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Scattorshot (Cybertron)

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Specifics: More screen captures of his Cybertron Defense body
The name or term "Scattershot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Scattershot (disambiguation).
Scattorshot is an Autobot from the Cybertron portion of the Unicron Trilogy continuity family.
He's a little bit country and a lot techno.

A former computer-game programmer, Scattorshot quickly became Optimus Prime's go-to bot for computer work. But the nervy robot not only doesn't think he's cut out for battle, but believes the mere fact that he's done as well as he has in battle is just a big setup. He's convinced his good luck will run out on him, and run out at the worst possible moment.

As such, Scattorshot has developed a thing about guns. He likes altmodes with a lot of them. Maybe with enough firepower, he can prolong that whole karma thing. His companions find him to be a bit pessimistic, but far from hopeless... he may make a great soldier someday if he can just get over that nervousness.

Since gaining a new body and joining the Cybertron Defense Team, Scattorshot has gained more confidence and lost some of his pessimism, now that he has two brothers-in-arms watching his back. That, and the fact his new body has enough weaponry for him to make his own 'luck'.



Cartoon continuity

Cybertron cartoon

Voice actor: Richard Ian Cox (English), Tarusuke Shingaki (Japanese), Maurizio Reti (Italian), Janne Porkka (Finnish, unknown episodes), Jari Viitanen (Finnish, episodes 40 - 52), Johan Wilhelmsson (Swedish), Emilio García (Castilian Spanish), Juan Guzmán (Latin-American Spanish), Olivier Destrez (French), Rasmus Borowski (German), Paweł Iwanicki (Polish)

When a black hole threatened Cybertron, Optimus organized a planet-wide evacuation to Earth. But Megatron attacked during the exodus. When the Decepticon leader appeared inside the Autobot base, Scattorshot charged him but was quickly knocked away. Later Scattorshot attempted to attack Megatron from behind, only for him to dodge, leading to Scattorshot hitting Optimus Prime instead. With the Autobots defeated, he accompanied Optimus Prime to Earth. Fallen

When Optimus Prime and Scattorshot arrived on Earth, the latter scanned his vehicle mode off of a billboard advertising a war movie. To Prime's surprise, it was a conspicuous military half-track, and Prime berated him for his choice of a disguise. Scattorshot sassed back that Prime's own vehicle mode of a gigantic fire truck armed with huge cannons sure was a good disguise. Then he pretended that Prime had disappeared for the moment, as he was so good at blending in. He finally laid out the advantages of a half-track, such as off-road, all-terrain capability, relatively high speed in difficult conditions and that nobody would ever think to give him a parking ticket. Prime merely replied "Well... a fire truck is bigger." Scattorshot responded "Wanna race?" before quickly driving off. Inferno He later met the humans Coby, Bud, and Lori, the Autobots' newest allies on the organic planet. Fallen

Turn left at the next intersection, my rear. No more using Mapquest.

Afterwards, Scattorshot proposed a design for the Autobots' new base on Earth, only for it to be heavily criticized by Lori. An alternate design, provided by Jolt, was held in higher regard by the humans. During the building of the base, Scattorshot noticed the Decepticons approaching Earth once more. The base's stealth coating had not been completed at the time, meaning that the Autobots' efforts would be wasted should the Decepticons come within sensor range of its location. Scattorshot organized the humans and part of the Autobot team in the process of hiding the base, while another group held the Decepticons at bay. The stealth coating was completed just in time, securing the base's safety and secrecy. Haven From Earth, Scattorshot witnessed Red Alert's attempt to close the black hole near Cybertron, which ended in failure. Scattorshot then picked up an Air Force communication locating Thundercracker. Optimus went out to investigate. When Megatron and Strarscream also showed up to cause trouble, Scattorshot left the base and lent his cannons to the fight, blasting Thundercracker out of the sky. Hidden After the Autobots decided to focus their efforts on tracking down the Cyber Planet Keys and the Omega Lock, Scattorshot made clear that they couldn't just blindly search the Universe for their quarry. Thus, the Autobots set out to gather whatever useful information they could around the globe, eventually happening upon a lead pointing them towards a museum in Mexico. The Decepticons were tracking them during their search though, and when they attacked again, Scattorshot used Cyber Key Power to send a volley of missiles towards Starscream. Unfortunately, the artifact the Autobots had tracked down turned out to not be the genuine article, though it did provide them with the coordinates of the Speed Planet. Landmine

Where we're going we won't need...roads

When Coby approached Scattorshot, asking if he could take him up into space, the Autobot refused at first. He was eventually convinced by Jolt to use the space-bridge to take the boy into orbit, the Mini-Con posturing that it would be a "good-will" mission between humanity and the Autobots. A stray shot from Thundercracker, battling Optimus and Vector Prime down on the planet's surface, wound up impacting Scattorshot's protective force-field during this venture. The blast knocked Scattorshot off the space-bridge itself, disallowing him from bringing himself or his human charge back to solid ground. Though Jetfire was alerted to the situation and tried to stage a rescue, a man-made satellite crashing into the group sent Scattorshot and Bud plummeting down at dangerous speeds. As they began to burn up, they luckily entered a warp gate created by Jolt and were safely brought back at to headquarters. Space After the kids returned from a day out at the movies, Lori and Bud told of how Coby had been rattled by a horror flick. The Autobots had a hearty laugh at his expense. Later that evening, during another encounter with the Decepticons, Scattorshot warned the Autobots that humans were approaching their battleground. Neither side wanted to be discovered by more of the locals, and so the battle was brought to an abrupt end so they could all withdraw. Speed When an earthquake struck near Rockville, Scattorshot got a fix on its epicenter under the nearby Mount McDermott. He then followed Optimus Prime to help the humans affected by the tremor, while keeping a tab on the collapsing mountain remotely. Discovering that a reservoir beneath the mountain threatened to flood the town once the terrain shifted, the Autobots set about draining away the water before this happened. Scattorshot blew open a mine shaft, allowing Optimus access to drain the reservoir. With this task done, Scattorshot forced a more controlled collapse of the mountain with a couple of missiles, saving the Rockville from disaster. Collapse

After many false leads, Scattorshot began losing his enthusiasm over finding the Omega Lock, and stayed at the base as coordinator while the rest of the team continued the search. He received a request from Jolt for aid in digging through the Sahara Desert, and relayed this message to Optimus. Predictably enough, this mission too ended in failure. Time Scattorshot continued to receive transmissions at the Autobots' base, including a scheduled communiqué from Red Alert on Velocitron. He later headed out into the field when word came that an Autobot civilian was being attacked by Thundercracker. Scattorshot was one of the first to deploy against him, using Cyber Key power to fire grenades at the Decepticon. The civilian led the Autobots to an inscription detailing the coordinates of the next Cyber Planet Key after being rescued. Thundercracker returned, forcing Scattorshot to use Optimus Prime's battle station to scare him off again. Unfortunately, he hadn't moved fast enough to prevent Vector Prime from being injured in the assault, leaving the elder unable to open up another dimension gate to the Jungle Planet. Overhaul had already gone through, and was now stranded alone on the alien world. As the Autobots considered this turn of events, Scattorshot received a transmission from another Autobot refugee that claimed to have found the lost seal of Atlantis. Search Scattorshot located the signal as coming from the Bermuda Triangle. Once arriving at a nearby coast, he was afraid to dive in, but once Optimus took the plunge, he wasted no time following. Along with Optimus Prime and Landmine, he found he had trouble in the water until being taught how to swim by Bud. Once on the ocean floor, he assisted Optimus in clearing away debris from the symbol. Then Megatron arrived, and Scattershot charged at the Decepticon leader but was easily knocked away. As the Autobots and Decepticons clashed, Vector Prime managed to activate Atlantis, in reality an ancient Cybertronian ship, and Scattorshot was carried to the surface by Optimus Prime to mask its signature from human detection. The Atlantis then disappeared, amazing all of the combatants. Deep The Autobots searched the globe for where the Atlantis had warped to, but failed to yield any results. Optimus eventually deduced that the Atlantis had been warped behind the moon, only to find the Decepticons already blitzing the ship in space. While Optimus fought Megatron within the vessel for the Omega Lock, Scattorshot and the others fought off Thundercracker and Starscream. The relic came into the Autobots' posssession, though at the cost of the Atlantis itself. When Vector Prime came into contact with the Lock, it created a space bridge, through which Optimus, Landmine, and Vector Prime left, leaving Scattorshot and the others to return the children to Earth. Ship

Was a jolly happy soul.

Scattorshot watched Hot Shot race for the Speed Planet's Cyber Planet Key from headquarters. So impressed was he when Optimus and Hot Shot pulled off a combined jumping stunt, that he blurted out that he thought he needed an oil change. Race He also caught the race's second heat, Detour and continued to monitor the Autobot teams on Velocitron and Jungle Planet. Savage After the victorious Autobots returned from Velocitron, Scattorshot was present when Override added the Cyber Planet Key to the Omega Lock. He then processed the data that began emanating from it, leading to a set of coordinates on Earth. Champion Scattorshot went out with the team toward the coordinates up by the north pole, though he wasn't very enthusiastic over rummaging around in the cold weather. Coming across Starscream and Mudflap attacking Coby, Bud, Lori, and Lucy Suzuki during the search, Scattorshot attacked the Decepticons head-on to draw their attention away from the humans. During the fight, he was hit by a "water bomb" of Starscream's invention, causing him to freeze up. Mudflap then pummeled him while he was immobilized until the other Autobots arrived, having been drawn to his position by a distress signal sent out by the kids. After thawing out, Professor Suzuki formally welcomed Scattorshot and the other Autobots to Earth. Ice

Abandoning the search for the time being, the Autobots returned to base for repairs. Bud and Lori approached Jetfire with a request to travel to Jungle Planet, but Scattorshot backed up Jetfire's claim that the untamed world was simply too dangerous for the humans. Honor When the situation on Jungle Planet heated up, Scattorshot appeared out of Optimus Prime's newly created space bridge and helped surround Megatron. Trust Back on Earth, Scattorshot readied the equipment for the entry of the next Cyber Planet Key. He received energy readings going off the chart and was first to notice the Mini-Cons as they were being used as a medium for Primus. He then kept contact with the team of Autobots who went again to the north pole. Trap After Starscream unleashed his Decepticon army, Scattorshot watched as they flew over Earth from the base. He questioned Vector Prime's idea of starting a battle with such a large enemy force, but eventually took off to join the battle. Invasion

Beaten by a deus ex machina. How embarrassing!

Scattorshot was at the Autobot base when he found out that there were many suspicious people on the internet. He later traveled via the space bridge away from Earth. While on the bridge, he shot at Starscream, but was defeated. Retreat Scattorshot was one of the initial Autobots to meet Colonel Franklin. Later, when Jetfire encountered Thunderblast, Scattorshot locked onto her until she disappeared behind camouflage. When the Autobot base's lights went out, he was the main worker to get them back on. Afterward he noticed Megatron opening a new warp gate on Earth. When the Decepticons invaded, he triple teamed Megatron with Hot Shot and Red Alert, but was critically damaged by Megatron's new Cyber Key weapon. Revelation Scattorshot laid heavily damaged, but remained conscious while Vector Prime pulled him away from the battle. He kept thinking it was all over until he was transferred to a nearby military base. There the base personnel attempted to fix him with Coby's help. When the kids said they would never give up, the power of Primus came down from the sky and healed all three of the injured Autobots as well as powering them up. Scattorshot then took a new alternate mode and joined up with the rest of the Autobots who were still battling the Decepticons. When Hot Shot attacked Megatron, he decided to attack Scourge instead. Critical


Scattorshot assured the kids and the Mini-Cons that they would be able to hold the fort at the Autobot base. He then continued battling Megatron and his forces. After Megatron retreated, he followed to aid Optimus Prime at the volcanic island. He focused his attacks on Scourge with the rest of the Cybertron Defense Team. Afterward, he was sent to Cybertron as part of a team to slow down the black hole. He had Coby create a space bridge from the volcanic island to Cybertron for the journey. Assault On the way to Cybertron, the team encountered a meteor shower. Scattorshot blasted his way through, stating he would have the most points due to shooting the most obstacles. Upon returning to Cybertron and finding it swarming with Scrapmetal, he attacked them, but was quickly dogpiled upon with Red Alert. Starscream He continued fighting off Scrapmetal, United until the rest of the Autobots arrived as backup. Scattorshot watched as Optimus Prime presented the Omega Lock then kept track of the status of Cybertron as it appeared to be falling apart. He drove via a spacebridge to the moon to finish watching Cybertron's transformation into Primus. Cybertron Afterward he set up a connection to talk to Primus. Later, when Red Alert was analyzing Jolt's mind, Scattorshot was the first to notice Starscream approaching. He directed a volley toward the Decepticon and then fought against the Decepticon onslaught. Balance

Cue spaghetti western music

Scattorshot joined Vector Prime to help track down the missing kids and Mini-Cons. He wondered why Coby was not using the communicator that had been provided to him. Darkness He continued to use the Autobot base computers to scan for some trace of their missing allies. Once they finally picked up a signal, Scattorshot followed in a warp gate created by Vector Prime. They appeared in space near the Atlantis only to see it warp away. Escape

Scattorshot broke the news to the other Autobots that Override had returned to Cybertron with a nice surprise: a spaceship they could travel to Gigantion in. Warp On board he ran a tracking program to find Bud, but the trail went cold. Instead, he found Gigantion. Upon landing, he deduced the air was breathable for the kids. Splitting up into groups, Scattorshot found himself transmitting from the ship and noticed sound emanating from underground. Later in a skirmish with the Decepticons, he battled Thunderblast. Giant Scattorshot was easily defeated by Galvatron, but recovered. He piloted the Autobot ship and found the Atlantis hiding in a crevasse. Fury

Scattorshot watched as Optimus battled Sideways, then followed Hot Shot to go find Bud. He realized that Starscream was powering up the Atlantis's guns to unleash it on the city. Later he admitted to helping Coby build his robot suit out of a Scrapmetal. When the Autobots split up into search teams, he and the rest of the Cybertron Defense Force formed team three. City

Have gun, will travel

They ran into Sideways and Soundwave while searching for the Cyber Planet Key. He listened to Soundwave's story of Planet X and was then surrounded by Laserbeak's smoke. The enigmatic marauders immediately capitalized on their foes' limited visibility, leading to Scattorshot being hit by Hot Shot, who thought he was Sideways. The confused Autobot then had the dilemma of seeing two Hot Shot arms emerge from the smoke, each encouraging him to take their hand and decrying the other as a fake.

To figure out who to trust, Scattorshot got sneaky. He asked the closest Hot Shot a question about what Jetfire did before they traveled through space. The Hot Shot answered wrong and Scattorshot fired into that part of the smoke, bringing down Laserbeak and dispersing the bird-drone's fog. With the smoke clearing, he fired upon Soundwave and kicked Sideways down (after tricking his way past the villain's cloning ruse). He then powered up using his Cyber Key and helped the rest of the squad blast a pillar upon Soundwave and Sideways. Challenge

Scattorshot and his team looked for a downward passage when they ran into Galvatron and Menasor. After a brief skirmish, they used the triangle attack to take Menasor down. Then they battled Galvatron at full strength but were once again beaten down. Scourge He slowly got to his feet, and after recovering made his way down to the inner part of Gigantion to join the rest of the Autobots in shooting Galvatron. Optimus

He watched as Vector Prime inserted the final Cyber Planet Key into the Omega Lock. Afterward he updated the team on the status of the black hole. When Galvatron arrived, Scattorshot was defeated with the rest of the Autobots. While Optimus Prime and the other flying Autobots were intercepted by Soundwave and Sideways, Scattorshot opened fire from the ground. Showdown

He later thought it hopeless to build a space bridge without the Omega Lock, until he realized that they had three starships at their disposal. When feral denizens from Planet X came through the bridge, he unsuccessfully tried to shut it down. Later while in space he timed Vector Prime's reversal of time so they knew when to enter the warp gate. After clearing the tunnel he resynchronized with the normal timestream. Guardian As the Autobots returned to Primus, Scattorshot noticed he was low on energy. Homecoming In the battle he made fun of Thundercracker, sending the oversized Decepticon into a fit. End

Scattorshot came up with an idea on how to move Jungle Planet back into its orbit, then kept a status on the movement of the planet. In doing so he noticed the damage to one of the rockets when Galvatron attacked it. When Galvatron and Optimus Prime began their battle, Scattorshot ran to help repair the rocket. He took control in the command center with Red Alert surveying the whole situation. When the repair failed, he joined the rest of the Autobots in manually changing the planet's trajectory. After the planet was saved, he joined the rest of the Autobots to assist Optimus Prime. Unfinished While the first Intergalactic Peace Conference was going on, Scattorshot met with Wing Saber right before he left. Later he shared a heartfelt moment as the Cybertron Defense team was splitting up, with him and Red Alert joining Optimus Prime on his mission to the stars. Beginning

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Family Titans

Cybertron comic

Several months after the conclusion of the Unicron Singularity crisis, Optimus Prime and several of his crew, including Scattorshot, met with another Optimus Prime and several Autobots who had been defending Cybertron from other threats while the main Autobot forces were searching for the Cyber Planet Keys. Revelations Part 6

Cyber Key Code content

Scattorshot didn't just program video games on Cybertron, he also played them. A LOT. Unlike most gamers, his polygon addiction actually came in handy as he used his knowledge of strategy games to help Optimus make plans for fighting the Decepticons.

Galaxy Force manga

I want to tell you about the Transformers!

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The Devil's Dogfight! Coby's Courage Deep Sea Discovery! Vector Prime Galaxy Force Mission.8 Galaxy Force Mission.9


Scattorshot served as an Axiom Nexus tour guide for Jackpot and Hubcap. Gone Too Far



The goggles, in fact, do nothing.
  • Takara name: Backpack
  • Takara ID number: GC-06
  • Takara release date: December 28, 2004
  • Accessories: 2 missiles, double-barreled gun, Earth Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: s67k
  • Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro), Shogo Hasui (Takara)
Released in the first wave of both Takara's Galaxy Force product and later Hasbro's Cybertron Scout Class toys, Scattorshot transforms into an anti-aircraft half-track of made-up model. In either mode, he can fire two pressure-launched missiles. When a Cyber Key is inserted in either mode, a (non-firing) missile rack opens up on his primary weapons turret. He also comes with a secondary double-barreled blaster accessory, which can be mounted on his vehicle-mode cab-roof.
Unlike most of the Galaxy Force/Cybertron toys, there are no notable differences between Takara's Backpack and Hasbro's Scattorshot, other than Scattorshot's Cyber Key having a Cyber Key Code stamped on the back.

CD Scattorshot toy.jpg
  • Cybertron Defense Scattorshot (Voyager Class, 2005/2006)
  • Takara name: Backgild
  • Takara ID number: GC-20
  • Takara release date: July 14, 2005
  • Accessories: 2 missiles, rifle, Cybertron Autobot Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: v4kt
  • Known designers: Eric Siebenaler (Hasbro), Takashi Kunihiro (Takara)
Upgraded to a Voyager Class toy, Cybertron Defense Scattorshot transforms into a multiple-launch rocket system which kinda resembles a TOS-1 Buratino (but not enough to be one). The halves of the (non-firing) launcher end up on his arms in robot mode. In either mode, inserting a Cyber Key in each half reveals a new weapon: the right side has a slide-out double spring-loaded missile launcher which ends up on his left robot arm, while the left has a flip-out non-firing blaster barrel which ends up on his right robot arm. Both key-activated weapons feature fake handles which end up being "held" by his hands in robot mode, although the missile launcher on his right arm needs to be slid forward for him to be able to reach the deployed blaster's handle. He also comes with an extra long, blue hand-held rifle that can be mounted in tank mode thanks to his Mini-Con-compatible Powerlinx plugs. Thanks to some clever engineering, the launcher turret is capable of full 360° degree rotation despite splitting in half.
Takara's Galaxy Force Backgild release has slightly different/additional paint operations on his robot mode chest, the top, sides, front of the launcher, and on the handle of the (non-opening) hatch door in vehicle mode. The barrel of the flip-out launcher cannon is painted in ocher whereas the Hasbro releases' barrel retains its gray base plastic color (both releases have the tip of the barrel molded in ocher plastic), the Takara releases' treads are painted in glossy black instead of flat black, with the front half of the treads painted from both sides (the Hasbro release has the ocher base color show on the inside), and the Cybertron Defense/Vanguard Team symbol tampograph is smaller and in a different position on the launcher. Scattorshot's Cyber Key also has a Cyber Key Code tampographed on its back.
This sculpt was later redecoed into Universe (2008) Dropshot and Overload, and was given a new head sculpt to make Timelines Flak.

Universe (2003)

  • Scattorshot (Scout Class, 2007)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles, double-barreled gun, Earth Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: s67k
The original Scattorshot toy was one of several Cybertron Scout Class toys also made available on Universe (2003) cardbacks, and sold through discount chains like Kay-Bee Toy Works. This version is unchanged from the Cybertron release.

Universe (2008)

Celebrating Transformers' 25th anniversary with three unchanged toys from three years ago? Well, still better than celebrating the 20th with the Energon cartoon
  • Warriors From Three Worlds (Multi-pack, 2009/2010)
  • Accessories: 2 missiles, double-barreled gun, Earth Cyber Key
  • Cyber Key Code: s67k
Released in the 2008 Universe toyline, this three-pack of Cybertron Scout Class figures contains Ransack GTS, Repugnus and Scattorshot. These figures are almost identical to their original releases, except for a small size-class code tampograph.
This three-pack has been sighted at Family Dollar and Walgreens stores in the United States, in Sainsburys stores in the United Kingdom and in Canadian Tire stores in (where else?) Canada for the 2009 holiday period. In late-2010 it reappeared in the United States at Toys"R"Us stores.


Enhanced by an all-new mold.
  • "Scattorshot" was a name Hasbro had apparently been intending to use for quite some time: Early information from the official Transformers website featured it as a working name for both Energon Blight and Six Shot at different points.
  • According to Aaron Archer at BotCon 2006, the reason both versions of Scattorshot came with extra blue guns was because both versions had a little more left on the "per item" budget than the normal plans called for, so they added the guns for a little more value. However, only Scattorshot's Cybertron Defense body had his gun appear in the cartoon. His vehicle mode model even has the rifle stored on the left sides' Mini-Con Powerlinx port like on the toy.
  • In the opening-credit roll call of the Cybertron cartoon, Scattorshot's name is spelled "Scattershot". This is also the spelling used on his Cyber Planet Key content.
  • According to Cybertron Defense Scattorshot's color guide, he was originally supposed to sport a blue head, like the Scout Class version. However, there was no room left on the sprue for the blue parts, hence the head was moved to the sprue for the ocher parts instead. And since the budget for paint operations had already been used up, it couldn't be painted over in blue either.
  • The stock footage transformation sequence for Scattorshot's Cybertron Defense body is one of the few in the show to not perfectly match the toy. The animation model includes shutters (not present on the toy) that slide up to reveal his back and thighs. Similarly, in robot mode, the toy has a large gap on its back (where his head and shoulders are in vehicle mode), that is filled in on the animation model.
  • Whenever he deploys his Cyber Key Power weapons in his Cybertron Defense body in the cartoon, his right arm-mounted cannon is never slid forward like on the toy; instead, his weapons are shown deploying symmetrically. They're also never shown to be used as hand-held weapons like the toys' design insinuates.
  • In Galaxy Force, Scattorshot's first person pronouns were both "boku" (I) and occasionally "watashi" (I).

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Backpack (バックパック Bakkupakku), Backgild (Vanguard Team, バックギルド Bakkugirudo)
  • Hungarian: Sörét ("Lead Shot")
  • Indonesian: Baku Baku
  • Mandarin: Jīgūan Pào (China, 机关炮, "Machine Gun")
  • Korean: Backpack (백팩 Baegpaeg)
  • Russian: Pulemjot (Пулемёт, "Machine Gun")
  • Ukrainian: Drobovyk (Дробовик, "Shotgun")
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