "Cybertron Falls" backdrop.


Burger King

Jaguar? I thought you were some kind of outer space potato man.
Ravage is revealed from his hand grenade kitty toy pod (presumably representing his reentry mode) with a flick of the wrist. Or by manually holding the two halves of the pod apart so that Ravage pops out. Oddly there are what appear to be four holes on either side of the pod, perhaps so Ravage has air holes to breathe through.

Robot Heroes

At least he's not packaged with that monster, Bumblebee!
  • Jolt & Ravage (Two-pack, 2009)
Robot Heroes Ravage is part of the second Revenge of the Fallen wave. He has articulation at the shoulders, hips, and neck, and comes packaged versus Jolt.
He's adorable.


All profits will go towards Ravage's eye removal surgery.
  • Soundwave and Ravage (DLX Scale, 2020)
Threezero Ravage is a foldable figure bundled with the Threezero DLX Soundwave figure. He is fully articulated, painted with detail designed to match the final onscreen appearance in the Bumblebee movie and designed to fit specifically inside Soundwave's tape deck.
This mold was redecoed to make Shattered Glass Ravage.

Prime 1 Studio

Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline Ravage.jpg
  • Soundwave & Ravage (2021)
  • Movie: Bumblebee
  • ID number: MMTFM-27 / 27EX (exclusive)
Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline Ravage is a non-transforming sculpture based on his panther mode seen in the Bumblebee movie. The statue is made of polystone along with other materials and features light-up LED eyes.
He comes with a Soundwave statue but can be displayed separately from him. The exclusive version also comes with an additional Ravage in "cassette mode".
The standard version was limited to 100 pieces while the exclusive version was limited to only 70 pieces.


  • Ravage and Soundwave were part of an early draft for Transformers. However, when Soundwave was changed to Blackout and the initial jungle setting was replaced with a desert, Ravage was changed to Scorponok.
  • As with poor Scorponok, sources differed on how sentient Ravage was. Luckily for Ravage, Hasbro's website outright states him to be a sentient being.
  • Whether through misinformation or to hide his identity, the Ravage deluxe figure shows up in the Wal-Mart computers as "TRA DLX WOLF". Of course, they're not the first to make this mistake. However, when it scans at a register, it commonly comes up as "TRA MOV PANTHER".
  • In the Revenge of the Fallen novelization, Ravage has a flying alternate mode. He flew out to the freighter where the four Constructicons were waiting and transformed on deck. While descending into the ocean, he was described as a sphere, so he might have two alternate modes. (His Burger King toy perhaps?)
  • In the scene where all the Constructicons wait aboard the barge for Ravage and the AllSpark shard to arrive, a red bulldozer resembling Rampage is visible in the flyover shot. When the scene cuts to when Ravage crash-lands into the bulldozer, it is suddenly recolored yellow to resemble Skipjack. When the Constructicons transform into robot mode and dive into the ocean, the bulldozer is colored red again.
    • Therefore, Rampage is the one who Ravage crashes into and remains present for Megatron's resurrection. Trying to distinguish how many Constructicons appeared in Revenge of the Fallen only continues to get harder with each watch.
  • Despite having a red/orange eye in the movie, all of Ravage's toys and merchandise had a purple one until his Legends figure and the Sea Attack Ravage redeco.
  • On his blog, Furman said that Ravage's spine-torn death was a late addition to the film... so late that IDW Publishing had already made Ravage a key part of their post-ROTF comics! Quick, to the Rewritemobile![7]
  • Originally, Ravage was intended to also have an aquatic alternate mode, where he swam to Diego Garcia as a spike-covered fish.[8] The reason for dropping this was not stated.
  • Ravage was in an early draft of The Reign of Starscream, but was dropped at Hasbro's request.[9]
  • Ravage's Cybertronian design in Bumblebee is heavily influenced by his Generation 1 namesake, right down to the cassette tape mode. His Earth body in The Battle at Half Dome adds a touch of his Revenge of the Fallen design.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Ravage (ラヴィッジ Ravijji)
  • French: Molosse (Canada Bumblebee, "Mastiff")


  1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: The Movie Universe
  2. Titan Ravage Profile
  3. Hasbro Battle Bios
  4. Sam Smith's Instagram post for Grindor & Ravage
  5. Transformers Studio Series SS 73 Grindor And SS 86-07 Slug & Daniel Found In Australia
  6. Sam Smith's Instagram post for Core Ravage
  8. Deconstructing Visual Bayhem on the Revenge of the Fallen special two-disc release.
  9. TFW2005 boards
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