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Nemesis (G1)

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This subject of this article goes by multiple names that apply to other articles as well. See Nemesis (disambiguation), Lemuria (disambiguation).
The Nemesis is a space ship from the Generation 1 continuity family.
When the Decepticons play a game of Asteroids, it's quite literal.

The Nemesis was the flagship of the Decepticon fleet and the most powerful warship they ever built. It was notorious for ambushing and shooting down the Ark.



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
Like some va...wait, what?

Megatron and his crew of Decepticons used the Nemesis to chase Optimus Prime and his crew of Autobots out into deep space. Eventually, the Decepticons boarded the Ark, the Autobots' ship, and left the Nemesis orbiting Earth. The Ark then crashed into Earth with all the Transformers on board, deactivating them and leaving the Nemesis in orbit with Shockwave to watch it. The Transformers

The Nemesis remained undisturbed, hidden from Earthling view with superior cloaking technology. In 2006, Galvatron traveled back in time to the year 1986 in order to build a large laser cannon to destroy Unicron. Upon completing the cannon, Galvatron tested its effectiveness on the orbiting Nemesis, destroying the ship with a single blast. Target: 2006

Transformers '84

The Nemesis was designed by Skyfire so Decepticon High Command could ambush the Autobots after they'd destroyed the oncoming asteroid belt. Skyfire himself however was barred from boarding on Shockwave's orders, the lead scientist feeling that his subordinate's talents would be best utilized if he remained on Cybertron. After a delay with the absent Shockwave, the ship launched, Secrets & Lies #1 hiding behind an asteroid so it could ambush its Autobot counterpart. Deducing Optimus Prime's trap, Shockwave remained aboard the Nemesis during the fateful attack. After the Ark crashed on Earth, Shockwave used the ship to communicate with Counterpunch before the Coneheads boarded. Needing to verify on the status of the Ark, Shockwave incapacitated the three with a scraplet virus before he exited the ship. Solar cycles later, Counterpunch tried to make contact with the now overdue Shockwave, the ship rerouting the call to the scientist's hastily assembled mining station. Secrets & Lies #2 Still in orbit, the ship's environmental protocols cured the Coneheads of the scraplet virus. After they took stock of their situation, the trio blasted out of the Nemesis to find the Ark and Shockwave. Secrets & Lies #3

Though the Coneheads found the Ark, they also found a controlled Megatron channeling dangerously large amounts of antimatter, quickly taking their leave. Retreating back to the Nemesis, they found themselves unable to engage the propulsion system, contacting Straxus to deliver a status report and request rescue. Straxus agreed to send rescue but only on the condition that they stayed silent about the Ark, an offer that the Coneheads readily agreed to. Secrets & Lies #4


Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon

Eh, it's not so big

The Nemesis was the ship used by the Decepticons to pursue the Autobots. All the Decepticons left the ship to board the Ark and both ships ended-up crashing on prehistoric Earth. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1

Before the crash, however, several objects were ejected from the ship, including an escape pod A Plague of Insecticons and what would become the Pearl of Bahoudin. Trans-Europe Express

In 1985, archaeologists eventually discovered the wreck of the Nemesis in South America. Once Soundwave relayed the news to Megatron, the Decepticons deployed immediately. Upon arriving, Megatron removed the Nemesis's power-source, the Heart of Cybertron and had Hook then install it in him. Imbued with near-limitless power, Megatron then attempted to destroy the Autobots, and almost succeeded, until the Heart of Cybertron was removed from his body and destroyed by Perceptor, Brawn and Bumblebee. Microbots

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Legacy VS500 Collection Special Comic

The transformed Nemesis was a spectator of the second week of the Speedia 500 on Velocitron. Velocitron Speedia 500 Part 3

Beast Wars cartoon

And in four million years, its sister ship crashes into the ocean, coming full circle.

The Nemesis was the flagship of the Decepticon fleet, and the most powerful warship they ever possessed.

Megs wanted his victims to know who it was that blew them up.

It shot down the Ark, but was damaged during the battle and crashed on Earth. It was revealed that Tarantulas had discovered the wreckage of the Nemesis deep under water, and had been refurbishing it for unknown purposes. While he'd finished rebuilding it and outfitting it with transwarp capabilities and a Predacon-scaled command console, Tarantulas was killed before he could use it; Megatron found out about the Nemesis soon after, and commandeered it as a last ditch attempt to rewrite history and destroy the Ark. Nemesis Part 1

Using the Nemesis's awesome power, Megatron managed to kill Tigerhawk, as well as Inferno and Quickstrike by accident when he tried to avenge himself on the anthropoid leader. He soon began to tear at Mount St. Hilary, intending to obliterate the slumbering Ark! In the final battle, the Nemesis's controls were severely damaged when Rhinox crashed an Autobot shuttle through the warship. Out of control, the ship flew eastwards into the rising sun, turning slowly south and eventually crashing (unseen) several thousand miles away. Nemesis Part 2

Tactical systems

I will say this for my namesake; he liked the artillery big, and plentiful.Beast Wars Megatron on Nemesis's armaments, "Nemesis Part 2"
Skywarp, Rumble, and Thrust liked to write messages on the missiles.

Even for the flagship of the Decepticon space fleet, one might have considered the armament on the Nemesis to be overkill. In addition to the standard energy weapons used by the Decepticons, the vessel carried a massive amount of missiles, which could be fired slowly in a swarm of rocket propelled death. A tractor beam could pull anything beneath it up to be sliced and grounded up by rotating blades and drills. The blades were incredibly sharp, being able to slice through solid rock.

"A second fusion cannon is unworkable, Megatron." "Silence, Starscream!"

Given that Megatron himself would have be the ship's normal commander, it should not be surprising that the primary weapon on the Nemesis was a fusion cannon. The fusion cannon was powered by its own reactor, apparently separate from the main Energon supply. The reactor needed to be at one hundred percent capacity to fire a blast, and would require a powerup time between blasts.

The ship also featured systems to enable the forced boarding of enemy ships. A pair of magnetic couplings amidships allowed for the Nemesis to forcibly establish a magnetic junction between herself and the unfortunate target, and a boarding chute could be released from within the hull to allow crew-members to cross the gap between ships. The tip of the chute could also be heated to cut through hull plating at least as thick as that used on the Ark.

Tactically the ship had two main weaknesses. During the flight from Cybertron a heavy meteor shower required so much power to maintain the shields that Nemesis was forced to fly in the Ark's wake in order to survive. Given that a similar energy crisis shortly affected the Ark as well, it would seem that both ships were weakened by the lack of energy on Cybertron. Ergo, the Nemesis functioned best when well-fueled, otherwise her size and power requirements could make the ship a liability.

The second weakness was placing all the main tactical, command and fire-control systems in the prominent dorsal conning tower. Though the location provided an excellent viewpoint for piloting the ship and directing combat (and was presumably well armored and shielded), it also made for a compelling target, as happened in the final act of the Beast Wars when Rhinox piloted an Autobot shuttle straight into the conning tower in a kamikaze run, taking out the bridge and crippling the ship, which flew rudderless until crashing in South America, where in the 20th century human excavations would unearth her. Nemesis Part 2 Microbots

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

"Prepare for ship-to-ship intimacy."

Built to be the flagship of Megatron's space fleet, the Nemesis was one of the largest ships created in its time. It used experimental Transwarp technology for space travel. On Cybertron the ship was mainly used as a siege engine, hoards of Decepticons would disembark to attack Autobot targets, while the Nemesis would launch a bombardment. More Than Meets The Eye After returning to Earth following Shockwave's defeat on Cybertron, Starscream used the Nemesis as his base of operations. It is unknown if the warship had previously been used for this purpose by the Decepticons or if Starscream rediscovered it after returning to Earth. Black Sunshine

The technical specifications for the Nemesis were:

  • Estimated length: 2.5 miles
  • Wingspan: 1.75 miles
  • Height: 1.25 miles

More Than Meets The Eye #8

2005 IDW continuity

A worldburner-class capital ship, the Nemesis was designed to raze whole planets. I Dream of Wires

After Megatron defected to the Autobots, Galvatron took command of the Decepticons and led them to Earth on board the Nemesis. The ship was kept in high orbit before later flying to the EDC's base on Bikini Atoll after the "mindbomb" was used on the Decepticons. Full Fathom Five When Prowl hacked into the EDC mainframe he unleashed all the missiles on the Nemesis crippling it and causing it to crash instantly. I Dream of Wires The wreck of the ship ended up on the bottom of the Indian Ocean where it was continued to be used as the main base of the Decepticons. Signals, Calls, and Marches Following its near-destruction by Superion, As Above...So Below and capture by the EDC, White Heat G.I. Joe moved in turning into a stationary base that they rechristened Lemuria. G.I. Joe vol. 5 #1

When Unicron began his attack on the Cybertronian colonies, Depth Charge led a horde of Maximals to attack Lemuria only for he and his troops to be chased off by Skywarp's group. Last Stand Scarlett viewed the attack as proof that Unicron would eventually turn his attention to Earth. Road's End Following the defeat of Unicron, Shockwave was imprisoned aboard Lemuria, with Prowl serving as his warden. Post

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

The Decepticon flagship, the Nemesis was commandeered by Shipwreck in an unseen adventure. Utilizing the ship, the Joe rammed Megatron's "Mega-Megatron" combined form, returning the Decepticon leader to his normal state. After the Decepticons had been defeated, Shipwreck used the Nemesis to patrol the trade routes within the asteroid belt and fight off Zanzibar's piracy. The War Never Ends

Beast Wars: Uprising

The legendary vessel that carried the Decepticons to Earth, by the late 24th century a surviving piece of the Nemesis was part of the collection in the office of D.E.D. administrator Gnashteeth. Identity Politics

Star Trek vs. Transformers

Four million years ago, the Nemesis followed the Ark, immobilizing it with its tractor beams so the crew could board the Autobot ship. While the Ark crashed on the nearby Earth, what happened to the Nemesis is unknown, but when the Decepticons later departed Earth to flee World War III, they did so aboard Trypticon.

While mind-melded with Optimus Prime, Spock glimpsed his memories of the Nemesis. Prime's Directive, Part Two

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

With Cybertron's fate sealed and the Autobots gone, the Decepticons followed them closely through space aboard the Nemesis in pursuit of the AllSpark. Earthrise webpage[1]

In the midst of their mission, Megatron discovered that Nemesis crewmember Counterpunch was actually an Autobot double agent named Punch. Once his identity was discovered, Punch escaped the Nemesis in an escape pod and made his way to the nearby Disaster Planet, Dominus. Megatron, in retaliation, sent Barricade to hunt him down. Encounter 4: Dominus Criminal Pursuit

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You left a piece out!

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What's needed: Golden Disk Collection Chapter 2 Golden Disk Collection Chapter 4

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

After the Autobots had removed the Allspark from Cybertron, the planet's condition began to decline, Megatron redirected all resources on Cybertron, including the sparks of his prisoners and soldiers, into Project Nemesis, a massive starship with which to find the Allspark and find the Autobot Ark. Earthrise episode 1 Earthrise episode 2

After being informed of the Ark's location by Doubledealer, Earthrise episode 6 the Nemesis set out for the Nebulon system, finding the Ark by an active space bridge that the Autobots hoped to use to reach the Allspark. Unwilling to turn the warship's armament on the portal, Megatron ordered a boarding party prepped. Earthrise episode 3

Having slipped away from the chaos, Starscream was more than willing to use the Nemesis to destroy the Ark, ordering an attack just as the Autobot craft went to warp. Earthrise episode 4

The energies had opened a portal to the Dead Universe, an opening that Megatron, after kicking Starscream off the bridge, ordered the ship through. Entering the rift, the Nemesis was boarded by a mysterious Decepticon who guided Megatron after the Ark and how to harness the strange powers of the realm. By the time he'd left, the Nemesis had caught up with the Ark just as both ships returned to normal space, above an organic planet. Earthrise episode 5

Its weapon systems offline after the jolt of crossing realities, the Nemesis used its tractor beam to tow in the Ark, ramming it. As the Decepticons boarded the Ark, Wheeljack took the chance to scamper over to the unguarded Nemesis, seizing command of it and turning its weapons on the Fool's Fortune when it arrived. When the Fortune's warp core began to overload however, the Nemesis disconnected from the Ark and began pulling away. Earthrise episode 6

Unable to reach a safe distance in time, the Nemesis was caught in the blast and wound up crashing on the planet. Kingdom episode 1 When the Maximals detected its crash, Optimus Primal sent Airazor to investigate, ordering her to allow herself to be captured so he could surreptitiously place tracking devices on the crew. Kingdom episode 2 As she scouted the perimeter, the Predacons approached the ship and struck an alliance with the Decepticons. Kingdom episode 1 When Airazor was discovered, she was promptly imprisoned, the Autobots and Maximals setting out to rescue her. Despite the foreknowledge granted to the Decepticons and Predacons by the Golden Disk, the Autobots and Maximals were successful in their mission. Kingdom episode 2

Following the Autobots and Maximals recovering the Allspark, the Nemesis had been repaired and set out for the Ark, turning its cannons on it. Blackarachnia was snuck aboard the ship, managing to hack into and disable its weapon systems. When Megatron decided to substitute his warship's firepower with his own, he was confronted by Starscream allowing enough of a delay for Teletraan I to reconfigure the Ark into a transformable body. With this newfound power, Teletraan managed to physically punch the Nemesis, bringing it down. Its wreckage was subsequently abandoned when the Autobots and Maximals took the Decepticons and Predacons prisoner and returned to Cybertron. Kingdom episode 5


The Nemesis struck fear in those who dared cross her. She despised Autobots and her only goal was to demolish any opposition to a Decepticon victory. Nemesis bio

Energon Universe

When the Autobots fled Cybertron, the Nemesis launched from Cybertron to pursue the Ark. When the Decepticons boarded the other ship, the pilotless Nemesis fell down to Earth, crashing in the Pacific Ocean.

TF2023 no. 8 - Nemesis Underwater.jpg

A hundred years later, the Nemesis was raised by the Constructicons and partially reactivated using the nuclear reactor of the scuttled USS Henry Harrison. Having being previously sealed inside the vessel by Megatron, Astrotrain was let out at Soundwave's order, and the interim leader managed to tentatively recruit Astrotrain. After writing off the possibility of raising the Nemesis, noting that the craft required far more energon than the Decepticons had, Soundwave made use of its communications array to reestablish contact with Shockwave. Transformers #8

With contact reestablished, the Decepticons opened a space bridge atop the Nemesis. Only Shockwave, Onslaught and half of Brawl made it through to Earth, Elita One, having also hopped through with Ultra Magnus, damaged the space bridge allowing her, Magnus and Optimus Prime to escape the area. Transformers #9

After the space bridge was repaired, Shockwave determined that the resources aboard the Nemesis would take too long to efficiently harvest Earth's energy. To that end, he ordered the Constructicons to build a feeder, harvesting nearby ocean fauna and flora into energon. Pumping all the energon into the Nemesis, Shockwave managed to reopen the space bridge, allowing him to bring Cybertron itself into Earth's orbit. Transformers #10

Managing to appeal to Skywarp, the Autobots teleported to the Nemesis, intending to destroy it to sever Earth's side of the space bridge. No sooner had the Autobots arrived did the Construticons form Devastator once again, with the sight of Shockwave scaring away the traumatized Ultra Magnus. Transformers #11

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Plot details for Transformers (2023) issue 12 follow.

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After Devastator was sent falling into the energon harvester, breaking the Nemesis's hold on Cybertron even as the energy transfer continued. Refusing to leave Cliffjumper behind again, Optimus ran through the space bridge, chasing away the Combaticons and crushing Shockwave's head. Though Optimus sought to return to Earth, Elita destroyed Cybertron's end of the portal, citing the Autobots' need for Optimus and how they could use the pilfered energon. Unwilling to save Cybertron at the expense of another world, Optimus tried to detonate the charges and destroy the Nemesis only for Elita to reveal she'd never set them. With no other choice, Optimus detonated the pilfered energon directly, severing the link between the two planets. Transformers #12

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Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

At the end of the Subspace Zone, Ultra Magnus fought and defeated the Destron Boat. Transformers: Mystery of Convoy

Angry Birds Transformers

The starship appears as an accessory to Cyclonus, and it is very, VERY small, which is very, VERY weird. Angry Birds Transformers

Transformers Roleplaying Game

The Nemesis crash-landed in South America, and Megatron used it as his headquarters for some time during the early days of the war on Earth. However, when a group of Decepticons began constructing the Victory, they cannibalized most of the Nemesis and recycled the parts into their new ship. Decepticon Directive

Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


Titans Return

Titans Return Trypticon.jpg
  • Decepticon Necro & Decepticon Full-Tilt & Trypticon (Titan Class, 2017)
  • Accessories: Cannon/Full-Tilt holder
Trypticon was described as transforming into the Nemesis in a Designer's Desk video released on Hasbro's YouTube Channel,[2] seemingly in reference to Aligned Trypticon becoming the Nemesis.
Standing at 20 inches tall, Titans Return Trypticon was the tallest Decepticon figure made at that point. (It was later surpassed by the Earthrise release of Scorponok.) He features several new action features, such as a spring-loaded pop-out forehead-gun and the ability to "eat" Titan Master figures, who fall down his throat into his stomach, which can be opened to retrieve them. His city mode unfolds to around three feet wide, and the "battle station" mode of his classic toy is rebranded as the Nemesis, a spaceship that can fit a Deluxe-class action figure in its forward bay. The front of the Nemesis mode features sculpted faux eyes, intended to make it look like it is formed by Trypticon's head. In lieu of electronics, Trypticon comes with his old partner Full-Tilt, who has been significantly upgraded to become a full-sized Deluxe figure in his own right, with his own Titan Master partner, Necro, who is actually a new version of Trypticon's comic bud, Wipe-Out. Since his head is obviously too large to interact with Titan Masters as most Titans Return figures do, he features a slot near the back of his head where you can insert a head-mode Titan Master, causing the orange canopy on his head to open and the laser cannon to slide up.
Early production runs of the figure had a serious design flaw in the hip ratchets: a combination of strong springs and weak plastic caused the mechanisms of the joints to destroy themselves very quickly if they were used. Cutting the springs in half or repeatedly compressing them to reduce their length appears to solve this problem on affected copies of the toy. Later production runs appear to have fixed the issue entirely. Similarly, early specimens of this figure had a chest door that would not latch closed properly and could not bear the weight of Full-Tilt; this too was fixed in later shipments. However, the tail is entirely a different matter: the gears inside can potentially make a "snap!" sound even if care is taken while posing, causing the tail to droop down.
The large cannons on Trypticon's back can be extended; this is mentioned in the instructions, but not depicted in any of the stock photography. Originally, the paired towers on Trypticon's back were symmetrical in their design, mirroring each other. A later variant was released with a retooled right tower, mimicking the asymmetrical tower designs on the original figure.
On Monday 13th February 2017, the Monday before Toy Fair 2017, a picture of the toy was released and swiftly withdrawn from the Transformers Instagram account.
In fall 2018, huge quantities of Trypticons were found at outlet stores in the U.S. for a fraction of their original price. This may be a sign of poor initial sales, or a result of other retailers buying up what was supposed to be a year's worth of inventory from recently bankrupted U.S. branch of Toys"R"Us.
Like Fortress Maximus, Trypticon doesn't come with his vehicular drone Brunt, though a new Brunt was later announced a year later for the Siege toyline.

Studio Series

There's no time for resting.
  • Coronation Starscream (Leader Class, 2022)
Studio Series Coronation Starscream comes with a Nemesis throne to sit on. Other Decepticon figures, including Siege/Earthrise Megatron, can be accommodated in the seat.


At the end of the line
  • Decepticon Nemesis (Titan Class, 2023)
The largest toy of a female Transformer yet released, Legacy: Evolution "Decepticon Nemesis" transforms from a cartoon-accurate spaceship to robot and back. Her head design is based on the Decepticon insignia and is meant to parallel the "Last Autobot" design of the previous Titan Autobot Ark. The extra horns on her head are inspired by the crown from Studio Series Coronation Starscream. Her spaceship mode's large ventral fin can unfold to form a flat platform for display purposes.
In robot mode, her shin pads can detach and become large blasters for her to wield, and similarly her stabilizer fins become hand-held axes. The latter is specifically noted as her Evo-Fusion ability on the box. Parts around her head can compress to form a battle mask.
She comes with four tiny unpainted jets that attach to connectors which slide out of her arms. These sliding connectors can also represent the boarding tube from the original cartoon, and are compatible with A.I.R. Lock System. The jets, as made clear in the package art, represent Ramjet, Thrust, Thundercracker and a Cybertronian-mode Skywarp (though the art for Skywarp is actually based off the unlicensed "Prankstor" figurewhoopsie!). This choice of jets was not random, as micro-figures of Starscream and Dirge had previously been released with the War for Cybertron Trilogy "Behold Galvatron" set. The jets can remain in place even when the connectors are not deployed, allowing convenient storage of the otherwise easily lost jets.
Use caution when transforming her arms: the lower arms swing out laterally on ratchet joints, and there is nothing stopping you from moving them one "click" too far and bending back the spaceship segments on her upper arms, immediately leaving stress marks.
Likely by design, you can make the spaceship form of Nemesis look more like the Victory if you remove the stabilizer fins and guns, fold down the wing extensions, and remove the top of the conning tower.
The Nemesis was first teased on the Legacy Evolution box art. She was revealed in prototype form on the April 4th Hasbro Pulse Fanstream, with pre-orders going up on May 2.

Dramatic Capture Series

  • Nemesis Bridge (2024)
  • Release Date: March 2024
The Dramatic Capture Series 3-pack comes with a Nemesis Throne reused from the Studio Series 86 Coronation Starscream toy.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Nemesis (ネメシス Nemeshisu), Destron Boat (Mystery of Convoy, デストロンボート Desutoron Bōto)
  • Mandarin: Fùchóu Nǚshén (復仇女神, "Nemesis", lit. "Goddess of Revenge"), Bàoyìng Hào (China, 报应号, "Retribution"),Bàoyǐng Hào (China, 暴影号, "Ferocious Shadow")
  • French: Némésis


  1. Earthrise website
  2. [1] Transformers: Titans Return - ‘Trypticon’ Designer Desk | Transformers Official, 14 September 2017
  3. April 4, 2023's Hasbro Pulse Transformers Fanstream on YouTube, with Ben MacCrae, Evan Brooks, Mark Maher, Sam Smith, Shogo Hasui and Delaney Norris
  4. Sam Smith's Instagram posts about Legacy Decepticon Nemesis
  5. 5.0 5.1 Beast Wars Universe, page 35
  6. "very briefly at the beginning we discussed a beast form for the Nemesis, but really wanted a bot vs bot to pair off against the ARK. The Arks robot mode was a massive reveal, and we wanted that same energy by way of an all new character.."—Sam Smith, Instagram, 2023/05/04
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