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Source:Story of Binaltech

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This is an archive of Story of Binaltech written by Hirofumi Ichikawa.

1 - "Binaltech Is..."

西暦2003年―トランスフォーマーと人類のファーストコンタクトから十数年が過ぎ、世界を取りまく状況は大きく変化していた。サイバトロンシティの着工、EDC―地球防衛軍の設立、外宇宙への進出… 人類とサイバトロンは、もはやかけがえのない運命共同体となっていたのである。そんな中、金属病原体“コズミックルスト”を使用したデストロンの破壊工作により、多数のサイバトロン地球守備隊員が修復不能なダメージを負う事件が発生。折しも惑星セイバートロンでは、メガトロンによる征服戦争が今まさに火蓋を切らんとしており、サイバトロン軍の殆どの人員、資材が地球を後にしたばかりであった。防衛力の切札を失い、支援をも断たれるという絶対の危機を前に、EDCはかねてから構想されていた「人類によるトランスフォーマー開発計画」、バイナルテック・プロジェクトの発動を急遽決定。マザーコンピュータ・テレトラン1の指揮のもと、世界中の企業と研究機関の手により、可変式人型マシンの開発が急ピッチで行われた。こうして完成した地球製のロボット素体に、負傷したサイバトロン戦士の人格データが移植され、彼らは新たな人造機械生命体として甦った。ここに人類とサイバトロンの希望の戦士、バイナルテック・トランスフォーマーが誕生したのである!

Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

2003 A.D.--Over ten years have passed since the first contact between Transformers and humans, and situations around the world have changed tremendously. The groundbreaking for Autobot City, the establishment of the EDC--the Earth Defense Command, the advances into outer space...humans and Autobots have now formed an invaluable community bound by a common destiny. Amid all this, destructive Decepticon operations using the metallic pathogen "Cosmic Rust" have caused irreparable damage to countless Autobot members of the Earth garrison. Megatron had just launched a war of conquest on the planet Cybertron, and almost all Autobot personnel and material had just left Earth behind. Having lost their trump card of defensive strength, cut off from all support, and faced with an absolute crisis, the EDC reaches an emergency decision to initiate the Binal-Tech Project, a "human-developed Transformers" plan they'd been considering for some time. Under the orders of the mother computer Teletraan-1, the development of transformable, humanoid machines is carried out at a rapid pace by companies and research organizations around the world. The wounded Autobots' personality data are transferred into the Earth-made robot bodies thus completed, and they are reborn as new man-made mechanical lifeforms. Here are born the warriors who are the hope of humans and Autobots alike, the Binal-Tech Transformers!

2 - "Binaltech Is..."



Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

Almost 20 years have passed since the first contact between Transformers and humans, and situations around the world have changed tremendously. Humans and Autobots have now formed an invaluable community bound by a common destiny. Through a mutual fusion of their technologies, they have revived a new generation of warriors, Binal-Tech Transformers, and successfully achieved phenomenal military results against the threat of the Decepticons, who are stronger than ever before. At the same time, Megatron has finally launched a war of conquest on Cybertron, where the Decepticons have held superiority for some time, in order to wipe out all Autobot resistance forces. As the renowned warriors of the Autobot forces rush out into violent combat, the Earth, their vital source of energy, is exposed to even greater menace as a target of capture for their enemies. Thus the fate of Earth and the Autobots is entrusted into the hands of the Binal-Tech Transformers, their warriors of hope!

3 - "Arise! Evil Binaltechs"


一方地球では、悪の科学者Dr.アーカビルを始めとする人類の危険分子が、地球/サイバトロン同盟の解体を目的とした秘密組織を結成、その手始めに、同盟の象徴であるバイナルテック計画の瓦解を目論んだ。この組織の存在をいち早く察知したデストロン地球攻撃指揮官・スタースクリームは、かつての協力者アーカビルを通じ利害の一致する者同士の一時的な協力体制を打診し、ここに不信と悪意に満ちたもう一つの同盟が結ばれた。アーカビルが持つ催眠装置“ヒプノチップ”と、心理工作兵ボンブシェルの“セレブロシェル”を組み合わせ、より巧妙に進化した洗脳技術を使用し、彼ら悪の同盟は世界数ヵ所の科学産業都市を人知れず手中に納めたばかりか、EDC隊員数名のスパイ化にも成功する。その狙いは、大破したデストロン兵士をBT計画それ自体によって再生する事にあった! 今や人々は、自身が敵の支配下にあるとも知らず、自ら恐るべき破壊者の誕生に手を貸す事態となった。人類の希望たるバイナルテック計画は、今ここに最大の危機を迎えたのである!

Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

Thanks to the joint efforts of the EDC and the Autobots forces, it seemed the influence of the Decepticons had been completely swept out of the Solar System. However, as they fled carrying their many wounded, the Decepticons hid in temporary bases on various worlds, quietly seeking an opportunity to strike back.

Meanwhile, on Earth, dangerous elements of human society, such as the evil scientist Dr. Arkeville, formed a secret society dedicated to the goal of dissolving the Earth-Autobot alliance. For the outset of their activities, they envisioned a fatal flaw in the Binal-Tech Plan, the symbol of the alliance. Starscream, the Decepticons Terran Strike Commander, immediately suspected the society's existence and sounded out them out through his former collaborator, Dr. Arkeville, about a temporary cooperative arrangement, since their interests coincided. Thus was another alliance formed, one filled with mistrust and malice.

Combining the hypnochip, a hypnotic device developed by Arkeville, with the cerebro-shells of psychic warfare specialist Bombshell, their brainwashing technology evolved to become even more ingenious than before. With it, their evil alliance not only gained secret control of scientific industrial cities around the world, they also succeeded in turning several EDC officers into spies. Their aim was to revive the injured Decepticons using the Binal-Tech Plan itself! Now those people, unaware that they are working for the Decepticons, are personally assisting in the resurrection of these fearsome destroyers. The Binal-Tech Plan, the hope of Mankind, has now met its greatest crisis!

4 - "GT Units Online!"

バイナルテック・トランスフォーマーとは、セイバートロン星の高度技術を託された地球人類が、総力をあげて復活させた新生サイバトロン戦士の一団である。悪のBT兵士の出現は地球・サイバトロン同盟に強い衝撃をもたらしたが、彼らの懸念はそれだけに留まらなかった。敵の大反攻を控えBT機体の増産体制が着々と整えられたにも関わらず、それを操るべき制御システム、すなわちロボット生命体の頭脳の総数が絶対的に不足していたのだ。必要とあらば際限なく複製できる通常のデータファイルと異なり、TFの人格プログラムは“ライフフォース”と呼ばれる各自固有のエネルギー信号によってのみ動作するため、例え彼らの人格ファイルを複製しても、それを実行させる手段がなかったのである。だがこれらの難問に対し、TF研究の第一人者にして、彼らの長年の友人であるチップ・チェイスが、大胆きわまる解決策を編み出した。それは彼らの亜空間通信技術を応用し、複製した人格プログラム全てに、時空を越えてライフフォースを供給するという、驚くべき新技術であった。この通称“GT(Genetronic Translink)システム”により、同じ心と記憶、そして善の魂を持った分身トランスフォーマーが新たに誕生した。バイナルテック計画は、更なる未知の領域へ踏み出したのである!

Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

The Binaltech Transformers are a group of newly created Autobot warriors revived through the best efforts of Earth humans entrusted with Cybertron's high technology.

The appearance of the evil BT warrior was a tremendous shock to Earth's Autobot alliance, but their fears went beyond just that. Though they'd been steadily arranging a system for increased production of BT frames, as they were anticipating an eventual need for a large counteroffensive, they faced a numerical deficiency of the control systems needed to operate those frames--namely, the brains of robot lifeforms. Unlike ordinary data files, which could be reproduced ad infinitum, since the personality program of a TF could only be activated by its "life force"--an individual, characteristic energy signature--even if its personality files were duplicated, there was no way to execute them. However, the Autobots' longtime friend Chip Chase, the leading figure in TF research, worked out an amazingly audacious solution to deal with these difficult problems. This astounding new technology used the Autobots' subspace communications technology to transmit life force by connecting interdimensionally to all the duplicate personality programs. This method, known as the GT (Genetronic Translink) System, gave birth to "Parallel Transformers" with identical minds, memories, and righteous spirits. The Binaltech Plan had advanced even further into unknown territory!

5 - "Operation: Carwash"


Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

The Binaltech Transformers are a group of newly created Autobot warriors revived through the best efforts of Earth humans entrusted with Cybertron's high technology.

The Binaltech Project was the symbol of the Earth-Autobot alliance, and the fact that it had been unexpectedly used to revive a Decepticon warrior had been a powerful shock to the allied camp. The united forces worried greatly that the incident would cast suspicion everywhere, even on perfectly innocent project collaborators, and that the project would begin cracking apart. They thus suppressed these facts using thorough intelligence operations, and in order to clear up the truth of the matter, especially the fact that the BT Project had been violated by a Decepticon, they put "Operation: Carwash" into effect. While a team of experts led by team member D.R. Faireborn conducted secret inquiries, the Autobot forces sent in their top agent, who set out to investigate and settle the matter.

6 - "Expose all of Evil's Designs!"



Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

<From Communication Record of Intelligence Officer Faireborn>
"From our investigations so far, we've learned that a secret organization of Earth humans known as 'The Concurrence' was involved behind the scenes in the incident of the BT Project being used to revive Decepticons. They're a real scoundrels' social club, united for the purpose of destroying the human-Autobot alliance. Notorious terrorists like Count von Rani and General Kreiger are just the top of their membership list. They've also got bankrollers like the fanatically vengeful Lord Chumley and Shawn Berger, Jr., whose life was totally screwed up by the Transformers. It seems absurd that jokers like this would ever team up with the Decepticons, but it looks like their ultimate goal is to boot out all the TFs, turning the Solar System into a 'no robots allowed' resort. There are no actual Concurrence turncoats within the BT Project, though, just victims controlled by their brainwashing technology. We should contact Ultra Magnus at Autobot City immediately and let him know we need to locate these mind-control devices and find a way to nullify them ASAP. Have to sign off for now; they could bust down the door on me any second. Tell my family I'll be enjoying myself at the Lunar Colony for a little while longer."

7 - "Beast in the Machine"



8 - "Ghosts of the Past"

トランスフォーマーの出現後、世界各地でセイバートロン星起源の遺物が数多く発掘されてきた。その殆どは、前世紀アメリカの秘密諜報機関“I.I.I.(トリプルアイ)”によって管理されていたが、それらの中で最も不可解かつ異質な出土品が、「シュレディンガーの箱」と名付けられた容器状の物体であった。組織解体後も秘密裏に遺物を保管したI.I.I.残党グループは、新たに得たTF技術の高度解析により、この「箱」が現在よりも数百年先の未来から来た、セイバートロン宇宙艇のフライトレコーダーであることを突き止めた。しかもこの装置内には、宇宙艇乗員であるロボットのメモリーデータが記録されており、驚くべき事に、その乗員とは彼らの良く知る敵、デストロン兵士ジャガーの未来の姿であると判明した! この“中枢意識ファイル X-9”との対話に成功した彼らは、未来の技術や情報と引き換えに、X-9に新しい身体を与える取引を締結、偽のBT計画を立案し、X-9を新たなバイナルテック戦士“ラヴィッジ”として甦らせた。だが、変わらぬ現代の様子を見たラヴィッジは、太古の戦い“ビーストウォーズ”での歴史改変計画が失敗に終わったのだと知るや、たちまち協定を覆し、彼が現代に復活した証拠すべてを、その関係者もろとも処分して姿を消した。やがて来るデストロン衰亡の未来を避けるため、彼は再び歴史を変える野望に着手したのである!

Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

After the first appearance of the Transformers, artifacts of Cybertronian origin were unearthed all over the world. Almost all of these were controlled by I.I.I. ("Triple-I"), a 20th-century American secret intelligence agency, and the most baffling and foreign of these was a container-like artifact they named "Schroedinger's Box." After the organization was disbanded, a group formed from the remnants of I.I.I. safekept the object in secret. Through advanced analysis using newly acquired TF technology, they ascertained that this "box" was a flight recorder from a Cybertronian spaceship that had come from several centuries in the future. The memories of the spaceship's robot passenger were also recorded within this device, and to their shock, they confirmed he was the future form of an enemy they knew all too well: the Decepticon warrior Ravage! They succeeded in establishing contact with this "Core Consciousness File: X-9," and made an agreement to provide X-9 with a new body in exchange for technology and information from the future. They then drafted up a false BT design and revived X-9 as a new BinalTech warrior, "Battle Ravage." However, seeing that the state of the present was unchanged, Ravage realized that the plan to change history during the ancient battles of the "Beast Wars" had ended in failure. He promptly broke the agreement, disposed of all evidence that he had been resurrected in the present--along with all of those involved--and vanished. To avoid the impending future of the Decepticons' downfall, he has once again set about his plans to change history!

9 - "Reality Check"




10 - "Changing Lanes"

同盟軍の必死の捜査も空しく、ラヴィッジの歴史改変計画は遂に実行された。しかし、計画発動のために彼が講じた手段は、誰にとっても不可解きわまるものであった。 ホイルジャックの乗る一時帰投用シャトルをハイジャックしたラヴィッジは、セイバートロンの荒廃したデストロン領域に降り立ち、かつてレーザーウェーブが開発したタイムマシン“クロノ・スフィア”の残骸を探し当てる。


Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

The allied forces' desperate searches proved in vain, as Battle Ravage finally realized his plan to change history. However, the method he devised in order to put the plan into action was utterly baffling to all. Hijacking Wheeljack's shuttle, which had been coopted for a military rescue mission to Cybertron, Battle Ravage touched down in the ruins of the Decepticon territory on Cybertron, where he sought and found the wreckage of the Kronosphere, a device once developed by Shockwave.

Soon, a fleet of mobile fortresses commanded by Megatron, set to deliver a final blow to the smaller Autobot forces, began its attack. Commander Optimus Prime, concluding they could no longer maintain their ground positions, ordered that all forces retreat to the moonbases. But at that instant, the battle fortresses approaching them were suddenly enveloped in an enormous ball of light and unexpectedly vanished. Battle Ravage had entrapped the main Decepticon forces, Megatron and all, in a rift in time! Their military strength halved and their leader lost, the Decepticon forces lost all regulation and were easily defeated and swept away by the Autobot counteroffensive. The showdown in 2005 shifted away from its original history and ended in Decepticon defeat.

With the time machine's automatic recall device in hand, Battle Ravage mused to himself, "This is all for the future of the Decepticons. No one can stop the coming attack of the great 'darkness,' so better to let the Autobots alone bear the confrontation with him. Then, when the nightmare battle is over and they are all weakened, Megatron shall return!"

11 - "Project: Bodyshop"


確かに、今や時の流れは変わった… しかし、これで死の運命からも逃れられたという保証があるだろうか? それに、今の世界が邪悪な意図によって歪められた現実ならば、この勝利の先には恐るべき罠が待っている筈だ。手遅れとなる前に、正しい流れに戻さなければならない…だがそれは、愛する仲間達を悲劇に追いやる事を意味するのだ。重いジレンマに苦しみながら、ホイルジャックの卓越した頭脳はこの難問の解決に取りかかった。死神をあざむく方法は必ずある。彼はすぐさま、地球のチップ・チェイスに連絡を取った。

Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

Thanks to the Autobot victory in 2005, their homeword was freed from the threat of evil. However, Wheeljack looked askance at his excitedly joyous brethren, his expression unwell. He knew this sudden victory had been brought to them by an enemy who came from the future. Just before the end of the battle, Battle Ravage had told Wheeljack of his plans while he occupied Wheeljack's shuttle. At the same time, he'd shown Wheeljack images of the future Battle Ravage remembered. Projected in them were the remains of Brawn, Prowl and their group, abandoned in their raided shuttle, then the deactivated forms of Windcharger and Wheeljack himself stretched out in a corner of Autobot City! "If I can alter this future, some of those you see here MIGHT be saved. Except you--you're going to die here and now!" Barely making his escape, Wheeljack was rescued by his allies, then witnessed the instant history changed.

The flow of time was definitely different now...and yet, was there any proof he'd also escaped his deadly fate? Besides, if the present world was a reality distorted by evil intentions, then surely a fearsome trap was waiting somewhere after this victory. He had to restore the proper time-flow before it was too late...but that would mean sending his dear teammates into tragedy. While Wheeljack suffered from this onerous dilemma, his superior intellect set about solving the conundrum. There had to be a way of fooling Death. Immediately, he contacted Chip Chase on Earth.

12 - "Prowl & Chase"



Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

While searches for the remnants of the Decepticon forces were being conducted in all sectors of space, the increased production of parallel bodies for the Autobots progressed under Project Bodyshop on Earth, and the transplanting of their respective personality data was winding up. In the midst of all this, an emergency communique was received from Prowl, who'd been investigating the activity of Decepticons hiding in the vicinity of Saturn, stating that the enemy was now in fierce pursuit of him. Sensing that the scenario for Prowl's ultimate fate had been put in motion, Wheeljack reluctantly resolved to activate the long-distance GT system. Just before the enemy forces led by Shockwave that were invading Prowl's spaceship could attack him, Wheeljack succeeded in transporting Prowl's life core into subspace. However, relief was fleeting; the unstable dimensional link abruptly severed, and Prowl's separated core unit went missing in subspace! Feeling utterly helpless, Wheeljack didn't even bother conducting a search for the lost core. The next day, Chip Chase reminisced before the BT frame that was to have housed Prowl's life force. "Twenty years ago, we met thanks to an online message from you. Your battle computer was down, and in its place, I--" Something flashed in the back of Chip's mind. "Your intelligence and personality are already in this frame. In which case..." He called Wheeljack and Ratchet and informed them both, "I'm certain he'll come back someday, but right now, the world needs Prowl's strength. So I intend to set off the fireworks of life in this body. I want you to set me up for mind transfer!"

13X - "Widow's Edge"


しかし、予告された日時に達しても宇宙にさしたる異変は認められず、デストロン兵士達の間に蔓延していた疑念と不満はいよいよ頂点に達した。そしてついに、事態はスタースクリームの帰動によるクーデターへと拡大したのである。だがその時、どこからか現れた2人のロボットによって、騒動は瞬く間に鎮圧された。1人の放った強力な磁場が、その場の者全員を金縛りにしたのだ。「あたしはブラックウィドー」もう1人が名乗った。「そしてこっちのミスター電磁石は…何て名だっけ?」「"ディセプティチャージ "!」2人は、外宇宙で消えたはずのBT実験機と、同じ姿をしていた。「つまらない企みにユニクロンを利用しようなど、身の程知らずどもあの方は全てを知り、そしてお怒りだ。彼の復讐を免れたければ、我々に手を貸すがいい。コンボイを倒し、"マトリクス"を破壊するのだ!」


13 - "Darkest Hour"



Translators: Semi-official translation by Doug Dlin and author Hirofumi Ichikawa originally published at BWTF.com (archived)

Thanks to Prowl and Overdrive's raiding strategy, Battle Ravage, the ringleader behind the changes in history, was finally captured. However, he indicated a monitor in his concealed base and proudly informed them, "I would love to congratulate you, but I fear this has all been for nothing. Observe!" Displayed there on the monitor were images of an enormous, mobile planetoid approaching Cybertron. "That is Unicron, devourer of worlds, bringer of chaos to the universe!"

And so the nightmarish battle began. The Autobot defense fleet was annihilated instantly, and their satellite bases too fell prey to the monster. At the same time, an infinite army of robot soldiers who appeared to be Unicron's underlings advanced on them, and many warriors sacrificed themselves to protect command headquarters. "Excellent..." murmured Ravage.

"Only Prime must not be allowed to die. The Matrix your leader possesses is the only thing that can defeat Unicron."

Grasping Battle Ravage's entire plan, Supreme Commander Optimus Prime took Ultra Magnus with him and piloted a shuttle toward Unicron. "Our future may be hopeless, but we will still fulfill those duties we have to do. Send orders to Skids on Earth to initiate Operation 'Distant Thunder'!" Operation Distant Thunder was a final means of opposing the enemy's distortions of space-time. It involved sending Wheeljack's memory data to a point in time preceding the changes in history, informing their past selves of the danger. The procedure would utilize the time warp generated by altering the energy balance of a unique region on Earth known as "Dinobot Island." Skids had spent many years studying how to control this warp, although his research was still incomplete. He was hesitant about interfering in the time stream, but he persuaded himself, "This is only returning the flow that was meant to be." If circumstances allowed, Project Bodyshop would likely cancel out many of the tragedies in "real history." Skids set up the energy switch on the island's coast and set about creating the warp, but just then, his sensors detected a Decepticon platoon rapidly approaching! Would his strategy succeed in time?

14X - "Binal Time"


そして衝撃がやんだ時、地上のワープは残らず消滅していた。スキッズは訳も分からぬまま "ジンライ"と名乗るその人物に礼を述べ、語りかけた。「作戦は、上手くいったろうか…」「ああ、警告は無事に届いた。君達が、一つの歴史を救ったんだ」「でも、それならこの現実も変わる筈では?見たところ何も…」「済まないが、この世界は無くならない」彼の言葉に、スキッズは唾然とした。「たった今ワープの時空エネルギーを使い、 "正史"とこの世界とをバイパスで分けた。どちらの現実も、これで生き続ける」「ばかな!君は一体…」「このタイムラインは、貴重なんだ。遠い未来に、ある偉大な存在を生み出す。それは多元宇宙の繁栄に、大きな役割を果たす者達だ」「その誰かの為に、この世界を残せと?それが本当なら…我々はどうなる?」青ざめるスキッズに、ジンライは告げた。「嵐の時代を、強く生きてくれ。偉大な存在とは、君達バイナルテックを祖先とする者なのだ!」


14 - "Binal Time"

首尾よく行けば彼らの現実は即座に書き変わるはずだが、周囲には何の変化も起こらない。それどころか、地球上に開いた無数のワープが制御を離れて肥大し始めた! 「やはり無理だった! これでは修復どころか、歴史が崩壊する!」その時、彼らの眼前に1体のロボットが幻の如く現れた。どこかコンボイにも似たその黒い影が両手を掲げると、ダイノボットアイランドを中心に巨大な光の波紋が広がり、地球全体を包み込んだ。そして激しい衝撃がやんだ時、地上のワープは残らず消滅していた。
我に返ったスキッズは、目の前の<黒いコンボイ>に恐る恐る近づいた。「君がワープの暴走を止めてくれたのか? だとしたら感謝するよ… 作戦には失敗してしまったが、地球は無事でよかった」「失敗ではない」彼が答えた。「警告は無事に届き、しかるべき対策が取られた。お前たちは一つの歴史を救ったのだ」彼の言葉に、一同は戸惑った。周囲の現実には、今だ何の変化も見られなかったからだ。「そして、この世界も生き残った。俺の中に宿る力によって」彼はタイムワープの時空エネルギーを使い、<正史>とこの世界とをバイパスで分けたのだという。「どちらの現実も、これで存続する」「ばかな!」スキッズらは衝撃を受け、騒然となった。滅びの運命を回避するための努力が、意味を失ったのだ。

それによると、今彼らが属するこの世界は、きわめて貴重なタイムラインであるらしい。遠い未来に、ある偉大な存在を生み出す。それは多元宇宙の繁栄に大きな役割を果たす者達であるという。「ゆえに、この世界を消させるわけにはいかなかった」「冗談じゃない!」サンストリーカーが叫んだ。「まだ生まれてもいない誰かの為に、この世界を残せだと? だったら俺達はどうなる?」「嵐の時代を、“強く生きてくれ”と願っている。偉大な存在<オルタニティ>とは、お前達のバイナルテックを起源とする者なのだ!」

その後、オーバードライブの次元移動調査によって<正史>の世界が復活している事実が裏付けられた。彼は口ごもりながらも、正史世界の様子をコンボイに報告した。「その、向こうの世界では… コンボイ司令、あなたは戦死なさっています」相違点は様々だったが、中でも最も奇妙なのは、司令官の後任人事だった。「信じられんが、新リーダーになったのは―ホットロディマス、君だよ!」その場の全員が耳を疑い、ある者は悲鳴を上げた。まんざらでもない表情のホットロディマスと目が合ったウルトラマグナスは、今や彼の預かりとなったマトリクスの格納扉を固く閉じ、きっぱりと言った。「妙な気を起こすなよ、ひよっ子!」
どちらがましな世界なのか、もはや誰にもわからない。コンボイは保存クリスタルに収容されたプロテクターに目を向け、それから皆に語った。「<オルタニティ>が、我々の未来への光明だろうか? そう願いたいものだ。しかしどんな輝かしい未来にも、我々の現在の努力なくして辿り着けはしない。それを肝に銘じ、戦いに備えるのだ!」 戦士達は意気を上げ、散開した。「遠い先の事は、ひとまず忘れよう。ただ、バイナルテックの支援は強化しなければならん。その進歩を見守り、支えてゆくのだ。彼らのために、この世界があるのだから!」


「おかしな邪魔が入ったが、お前にふさわしいライフフォースとの接続をついに確立したぞ。その命は古く、邪悪で貪欲だ! もはやお前を止められる者はこの世におらん。目覚めるがいい、ブラックコンボイ!」


15 - "Kill Switch"

遠い未来に出現するという<オルタニティ>――バイナルテックの進化した超存在が、彼らの生き残りを約束するものだと。サイバトロン戦士たちが望みをかけている事を、コンボイ司令官は懸念していた。この未来から知らせが、現在の彼らを救うものである保証はない… しかし、彼らにも希望は必要なのだ。そして彼自身、この難局を打開するためには、不本意ながら今一度、未来の力を借りねばならないと考えていた。コンボイはプロールら作戦班を呼びだし、ラヴィッジの未来記憶から一つの反撃法を見出したことを伝えた。 この状況を生み出した張本人であるラヴィッジは、サイバトロンに捕えられ尋問を受ける前に、重要な情報を破棄していた。歴史の流れが変わっても、彼の持つ未来知識は依然として有用であり、サイバトロン科学者たちは全力でデータの修復につとめた。その結果いくつかの貴重な情報の改修に成功し、その扱いはコンボイ司令官の手に委ねられたのだ。 メガトロンの太陽系包囲網が狭まる中、セイバートロン星に向かう敵補給船に潜伏したリジェは、強化されたエレクトロ・ディスラプターの力を存分に発揮し、船の貨物ベイから堂々と下船した。故郷の大地に降り立つ感慨にふける間もなく、彼は支持された目的地<魔境オメガ・ゼロワン>を目指した。そこに仲間と地球の窮地を救い、あるいは全ての戦いを終わらせ得る、切り札が眠っているのだ。
「その装置を動かせば、サイバトロンも一緒に凍結されるんだろう? 君たちはそれでいいのか?」地球人クルーが、彼らに問いかけた。「今は戦いを止めることが重要なんだ。後のことは、君たちに任せるよ」スモークスクリーンGTのひとり、<スモ―キー7>が答えた。「いや、願わくばメガトロン共を片付けてから、また起してほしいところだけどね」<スモ―キー2>が、陽気に口をはさんだ。

メガトロンがEDC火星基地を襲撃したその時、両軍の火戦の間に黒い影が割って入った。EDC隊員メリッサ・フェアボーンは、メガトロンの前に立ち塞がるブラックコンボイの姿を見た。「俺の庭を踏み荒らすことは許さん」「コンボイの顔真似をした地球のメカが、デストロンの紋章をまとうとは。何重にもふざけた奴よ! ひねり潰してくれる!」


偽装船の地球人たちは、凍結装置の効果をモニターしながらも、しかし一つの異変を目の当たりにした。彼らの傍にいるトラックスたちが依然として動き続けているのだ。「こちらリジェ。作戦は… どうやら成功らしい。地上の敵は、全て凍りついたようだが… しかし、よくわからん。あの装置は全てのトランスフォーマーを止めると聞いたが、私には何の効果もない。少々大げさな売り文句だったようだな」




16 - "Unfinished Business, Part 1"





17 - "Unfinished Business, Part 2"

「人工エレクトラムは、ホットな研究テーマのようだな。ちょうど私にも、その成果が備わっていてね… どちらが上等か、試してみるか!」マイスターは彼の全身を覆う<アージェント>装甲にエネルギー点火し、白銀の光輝をまとい突進した。凄まじいパワーの激突が、地下空間を揺るがす。次の瞬間、巨人はよろめき、膝をついた。マイスターは、投げ渡されたグリムロックの剣をアージェントで包むと、巨人の背に突き刺しトランスリンク・ノードをえぐり出した。「ブルーストリーク、こいつを撃て!」




18 - "Unfinished Business, Part 3"





「警備は敵を見失ったそうだ… スパークも奪い去られてしまった」研究員の1人が、気落ちした様子で言った。



19 - "Unfinished Business, Part 4"



その時、アーシーに救出されたプロテクターが宙を飛び、コンボイの元へ舞い降りた。「君は…」プロテクターはコンボイの胸部をゆっくりと透過すると、彼のレーザーコアと融合した。コンボイの脳裏に、プロテクターの真の姿が現れた。「このスパークの融合… 遥か昔にも経験した気がする。あの時も、君は私の命を救ってくれた!」融合スパークの絶大なパワーがオーラのようにコンボイを包み、彼は立ち上がった。「未来の種子は、すでに我らの手にある。バイナルテックがお前に大いなる力を与える事は、決してない!」彼はブラックコンボイの攻撃と飛び交うエネルギー火線を両腕で吸収すると、その全てを相手に叩きつけた。ブラックコンボイは途方もない力に呑まれ、ついに爆発四散した。



20 - "Outlier"

See below

EX Chapter





「黒のコルベット、止まれ!!」 声紋を量子チューナーで周波数分析し作り上げた、相棒の保安官と同ヘルツの声を響き渡す。 だが、漆黒のコルベットは艶やかな残光を闇夜に残し、加速度を増していく。プロールのサーモ式処理のスピードガンには、制限速度の65マイルをあっさ100マイル以上は指している。 「ちっ·····」 舌打ちのような、ハイビームの光線を伸ばし、カーナンバーをスキャンする。 【R·A·V·I·G·E】 それは州警の電算室のデータリストに振いきじ文字。 同時にプロールはすぐさま、その体を人べこだえていた。




地球の軌道上には、7000を越える人工衛星が回っている。 宇宙センターから、その全ての衛星のコンピューターにウイルスを進入させる。そのウイルスには衛星を機能停止させ、地球から放たれる僕かな磁気に同かって落ちていくプログラムが成されていた。 本来ならば、10Gを越える加速度ゃ、大気との原擦によって殆どが燃えなてしまうのだが、彼らはユニクロンスパークによるものとされる特殊な粒子コーティングを施し、ほぼ無傷のまま7000個の衝星を落下させるのた。

プロールは今の生活には、とても満足していた。 地球上でも稀にみる犯罪都市ではあるが、正義感溢れる相棒と、陽気な気候そのものの暖かな住民たちとの短いながらも太い交流。 近所の悪がきのスケートボードに傷つけられたパンパーも、ハンバーガーの肉汁とコーヒーが染み付いているシートも、甲高く小うるさいDJの選曲で磨り減ったスピーカも、その全てが、経験したことのないデータとなった。

空が白く明けはじめてきた頃、住み慣れたガレージの中で、最近覚えてきた地球の言葉を、スキャンではなく、窮屈ながらも初めて "書く”という行為をした。自らの手でふさふさしたも のに、ベンキと呼ばれる塗料を付け、地球の言葉でしっかりと書いた。


宇宙にいる仲間から馬鹿にされるだろうか少し後悔をしながらも、いつもとは違うルートを通り、プロールは新たなパトロール先へと向かった。 起床アラーム代わりのサイレンは、いつもよりも少し大きかった。




Collected edition

Story of Binaltech was compiled in a complete collection in Generations 2019 with a variety of additional chapters and special features as transcribed above.

Original releases


Originally from BWTF.com

Author's Notes for Ch 8 "Ghosts of the Past"

  • BT-11's product name has been changed to "Ravage." This was simply a matter of trademark for the toy; there was no request from Chevrolet involved. (By the way, there also appear to have been no restrictions from Honda as far as naming the Alternators Meister was concerned. Negotiations with Porsche were still going on while Meister was being developed, so the name "Jazz" was put in reserve until those talks were resolved. Unfortunately, it seems those plans didn't pan out.
  • When would Ravage have saved a Core Consciousness File? I believe this happens at the end of "The Agenda, Part Two," when he joins forces with TM Megatron and starts attacking the Axalon. At this point, he transforms into cassette mode and combines with his spaceship. This would certainly have been the point at which he'd have made a core dump file of his consciousness.
  • The organization I.I.I. appearing in this story is, of course, based on the background info from the Marvel comic, but the comic's story itself is not included. Ultimately, I'm writing this under the hypothesis that such an organization could have existed the cartoon universe as well. (The same goes for the presence of von Rani and Kreiger.) Whether or not Walter Barnett exists in this world, I don't know. However, even if we grant that he did, he probably had nothing to do with this BT-11 project.

Author's Notes for Ch 11 "Project Bodyshop"

  • The line "If I can alter this future, some of those you see here MIGHT be saved. Except you--you're going to die here and now!" is Battle Ravage's dialogue. Because the story section has a limited character count, I reluctantly had to condense the meaning of this passage myself. Accordingly, the original dialogue is as follows: "Starting now, I'm going alter this history. No objections, I trust? If this future is changed, then some of those you see here MIGHT be saved. Or perhaps they will meet the same fate. What IS certain is that you are going to die here and now!"
  • While I don't know if there'll be an opportunity to do so in the story, for the moment, I am distinguishing the current, reorganized reality as the "Ravage Time" (taking a cue from the JUSTICE LEAGUE cartoon story "The Savage Time") and the original, "true history" as the "Prime Time."
  • Although Battle Ravage revealed his plans to change history to Wheeljack, he kept secret the fundamental part about the advent of the "Great Evil" and his scheme to protect the Decepticons from that threat. If the Autobots were so inclined, I'm sure they would be able to return to the past by any number of time-travel methods and prevent Battle Ravage's history alteration. But at this point, since the true threat is still unidentified, they are reluctant to intervene into space-time until/unless the current advantageous situation is upset. Furthermore, a cruel fate (depicted in TF:TM) would await them if they do repair history. (And on top of that, Wheeljack's afraid of the possibility that an identical scenario to that in real history could reoccur even in the current "Ravage Time." Wheeljack devised Project Bodyshop in order to save himself and his teammates from all these unfavorable conditions. However, in order to put Project Bodyshop into effect in the "Prime Time," Wheeljack would have to conduct his history repair within a very brief time limit immediately after witnessing the "vision of the future" on the shuttle, or else take different, more effective measures.

Author's Notes for Ch 12 "Prowl & Chase"

  • The story this time is based on events in the cartoon episode "Roll for It" and gets its technological background from the episode "Autobot Spike."
  • Please think of the connection between Prowl's consciousness and Chip Chase's life essence as similar to Dinobot 2's case. He gained life from Rampage's spark, but Dinobot's identity was all his own. And if we take into account the unfinished BW episode "Dark Glass," the original Dinobot's personality was also restored to him. If we follow this example then BT Prowl is at least subjectively and objectively (though some doubts remain about "essentially") Prowl himself.
  • As to whether a human mind separated from its body could become a TF's life core, I'd say its arguable. However, setting aside such an essential question, since mind transfer itself is an unknown technology in the first place, I consider this merely a problem of definitions. Thus I established the latest mind transfer devices in this story as technology that draws out from a life form's internal energy structure those parts that contain consciousness activity patterns and modulates them into a stable force field. Through this process, a human mind could become a life-force generator just like a laser core.
  • Regarding the treatment of Prowl's lost core unit, I actually prepared several options in advance. This was in order to prepare for the "sudden changes in plans" that are an inevitable part of Binaltech products, and at the present time, I have not completely decided what I'm going to do. My motive for imposing such a checkered fate on Prowl is heavily related to his name being carved in the space mausoleum (from "Dark Awakening") in "real history." I can't reveal how it ties in with this fact just yet, but for the moment, he cannot achieve full resurrection that easily.

Author Q&A with Ch 13 "Darkest Hour"

AUTHOR'S NOTES (6-17-06): BT-16 is the final chapter of the Binaltech Story released to date. The original plan was to conclude the battle in the chapter for BT-17 Ginrai and then finish up the "Time-Themed Story Arc" series in the chapter for BT-18 Hot Rod. (This would not have been sold under the Binaltech brand. I had an offer to write up his bio card and story, but it was canceled before any actual work began.)

What follows are questions brought up on number of fan message boards at the time BT-16 went on sale. I took these and put together my notes on BT-16 in the form of answers.

Q: Is it true that Skids is the first case of an Autobot using a BT frame as a simple upgrade?
Yes, that's it exactly. The Binaltech Project was originally put into effect in order to rebuild the Autobots' decimated Earth forces when they were unable to receive either personal support or replenishment of supplies. The initial target achievement, therefore, was just restoring the status quo. Binaltech frames can equal the original Cybertronian bodies in combat strength and damage resistance for any single mission, but there's no comparison when it comes to long-term durability; the BT frames require very frequent maintenance. According to #15 of the Marvel comics series, the Autobots carry out maintenance check-ups every 1200 miles or every four Earth weeks, whichever comes first, but BT frames would likely require more frequent checks, probably requiring complete overhauls after every 1-2 combat sorties. Because of this, the BT warriors have to maintain close ties with their respective auto makers. BT-16 was a development project conducted to alleviate this inconvenience.

To expand a bit, here's a quick overview of the primary development objectives for each of the BTs:

BT-01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 12 --Project to revive the Autobot Earth forces.

BT-05, 09 (Dead End, Swindle) --Originally part of the project to revive the Autobot Earth forces, but used by the Decepticons in a plot to weaken the Earth/Autobot alliance.

BT-07 (Smokescreen GT) --Project for tactical supplementing of robot lifeform units in order to eliminate fundamental personnel deficiency in Earth forces. *Genetronic Translink is neither clone technology nor remote controlling of drones. It's a theory of implementing "multiple selves"; essentially, a group of active units need not all have identical forms. When the GT System is activated, each of the maximum four units that can be active are entirely like the original. They are dispersed around the world or even offworld, where each can engage in its own autonomous activity. When a mission is over, any unit can go offline and return to being just a body frame, during which time each unit's experience memories undergo integration processing, returning them into one individual. At this point, which GT unit remains as the primary is completely up to them, though this is usually settled by a discussion between the various units and the external GT Control Center.

BT-08 (Replica Automaton) --Project to create a man-made Transformer with advanced A.I. technology. Later used for Jazz's covert intelligence operations.

BT-10 (Grimlock) -- Research to develop as powerful a body as possible using existing Binaltech technology, originally advanced completely apart from the Earth forces revival project (later applied to revive Grimlock).

BT-11 (Battle Ravage) --Ostensibly an experiment in BT technology synthesis, but actually conducted in secret as the X-9 Resurrection Project

BT-13 (Shockwave) -- An experiment with the technology of the Transmutor, a matter-reconfiguration device. The BT-frame that later became Shockwave was never anything more than test material for this purpose.

BT-14, 15 (Wheeljack, Prowl) --GT frame production plans for Project Bodyshop, which was initiated at Wheeljack's request.

BT-16 (Skids) --Development project for a high-precision, highly durable BT frame available purely as an upgrade for Autobots

Q: If Project Bodyshop were brought into "real history," wouldn't it eventually alter the "Prime Time"?
Project Bodyshop was originally intended to rescue those scheduled to die without altering apparent events, so the assumption from the start was that it would be implemented in "Prime Time." (The project activation in "Ravage Time" was a rehearsal, as it were.) Even if the plan fully succeeded, it would have no effect on "apparent" true history, but there was a chance of only partial success, in which case Project Bodyshop itself would fail, simply ending by preventing Ravage's changes to history. (There are hints in BT-15 Prowl's chapter about the possibility of their plan going wrong.) To tell the truth, whether or not Project Bodyshop succeeded was not that important. As far as Wheeljack knew, both timelines had tragic futures, so he could not firmly believe in the necessity of restoring history. Even so, they had prepared for Battle Ravage implementing his plan and the Autobots' destruction becoming unavoidable, and they needed a "trigger explosive" in order to execute the historical repairs without hesitation. That was Project Bodyshop. In short, it was all merely a question of the motives of those repairing history.

Additionally--and this is purely my own personal vision--when I consider what would have happened if the Transformers TV show had gone on past the end of season 4 ("The Rebirth"), I naturally believe that real history would have reached the Action Masters era at some point. (This is setting aside the potential negative reactions of my fellow fans to such a development.) My idea was to leave behind materials that might go some way to explaining the fact that Wheeljack, Prowl and company are alive and well then. My frequent use of terminology from Action Masters, Pretender Classics and so on in the BT background material to date has been me being conscious of the links to this case.

Q: Were the mentions of Ultra Magnus a setup for his being made a BT figure in the future?
No, there were no such plans when I was writing this story. In the story for the unreleased BT-17 Ginrai, there is a scene in which Masterpiece 02 Ultra Magnus plays an important role. My mentions of him were done in order to set up for that.

External links

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