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Ironhide (Movie)/toys

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Ironhide has enough toys to afford several new cannons.



Transformers (2007)

Legends Class toys

Don't miss, Blackout, or Ironhide will wave his fist angrily while you fly out of range!
  • Ironhide Vs. Desert Blackout (Legends "Allspark Battles" two-pack, 2008)
Only available in a two-pack with a desert-themed recolor of Blackout, Ironhide transforms into a licensed GMC Topkick. Amusingly, this version of Ironhide is one of only two American toy releases that have full-length exhaust stacks. Also, due to it's simplified design, Ironhide's arms stick out from the back of his trunk, And his vehicle mode seems to suffer from somewhat awkward proportions.

Voyager Class toys

Gilthor called, he wants his weapon back.
  • Ironhide (Voyager Class, 2007)
    • TakaraTomy ID Number: MA-09
    • Accessories: Left & right cannons, 4 missiles
Released in the second wave of Transformers Voyagers, Ironhide transforms into a licensed modified black 2006 GMC Topkick 4500 four-wheel drive pickup truck. Although Hasbro's official stock photos and early packaged samples featured two real-life accurate full length exhaust smokestacks behind the rear cabin, they have been slightly shortened for safety and durability reasons for the actual release of the toy. Otherwise, however, the vehicle mode is very accurate to the real prop truck... well, aside from the fact that Ironhide's massive missile launchers are quite visible underneath the vehicle. Despite rumors to the contrary, TakaraTomy's Japanese release of the toy features the same shortened smokestacks as the Hasbro version.
Ironhide features an Automorph gimmick in his legs during transformation: As the user swings down his feet, all of the panels that make up his legs automatically shift and fold into place. This gimmick does not affect Ironhide's articulation. Confusingly, the instructions omit the exact positioning of the roof panels and rear window on his back, though they can fold into a compact design for maximum articulation.
In robot mode, his arm-mounted cannons are inactive while mounted on both arms. However, detaching the left arm cannon and combining it with the right arm creates a huge functional missile launcher that is almost as big as Ironhide himself. The missile-launching mechanism itself isn't the typical spring-loaded button design, instead of relying on a pressure-launch system to fire the missiles from the four barrels.
The soles of his feet/truck bed are completely smooth and featureless, hiding his feet in truck mode. Unfortunately, the smooth soles also mean that his feet have trouble gripping most surfaces. This, combined with his loose above-the-knee swivels, means that he has trouble standing up in all but the stiffest of poses. The peg that holds his windshield is also prone to cracking, which makes it become loose, and might even result in breakage.

Ironhide in full-fledged colour!
  • Offroad Ironhide (Voyager Class, 2008)
    • Accessories: Left & right cannons, 4 missiles
Released as part of the "Allspark Power" refresh of the Movie toyline, Offroad Ironhide is a fairly extensive redeco of Voyager class Ironhide in colors reminiscent of the Generation 2 Go-Bot Motormouth. As he's now made of several colors of plastic, he's no longer the most monochromatic toy in the 2007 Movie line.

The skies leaked powder on me.
  • Ironhide ("Premium Series" Voyager Class, 2008)
    • Accessories: Left & right cannons, 4 missiles
Premium Ironhide is a redeco of the previous released Voyager class Ironhide, painted in a gloss black finish, silver trim on his smokestacks, Road Armor winch and side turn signal detailing, but with them are several inaccurate deco additions including silver detailing to the rims, frosted windows, silver paint on the roof ridges and a large Autobot sigil tampographed onto the hood.
In robot mode Ironhide is considerably more accurate with gold and gunmetal detailing colors which were missing from the first Voyager release. His large cannons are now molded in mostly black plastic, then painted metallic teal with gold detailing.

  • Transformers Commemorative Box Set (Autobots) (2008)
Released an an exclusive for Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong (ACG, also known as Ani-Con) 2008, The Premium Series Ironhide toy is released without any changes along with Premium Series Bumblebee, Premium Jazz, Premium Optimus Prime, and a regular Ratchet. The toys are packaged with a synthetic, leather-like box, and it comes with a sheet of Certificate of Authenticity.
The boxsets are limited to 100 pieces.

Fast Action Battlers

Pop goes the Autobot.
  • Cannon Blast Ironhide (Fast Action Battler, 2007)
    • Accessories: 1 missile
Part of the Fast Action Battlers line, "Cannon Blast" Ironhide is a simpler version of the larger toy, geared more towards the younger set who might find the big toy too complicated to transform. He still transforms into the customized GMC Topkick. He features a spring-loaded missile launcher in his left cannon. But, thanks to the simpler transformation, the hood and wheels trap his arms below the wheel. He can't punch or aim his cannon at all, and the elbows have no articulation but swiveling that knocks the arm off his body.

It's a squirrel-squashin', deer-smackin', drivin' machine!
  • Pulse Cannon Ironhide (Fast Action Battler, 2008)
    • Accessories: 1 missiles
A redeco of the Fast Action Battler Ironhide, this version sports a silver and blue color scheme that is both a reversal of the "Offroad" Ironhide Voyager figure... and seemingly an homage to the Generation 2 Go-Bots version of his Generation 1 counterpart, a redeco of Motormouth (see above). Funky!

Cyber Slammers

"Slam" This!
  • Ironhide (Cyber Slammer, 2008)
Cyber Slammers Ironhide is an amazingly cute GMC Topkick that transforms into an amazingly cute trigger happy weapons specialist. 'Slam' his robot mode down into car mode and he rolls along, slowly transforming back up into robot mode. Like most Cyber Slammers, Ironhide manages to cram most of his vehicle mode's major details into a compact, super-deformed version of that mode. Interestingly enough, this is the only pre-Revenge of the Fallen merchandise to feature Ironhide's scarred right eye.

Titanium Series

Dances to every Bon Jovi song...ever.
  • Ironhide (3-inch Robot Masters, 2007)
    • Accessories: Movie Autobot sigil display stand
Titanium Series Ironhide is a small, 3-inch-tall die-cast metal mini-statue of Ironhide's robot mode. He has swivel points at the shoulders and head and comes with a clear plastic movie-style Autobot sigil stand.

Revenge of the Fallen

Legends Class toys

Right colors, wrong bot toy.
  • Enforcer Ironhide (Legends, 2009)
Enforcer Ironhide is a redeco of 2008's Legends class Ironhide in a more Generation 1-looking red colour scheme. As with all wave three Legends figures, the photo on the back of the figure's packaging shows a mistransformed robot mode, where his chest is not aligned properly.

Colours suck!
  • Straightaway Shootout (Legends multi-pack, 2009)
A redeco of 2008 Legends Ironhide featuring his regular colors, but using different color layouts and paint applications. He was only available in the Target-exclusive "Straightaway Shootout" 5-pack together with Mudflap, Swerve, Runamuck and Sparkcrusher.
In Canada, the set was released as a Zellers exclusive.
  • Ironhide (EZ Collection, 2009)
    • Japanese ID Number: EZ-11
A month later, the Straightaway Shootout Ironhide figure is available individually in Japan as part of the 2nd volume of the blindpacked EZ Collection line.

Voyager Class toys

No matter which mode he's in, Ironhide still outguns you.
  • Ironhide (Voyager Class, 2009)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: RA-02
    • Accessories: Missile launcher cannon, energy cannon, projectile
Revenge of the Fallen Voyager class Ironhide is a retool and redeco of the toy from the 2007 Transformers movie line, featuring a new grey colour scheme with some red pin stripes and a NEST logo on each of his doors, as well as having a more accurate, asymmetrical head.
The original arm cannons have also been replaced by new, more accurate (and less gimmicky) cannons that can be connected together and mounted on top of Ironhide's truck bed cover. The large cannon features screw-driving firing action in which the barrel section twists forward before firing the missile. The small cannon can also retract its barrel and has a 5mm hole on its underside that allows it to plug into the peg on the large cannon like a scope if so desired. The smaller cannon can be swung down flush with the barrel of the larger cannon as well, evoking the giant missile launcher combo from the previous mold. The truck bed cover and arm mountings for Ironhide's cannons are unchanged from the 2007 version, so any voyager Ironhide can carry and use both the original and new weapons. Since the weapons can connect to each other, the figure (and all other uses of this mold) can hold these and the combined 2007 cannons at once. All four cannons can fit on his truck mode as well, the old ones underneath and the new ones on top.
According to the box pictures and instructions, the small cannon is misassembled. The gray sliding shaft is actually reversed from the direction it is supposed to be facing. This doesn't affect anything, but can be easily fixed by loosening the screws on the black outer section, sliding out the shaft, then turning it around and putting it back in.
There was also a packaging variant, with the missile being alternatively loaded or unloaded in the box.

John Rambot.
  • Recon Ironhide (Voyager Class, 2009)
    • TakaraTomy ID number: RA-26
    • Accessories: Assault rifle, mini-gun, knife A, knife B, bullbar/crossbow, cannon, spring-loaded cannon/crossbow, projectile
Recon Ironhide is an extensive retool, replacing his doors with military Humvee-style armored door panels, adding a roof/truck-bed-mounted lighting rig/weapons rack and replacing his Road Armor fender with a massive bullbar that can be removed and combined with his spring-loaded cannon to form a crossbow weapon. Ironhide's traditional arm-mounted weapons have been replaced with the aforementioned spring-loaded cannon, a smaller static version of his right-arm mounted cannon, an assault rifle, a mini-gun, and two combat knives, one being short and serrated, the other being long and straight-edged.
In one of the first intentional uses of the C joint system (if not the first), either knife can be attached to the front of the rifle to act as a bayonet, and the rifles and knives can be attached to his various bars and rails. The rifle and mini-gun can be pegged to the sides of his arm-mounted cannons, and they can also peg into the main barrel of his static arm cannon.
Think he's armed enough yet? Additionally, this retool of Ironhide includes a new head-sculpt featuring his battle mask.
In response to the breakage issues concerning the windshield peg, all of Ironhide's (newly-tooled) windows are now cast in softer and more flexible opaque plastic, compared to the more rigid translucent plastic seen on previous versions of this toy.

Fast Action Battlers

Again, so near, yet so far.
  • Cannon Force Ironhide (Fast Action Battler, 2009)
    • Accessories: 1 missile
Cannon Force Ironhide is a redeco of 2007's Cannon Blast Ironhide figure. His colour scheme matches the mostly-red deco seen on the Legends class Enforcer Ironhide toy.

Robot Replicas

ROTF RobotReplicas Ironhide.jpg
  • Ironhide (Robot Replica, 2009)
Robot Replicas Ironhide is, like the others of the line, made of a rubbery PVC and features much more articulation than the average deluxe or voyager class toy. The figure features light blue paint on the cannons giving them a charged up appearance. The elbow joints are positioned in a way that prevents the arm from straightening but the figure is still quite pose-able, however, getting it to stand in most poses is a different story.

Titanium Series

  • Offroad Ironhide vs. Deep Desert Brawl (3-inch Robot Masters multi-pack, 2009)
    • Accessories: Movie Autobot sigil display stand
This Toys"R"Us-exclusive set features an unchanged version of 2007's Titanium Series Ironhide (despite package claims to the contrary) and a redecoed Brawl.

Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

Transformers (2010)

(Hasbro Version Pictured)
(TakaraTomy Version Pictured)
  • Ironhide (Deluxe, 2010)
Released in the first wave of Hunt for the Decepticons Deluxe class toys, Ironhide transforms from licensed GMC Topkick (with proper length smokestacks) to robot via a surprisingly complex transformation scheme for the toy's size.
He comes with a transforming weapon accessory, his missile turret from the Revenge of the Fallen video game. Sadly, this goes at the expense of a movie-accurate cannon for the left arm. The turret can stay attached to his arm when transforming back to his vehicle mode, thanks to a hard to notice joint on the other arm's cannon flipping open to allow more room, ensuring no chance of losing this accessory. In an undocumented feature, the turret can also attach to the back of Ironhide's vehicle mode by slotting two of its legs into two small holes on the truck bed, the third leg can then be positioned forward and slot into a groove on the back of the cab. This can be quite difficult, however, if (in another undocumented feature) you do not fully extend the turret's legs which are attached to a hinge which allows all 3 legs to fold down further than just pulling each one out individually; this allows for a greater range of movement and allows the turret to be aimed upwards. His hands can hold 5mm weapons, which means he can use Recon Ironhide's or MechTech weapons.
The TakaraTomy Autobot Alliance release of this figure features a significant coloring change: Where Hasbro's release cast much of Ironhide's legs, feet, hands, shoulders and some joints in light blue, TakaraTomy's uses a move screen-accurate dark grey plastic.

"Brawl and Bonecrusher again OH COME ON!!! I'm going to feed their corpses through the damn shredder this time..."
  • Desert Decimation (Multi-pack, 2010)
A redeco of the 2008 Legends Ironhide, featuring metallic "sand" deco on his front bumper, wheel-wells, and lower legs.
He was only available in the market six-exclusive "Desert Decimation" four-pack, along with redecoes of Legends-class Ratchet, Decepticon Brawl, and Bonecrusher.

Offroad Ironhide 2: Rock and Reload.
  • The Fury Of Bonecrusher (multi-pack, 2010)
  • Accessories: Assault rifle, minigun, knife, bullbar/crossbow, projectile
This Walmart-exclusive two-pack contains a redeco of Revenge of the Fallen Recon Ironhide in stone-blue and silver/gray, with sand details painted on his vehicle mode, gold details here and there, and bits of Allspark blue on his cannons.
He is packaged with a redeco of Deluxe-class Bonecrusher from the first movie and, as part of the "Hunt for the Decepticons" promotion, a "Most Wanted" collector's card featuring the Decepticon.

D'awww, and he's got a cute ickle smile!
  • Ironhide (Activator, 2010)
Released in the second wave of Activators, this Ironhide is a smaller toy with cutesified proportions and a simplified transformation. Like all Activators, he features autotransformation from vehicle to robot, activated by pressing a button on his roof.

Dark of the Moon


About time.
  • Ironhide (Cyberverse Commander, 2011)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: 004
    • Japanese ID number: CV06
    • Accessories: 2 Cannons (combine into a large cannon)
Part of the first wave of Cyberverse Commanders, Ironhide is a roughly Scout-sized figure that transforms into a licensed GMC Topkick.
He comes with two cannons that can attach to the sides or top of his vehicle mode. One of his cannons has a C joint, allowing it to attach to the bed cover, and both cannons can combine into a larger weapon. In robot mode, he can attach his guns on the sides of his arms, his back, or hold them in his hands. The multi-barreled cannon features a free spinning barrel.

  • Leadfoot and Ironhide (Cyberverse 2-pack, 2011)
    • Accessories: 2 Cannons
This Target-exclusive Ironhide is a redeco of the Cyberverse Commander figure. He is now dark blue, has cyberglyphics on the hood and doors of his vehicle mode, and the tips of his multi-barreled cannon are painted gold, creating an overall effect somewhat similar to the 2008 "Offroad Ironhide." He comes in a two-pack with a redecoed Leadfoot.
This set also sold in Turkey as a Carrefour exclusive.

  • Cybertronian Warriors Pack (Cyberverse 4-pack, 2011)
    • Accessories: 2 Cannons
Another redeco of Cyberverse Commander Ironhide, this time exclusive to Toys"R"Us in a 4 pack with redecoes of Bumblebee (with APC), Crankcase, and Barricade. Ironhide is given a "Premium"-esque deco of his standard colors, with a matte-black finish and gold highlights. He's also something of the odd bot out of the set, with Crankcase and Barricade colored like MD Metro police, and Bumblebee given a damage deco on his front (to represent the damage done to one of the stunt cars playing Bumblebee when it collided with an actual DC police vehicle).
With matching paint jobs (the dark grayish black and bronze are near perfect matches), it appears as if the APC was intended to go with Ironhide more so than Bumblebee.

Deluxe Class toys

Sorry Ironhide, we're going to have to take away your gun...
  • Ironhide (Deluxe, 2011)
    • Accessories: Automated Rocket Turret
This redeco of Deluxe class Ironhide is exclusive to Toys"R"Us' Mission Earth: The Scan Series, to represent him trans-scanning his vehicle mode. As such, nearly all of his vehicle mode parts (and thus, most of his robot mode) are cast in translucent clear plastic, with the rear of his vehicle mode being left unpainted, the middle having painted scan lines, and the front having a heavy amount of paint operations in order to cover the clear plastic.
His packaging stock photography shows his legs as being cast in translucent plastic, when the final product has these cast in opaque gray plastic, possibly for durability reasons. Also, the white "scan" line on the vehicle sides in stock photos is directly vertical, whereas on the actual figure it is on an angle towards the front.

Voyager Class toys

...so we can give you this bigger gun!
  • Ironhide (MechTech Voyager, 2011)
    • Japanese ID number: DA04
    • Accessories: MechTech Booster/Particle Cannon
Dark of the Moon Voyager Class Ironhide is smaller, but more accurate, than previous Voyager Class Ironhide toys and still transforms into a licensed GMC Topkick.
He comes with a large MechTech "Booster" that converts into a "Particle Cannon" by extending and spinning its barrels when the back is pressed. Twisting the knob at the back of the weapon when it is fully extended will lock it into place. The Booster/Particle Cannon (or any other MechTech weapon) can be attached to Ironhide via 5mm post MechTech ports on his truck sides, vehicle roof/robot back, and in his fists, or they can be mounted onto MechTech ports and posts under his forearms in robot mode. Additionally, the Booster/Particle Cannon itself features a MechTech port on top of its housing. The cannons and weapons included with the previous Voyager Class Ironhide toys can also be used with this figure.
He has an Automorph gimmick on his vehicle front end/chest, wherein pushing it automatically deforms both halves of the front end into his chest, and pulling it reforms it back to the vehicle front end.
His packaging stock photo has him mis-transformed. The vehicle mode panel kibble on his left leg has not been pegged in, his feet are backwards, and the tailgate pieces, normally folded into the soles of his feet, are left flipped out and sticking out from the back.
The Japanese release comes packed with a character card and an accompanying transparent plastic card of his MechTech weapon for the MechTech Wars online game.

Now with 50 percent more vitamin G1 in every bite!
  • Cannon Force Ironhide (MechTech Voyager, 2011)
    • Japanese ID number:
    • Accessories: MechTech Booster/Particle Cannon
Cannon Force Ironhide is a redeco of Dark of the Moon Voyager Class Ironhide in a G1-inspired color scheme, with most of his black parts being cast in orange-red. Specifically, the deco was based on Ken Christiansen's Prime Ironhide concept art. His deco consists of the upper half of his vehicle being cast in red and his lower half being painted a matte black, with an orange stripe running in-between. His MechTech weapon has been redecoed as well, with a cooler shade of gray for the housing, and black for the main cannon body.

Leader Class toys

He prefers his rodents very well done.
  • Ironhide (Mechtech Leader, 2011)
    • Japanese Name:Ultimate Ironhide
    • Japanese Release Date: 2011-07-16
    • Japanese ID Number: DA-16
    • Accessories: Knife, leg-mounted removable spring-loaded cannon, one projectile
Released in the second wave of Dark of the Moon Leaders, This version of Ironhide transforms into a licensed GMC Topkick and is his first Leader Class toy, featuring all sorts of weaponry and other gimmicks.
His main gimmick is his chest-mounted Cybertronian Blitz Cannon, which is activated when either the license plate panel (used as a lever) on his abdomen is flipped and pushed down (similarly to the Revenge of the Fallen Leader Class Optimus Prime toy), or when a tall gray piece on the back-right of his head is pressed down. Two flaps on his abdomen open up, and a back-lit spinning cannon is deployed, lighting up his eyes as well as playing a rapid-fire shooting sound until the button is released, in which the cannon retracts back into his innards and a winding/powering-down sound is played.
Ironhide's other lights and sounds gimmick is related to his head: when either the button on his chest or the lever on the back of his head are used, his mouthplate moves down, his eyes flash green and says the following the phrases, "Ironhide here" and "Weapons ready." (He is not voiced by Jess Harnell, but by Lenny Panzica.) He also features cannons mounted on his arms/roof that pop out and deploy when each respective smokestack is pulled, and can be used in either vehicle or robot mode. There is also a small button behind the cabin that emits a (rather vague) sound of the vehicle driving and firing its cannons/ramming through obstacles when it is pressed. If the button is held down further, additional driving and engine revving sounds are emitted.
Lastly, Ironhide has two weapons hidden in each of his legs. Opening the side of his left leg reveals and pops up a removable knife, whereas opening his right leg deploys a detachable spring-loaded cannon, either of which he can wield.
Interestingly, he is more or less at scale with the various Human Alliance toys.
The international version replaces his first saying with a simple "Ironhide", and the second "Weapons ready" saying is replaced with a robotic stomping sound (which is a modified version of the "ramming through obstacles" vehicle-mode sound.) Some units have the spring pushed and compressed too far back into the launcher, preventing the projectile from even shooting out. This can be fixed, but pulling and stretching the small spring further out while it is in the launcher may be rather difficult. Early versions of this toy also have a glued neck joint which prevents the head from turning. A running change variant later restored the neck articulation and enlarged the "Try me!" hole of the toy's packaging. Unfortunately, this later version suffered from particularly poor quality control concerning the silver paint operations beside his headlights, as they tended to come scratched off in the box.
The two of his hood halves also frequently detach from the ball joints they are mounted on during transformation, quite possibly for safety reasons.
Despite being advertised as a MechTech figure, Leader class Ironhide's gimmicks are almost entirely unrelated to the interchangeable, spring-loaded MechTech weapons seen on most of the other Dark of the Moon MechTech toys. Besides his fists, the only two 5mm post/MechTech ports on Ironhide are the ones on the hood halves above his shoulders, which can only be accessed in robot mode. His leg-mounted gun and knife can be removed and shared, however.
His box mentions "Automatic conversion sounds", yet no such sound plays during transformation. Additionally, he is mis-transformed in his stock photography, as his vehicle front-end chest is not connected to his faux-bumper grille, nor are the wheels angled into his chest.
The Japanese release of the figure comes packed with a character card and an accompanying transparent plastic card of his arm cannons for the MechTech Wars online game, even though his built-in arm cannons aren't removable, interchangeable 5mm MechTech accessories. However, as noted above, Ironhide's knife and leg-mounted missile launcher are removable and can be wielded by other figures.

Robo Power

Robo Fighters
  • Ironhide (2011)
Robo Fighters Ironhide is a non-transforming figure with five points of articulation. Sliding down his chest armor reveals guns inside his torso, as well as deploying missile racks from his shoulders.

DOTM Activators Ironhide.jpg
  • Ironhide (2011)
Released as part of the Robo Power subline, Ironhide features a one-step transformation: squeezing down on the cyan section at the rear of his GMC Topkick mode causes him to transform into robot mode, and squeezing down on it again will turn him back into truck mode. In robot mode, Ironhide has shoulder articulation.
Ironhide was released in an open package that allowed children to touch the toy, but did not allow for transformation due to twist ties and a plastic tray being present.


Meanwhile, this guy prefers his rodents slathered in barbecue sauce.
  • Ironhide (Mechtech Leader, 2012)
    • Accessories: Knife, leg-mounted removable spring-loaded cannon, one projectile
Generations Ironhide is a redeco of Dark of the Moon Leader Class Ironhide sporting a new red, gray, and silver color scheme that homages Generation 1 Ironhide similar to the previously-released Cannon Force Ironhide toys. He features the unrestricted, articulated neck joint, but uses the international version of the soundchip.
His packaging call-outs still mention the "Automatic conversion sounds" he doesn't have. Worse yet, his packaging stock photos, which depict a hand-painted prototype, are simply a recolored version of his first Leader Class toy, retaining the mis-transformations, having numerous color and deco differences, and just generally being so sloppily edited that the robot and vehicle-mode photos are inconsistent with each other. Oh well...
Ironhide was initially available at general retail in China and other Asian Hasbro markets in English-only Generations packaging as part of Hasbro's Global Development Organization ("GDO") line-up. He was later made available by Hasbro in Canada as a Toys"R"Us exclusive... in bilingual English/Chinese Dark of the Moon packaging with additional Movie Trilogy Series labels.

Bot Shots

BotShots launcher Ironhide.jpg
  • Ironhide Launcher (Launcher, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: BL003
    • Acessories: Trailer/launcher base
      • Fist strength: 505
      • Blaster strength: 235
      • Sword strength: 880
Part of the second wave of Bot Shots Series 1 launchers, Ironhide is a teeny pickup truck (with spoiler) with a spring-loaded automatic transformation to robot mode triggered when his front bumper is pressed. He has a "spinner" in his chest that shows his three attack types and power levels. His alternate mode and chest design are based on live-action movie Ironhide, with his head being based on the original Generation 1 Ironhide.
He comes with a large trailer that pops open into a battle station with a pair of articulated buzzsaw-arms, and a spring-loaded vehicle launching ramp. The cannons on top of the trailer are based on live-action movie Ironhide's cannons.
Ironhide was redecoed into Super Bot Dirt Boss, Blitz Shot Autobot Hound and Swindle. His main truck body, arms, and legs are also used by Autobot Ratchet and Protectobot First Aid. His launcher was redecoed into BeCool Ratchet's Rescue Base.

BotShots 3pack Ironhide.jpg
  • Decepticon Brawl / Shockwave / Ironhide (Multi-pack, 2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: Super Bot 007
      • Fist strength: 305
      • Blaster strength: 970
      • Sword strength: 350
Part of the second wave of Bot Shots Series 1 three-packs, this is a "Super Bot" redeco of Ironhide, meaning he is cast in translucent plastic and has more lopsided strength ratings. He comes with Decepticon Brawl and Shockwave.

BotShots single Ironhide.jpg
  • Ironhide (2012)
    • Series: 1
    • Number: B012
      • Fist strength: 500
      • Blaster strength: 670
      • Sword strength: 450
Part of the fourth wave of Bot Shots single-packs, this is a live-action movie-style redeco of Ironhide in black and bluish-silver, with orange windows.

Asserting domminance.
  • Ironhide (2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: B002
      • Fist strength: 845
      • Blaster strength: 210
      • Sword strength: 570
Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 2 single-packs, Ironhide is a new Spin Shot version decoed in red not unlike Generation 1 Ironhide. As a Spin Shot, one manually winds up his upper body beforehand when transforming him into vehicle mode, where striking the front of the vehicle will cause him to burst open and spin while auto-transforming.
This mold was redecoed into Sergeant Kup.

I've heard of snow tires but this is ridiculous!
  • Polar Assault Team (Multi-pack, 2013)
    • Series: 2
    • Number: T004
      • Fist strength: 750
      • Blaster strength: 265
      • Sword strength: 600
Part of the first wave of Bot Shots Series 2 five-packs, this redeco of the original Ironhide toy in bluish dark-grey, with white wheels and orange eyes. He comes in a five pack with similarly-themed redecos of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Mirage, and Jetfire.

EZ Collection Gum

  • Ironhide (EZ Collection Gum, 2014)
Released as part of the blindpacked EZ Collection Gum series, this Ironhide is a redeco of the first Legends Class figure, sharing the same plastic deco from the Straightaway Shootout/EZ collection Vol.2 Ironhide figure, but with the windows being changed from flat light blue into a metallic sheen.

Movie The Best

  • Ironhide (Deluxe, 2017-02-25)
    • Japanese ID Number: MB-05
    • Accessories: Automated Rocket Turret
Released as part of TakaraTomy's Transformers Movie The Best toyline to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the live-action film series, this Ironhide is an extensive redeco of his 2010 Transformers Deluxe Class toy.

Movie Edition

TTC-toy Movie-Edition-Ironhide.jpg
  • Ironhide (Tiny Turbo Changers, 2018)
    • Series: 3
    • Bag Code: H
Tiny Turbo Changers Series 3 Ironhide is a simplified version of his design, transforming into a rough approximation of his GMC Heavy Duty Topkick 6500 4×4 Crew Cab Edition alternate mode. He has tiny cannons sculpted on to his arms.

Studio Series

For many young fans in 2011, losing him was like '90s kids losing Mufasa, but unlike Mufasa, you couldn't find this guy on toy shelves for shit.
  • Autobot Ironhide (Voyager Class, 2018)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • Hasbro ID number: 14
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-15
    • TakaraTomy release date: September 15, 2018
    • Accessories: Two cannons, "Mission City Battle" backdrop
Studio Series "Autobot Ironhide" transforms into a licensed GMC Heavy Duty Topkick 6500 4×4 Crew Cab Edition. He comes with two different arm cannons, which plug into his forearms via 5mm pegs. The two arm cannons can combine and plug into the back of the truck via small tabs, or plug in individually. The cannons feature fake semblances of parts of his vehicle mode for screen-accuracy, one of them even going so far as having heavily deformed recreations of his driver-side doors.
His truck hood parts come mistransformed in the packaging; they actually plug into difficult-to-notice slots buried in his collar, while the doors wrap around and tab into two struts on his back. He comes with a cardboard backdrop depicting the battle of Mission City.
Despite the toy's focus on movie-accuracy, Ironhide's front bumper is a single piece incapable of wrapping around his chest like in the CG model, presumably for budgeting reasons.
Ironhide was first released in Singapore without any prior announcement by Hasbro. Ironhide also saw poor distribution for the retail market, as he is limited to 3 units or so. Said distribution also forces some of the fans to buy him at online stores.

He's red because he's findable.
  • Ironhide (Deluxe Class, 2022)
    • Movie: Bumblebee
    • Hasbro ID number: 84
    • TakaraTomy ID number: SS-87
    • TakaraTomy release date: August 27, 2022
    • Accessories: Blaster, "Cybertron Falls" backdrop (2nd version)
Part of the 16th wave of Studio Series Deluxe Class toys, Ironhide is a retool of Bumblebee Autobot Ratchet, transforming into a boxy red Cybertronian truck with yellow accents in the style of the G1 version's vehicle mode. As with the majority of Bumblebee's Cybertronian characters, his alternate mode was created by Hasbro and TakaraTomy for the Studio Series toyline as the film model was not designed to transform. Ironhide comes with the same blaster accessory as Ratchet, which can be stored on top of his truck mode or on his back in robot mode. Ironhide features 5mm compatible feet like many other contemporary Deluxe Class figures.
Most copies of Ironhide are reported to have incredibly loose joints, much moreso than his mold source Ratchet, which makes maintaining dynamic poses a challenge for him.
Like all other Studio Series toys, the interior of the package forms a display backdrop. As with most Bumblebee Studio Series figures, this backdrop depicts a war-torn Cybertron as it appears at the beginning of the film.

You can just barely afford this one.
  • Transformers 15th Anniversary (Multi-pack, 2022)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • ID number: 14
    • Accessories: Two cannons, "Autobots Arrival" reversible backdrop
"15th Anniversary" Ironhide is a redeco of the first Studio Series figure, featuring slightly altered paint applications and plastic color changes compared to the original toy. His knees, shoulders, and inner torso have been cast in gray plastic, while his windows are now a more opaque black translucent plastic. The faux bumper on his chest and the rear vehicle mode bumper are painted gray, while his toes, headlights, and circular shoulder details are now completely painted in silver. Meanwhile, paint applications on his cannons, knees, roof lights, cheeks, head crest, and his right eye have been omitted. His left shoulder is also missing an Autobot tampograph.
This figure comes in an Amazon exclusive 5-pack alongside redecoes of Studio Series Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet and Jazz, released to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the first live-action Transformers film. The pack comes with a unique reversible backdrop depicting the alley where the Autobots first met Sam on one side and the exterior of Sam's house on the other.

Masterpiece Movie Series

"I just want to show my cannons with my Shelfmate."
  • Ironhide (December 15, 2018)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • ID number: MPM-6
    • Accessories: 2 "Cannon Accessories"
Released as the sixth figure of the Masterpiece Movie Series, this Ironhide is based on his appearance in the 2007 film, transforming from a highly detailed, licensed GMC Heavy Duty Topkick 6500 4×4 Crew Cab Edition into a robot and back in 45 steps. He is exceedingly well armed, with his signature giant cannons mounted on his arms in robot mode, or on the sides of his truck mode, ready to do some serious damage. He features die-cast detailing, and is articulated in the hands, neck, and faceplate.
This figure was originally announced for release in the middle of 2018 but ended up being delayed until the end of the year, probably to allow Hasbro and Takara to concentrate their resources on marketing Bumblebee.
This Ironhide is notorious for its finicky transformation, as some of the parts refuse to stay on (primarily in the front of his vehicle mode).


  • Ironhide (Power Plus Series, 2018)
    • Accessories: Energon core
Bumblebee Energon Igniters Ironhide transforms from a robot mode reminiscent of his original movie appearance into a 1980's heavyduty pickup with giant exhaust stacks, making this a very different interpretation from how he actually appears in the Bumblebee movie. The red coloration of the cab and hood collectively homage his Cannon Force figures, "Aligned" Ironhide, and G1 Ironhide. As a Power Plus series figure, Ironhide is compatible with energon cores, one of which is included. Inserting a core in his vehicle mode deploys his robot mode weapons on the side of the truck.
This figure was later redecoed into Rise of the Beasts Autobots Unite Battletrap.



  • Ironhide ("Pocket Transformers" toy prize, 2007)
A fold-out "pseudo-figure" of Ironhide "transforms" from a flat, blue platform decorated with the Autobot symbol and the word "Transformers" to a robot by folding out. Ironhide is represented by stickers decorated with artwork of the character on the top, bottom, and two fold out "arms". His name is also spelled out, across his feet in this mode.
This mold was also used to create the lunchables figure for Optimus, and Bumblebee. A similar mold was used to create the Lunchables figure for Megatron, Blackout and Starscream, though with the Decepticon symbol sculpted in instead of the Autobot one. Each iteration of this mold was made with a different color of plastic.

Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

Burger King

  • Ironhide (2007)
Ironhide represented in his GMC Topkick alternate mode. Pulling him back will wind up his wheels, letting him go will let him go and pop out two missile launchers (non-functional) and an Autobot insignia from his bed.

Let's see what you can see...

This article is in need of images.

3D Battle-Card Game

Primary Weakness: Gusts of wind.
  • Ironhide (3D Battle Card, 2007)
    • Card number:
A 41-point "rare" character in the 3D Battle-Card Game, Ironhide "transforms" into a grey pickup truck of indeterminate make. He uses the same parts layout as Dropkick and Skids. He is equipped with a Radial Launcher and Chem Cannon.

Transformers (2007)

  • TRANSFORMERS Chess Set (2007)
Two identical gold-colored plastic statues of Ironhide serve as the Chess Set's Autobot-side Queen.

Transformers Movie Danglers

  • Ironhide (2007)
Released by Tomy Yujin in November 2007[2] as part of the Danglers Collection, this toy is a weird plastic Super deformed version of Ironhide that pops out his vehicle mode when you squeeze him. This little figurine has a little strap on it so that it can be put on cell phones or portable gaming devices.

Robot Heroes

Ironhide is cute as he blows everything into slag.
  • Ironhide & Bonecrusher (Two-pack, 2007)
Part of the Robot Heroes line, this incarnation of Ironhide is an adorable soft-plastic PVC figurine in a chunky, "super-deformed" style. He has swivel points at the shoulders and neck. He came in a two-pack with the Decepticon Bonecrusher.

Transformers 2: Electric Boogaloo.
  • Ironhide & Dispensor (Two-pack, 2008)
This version of Ironhide is styled after his "somersaulting" pose from the Mission City battle. He came in a two-pack with Dispensor.

Well, he's back on his feet!
  • Ironhide & Mixmaster (Two-pack, 2009)
Part of the second wave of the Revenge of the Fallen portion of the Robot Heroes line, Ironhide is a redeco of his first Robot Heroes figure in gunmetal and tan. He came packaged with Mixmaster.

Whoa, who ordered the extra-large The Fallen?
  • Battle of the Fallen (Multi-pack, 2009)
This Robot Heroes box set of figures comes with The Fallen, Megatron in tank mode, Jetpower Optimus Prime, and Ironhide in truck mode. Ironhide has no articulation.

Revenge of the Fallen


  • Ironhide (Surprise Cup, 2009)
A small figurine based on Ironhide in his robot mode, with an attached cord on top to be used as either a keychain or a cellphone dangler, was one of eight possible miniatures that could be found as a freebie in the bottom of each Nestlé Surprise Cup. Interestingly, these first started popping up in European ice cream booths around March 2009, a good couple of months before the usual assortment of toys and merchandise for Revenge of the Fallen hit retail shelves.

Missile Mania Board Game

  • Ironhide
Ironhide is one of eight characters featured in the Missile Mania board game, represented by a small standee adorned with artwork of the character.

RPMs - Robot Powered Machines

"I'm going to the party dressed as me!"
  • Ironhide (2009)
    • Series: Combat Series
    • Number: 03 of 04
Robot Powered Machines Ironhide is a small, non-transforming GMC Topkick 4500 with his robot mode sculpted on the truck's underside.

Starscream hides under another F-22 to avoid Ironhide.
  • Ironhide VS Starscream (2009)
    • Series: Battle Series
    • Number: 07 of 08
A NEST-based redeco of the single-pack Ironhide, coloring part of the truck silver and the windows green. This version was only available in a two-pack with Starscream.

  • Enforcer Ironhide VS Mixmaster (2010)
    • Series: Battle Series 2
    • Number: 06 of 06
Redecos of Ironhide and Mixmaster, with Ironhide's deco based on his Legends Class "Enforcer Ironhide" toy. The stock photography shows his wheelwells as black, but the released toy had brown.
Unreleased in the United States, this two-pack has been found in stores in Asia and Europe.

  • Ironhide (2010)
    • Series: Metal Heroes
    • Number: 06 of 08
A slight redeco of RPM Ironhide with... BROWN tires! :O
Unreleased in the United States, this figure has been found in stores in Asia and Europe.

  • Ironhide (2010?)
    • Series: N.E.S.T. Global Alliance
    • Number: 03 of 03
"NEST" Ironhide is a different NEST-based redeco of the RPM mold in dark silver, with red patterns and NEST insignias on his doors. His robot mode is black, save for his light blue eyes.
His stock photography shows two more of his headlights painted in red. This was left off on the actual toy.
Also unreleased in the United States, this has been found in stores in Asia.

  • Ironhide (2010)
    • Series: Revealers
    • Number: 01 of 03
"Revealers" Ironhide is sculpted with various robot-mode parts protruding from his truck mode, as if he's in mid-transformation.
Also unreleased in the United States, this has been found in stores in Asia.

Figure Collection

Ask him why his shoulders hurt, and he'll blast you with his cannons... if he could aim, that is.
  • Ironhide (2010)
    • Accessories: Stand
The Figure Collection edition of Ironhide appears to be modeled on his Fast Action Battlers toy, though with very spindly arms.

Speed Stars

Who knew that vehicles could get Liefeldian anatomy?
  • Ironhide (2010)
    • Series: Revealers
    • Number: 01 of 03
The Speed Stars version of "Revealers" Ironhide has less intricate paint operations, replacing the dark slate-blue, silver, and gold on his exposed robot parts with silver, with the silver reaching over to the sides of the hood instead of reaching the bumper, which is now unpainted, along with his headlights and grille. He also lacks the silver paint on the corners of the vehicle and the "4x4" logo on the sides of the truck bed. Other differences include his rims, which are not fully painted silver, instead having some sweet gold pinstriping on the borders. He now also has a huge Autobot insignia on his roof.

G1 Ironhide didn't like Movie Ironhide getting all the toys, but nobody expected him to turn to vehicular homicide!
  • Ironhide (2010)
    • Series: Metal Heroes
    • Number: 06 of 08
Speed Stars "Metal Heroes" Ironhide is a redeco of RPM's "Metal Heroes" Ironhide based on the red Ironhide redeco from RPM's Battle Series 2, though it features fewer paint details than the RPM version. It is made of die-cast.
During the period between 26 December 2010 and 31 January 2011, Hasbro ran their "Supercharge Your Holidays" promotion: for every $20 spent on Hasbro-branded product, customers could receive a free, random product from a list provided by Hasbro. Among the items on the list were "Transformers Combiners and Speed Star Mini-Vehicle" and "Transformers Activator and Speed Star Mini-Vehicle." Speed Stars Metal Heroes Ironhide was one of the figures distributed.[3]

"Hey guys, like my new shirt?"
  • Enforcer Ironhide VS Mixmaster (2010?)
    • Series: Battle Series 2
    • Number: 06 of 06
As RPM's Battle Series 2 was carried over into Speed Stars, this is another release of the red Ironhide. Again, it features less paint than the original release.
Though these toys were released at US retail, they apparently received fairly limited distribution.

"Hey guys, if we colour me like this, we don't need Jolt at all! Alright!"
  • Ironhide (2010?)
    • Series: N.E.S.T. Global Alliance
    • Number: 03 of 03
The Speed Stars version of "NEST" Ironhide is redecoed in blue with silver patterns on his doors and has an additional NEST insignia on his hood. He lacks the paint on his headlights, bumper, and grille, and also lacks the NEST insignias on the sides. His robot mode is now completely black.
Though this toy WAS released at US retail, it apparently received fairly limited distribution.


  • Ironhide (Happy Meal, 2010)
Part of the 2010 McDonald's Revenge of the Fallen promotion, Ironhide does not transform, but features a "punching/firing" mechanism instead: a switch on his back rocks his arms forwards and backwards in an alternating motion. Ironhide features blue light-piping, an unexpected feature for a fast food promotional toy, but does not feature any form of articulation. He was only available during week 5 of the promotion, and came with an instruction sheet that doubles as an ad for McWorld, featuring an exclusive code for the website.

Dark of the Moon

Burger King

  • Flip-Out Ironhide (2011)
Part of the 2011 Burger King Dark of the Moon promotion, Ironhide is a simple figure with bobble-head-like proportions, but is otherwise reasonably accurate to his on-screen appearance, except for the sculpted arm cannons that he no longer has in the movie. The entirety of his body flips out of his enormous head when it is opened. A similar gimmick is present in all the toys part of this promotion. Pushing the button on his back projects a red Autobot symbol out of his chest. There is an on/off switch on his back.

Thrilling 30

  • Ironhide (Collectible Figurine, 2014)
    • Series / Number: 2 / #28
    • Accessories: Collector's base
A super-deformed Ironhide was released among the blindpacked Thrilling 30 Collectible Figurines by Goldie Marketing. He comes with a base to help him stand, a collector's card that doubles as a puzzle piece, and a checklist.
  • Collectible Figurines (5-pack, 2014)
    • Series: 2
    • Accessories: 5 collector's bases
The same Ironhide figurine was also available in a 5-pack alongside Bumblebee, Shockwave, Soundwave and Barricade.

Prime 1 Studio

Premium Bust

Prime 1 Studio Premium Bust Ironhide.jpg
  • Ironhide (2015)
    • Movie: Dark of the Moon
    • ID number: PBTFM-05
Prime 1 Studio Premium Bust Ironhide is a highly detailed sculpture of his head and shoulders based on his Dark of the Moon appearance attached to a base. He features light-up LED eyes.

Museum Masterline

Prime 1 Studio Museum Masterline Ironhide.jpg
  • Ironhide (2016)
    • Movie: Transformers
    • ID number: MMTFM-11 / 11EX (exclusive)
    • Accessories: Base, Brawl's head (exclusive)
Museum Masterline Ironhide is a huge non-transforming sculpture based on his appearance in the first movie. The statue is made of polystone along with other materials and features LED lights on his eyes, chest and cannons.
The exclusive version comes with a heavily damaged Brawl head. The standard version is limited to 500 pieces while the exclusive version is limited to only 350 pieces.

Jada Toys

  • Hot Shot / Barricade / Ironhide (1.65" Die Cast Vehicle 3-pack, 2020)
Nano Hollywood Rides Ironhide was going to be a small non-transforming die-cast truck measuring approximately 1.65 inches long, but never got released.
He was planned to be part of a 3-pack alongside Barricade and, surprisingly, Hot Shot.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.

Bigger toys

What do you mean there are no cannons?
  • GMC TopKick 4500 Ironhide Edition (2007)
As reported at Edmunds, Monroe Truck Equipment, in association with Hasbro, released a GMC TopKick 4500 Ironhide special edition featuring most of the modifications made to the Ironhide vehicle props used in the movie, with the only difference being that the truck retains its stock orange running lights (the props used blue) and the large stock sideview mirrors.
Sadly, installing a grumpy trigger-happy alien robot and deadly high-tech weaponry into the works is not part of the included modifications. Production on the GMC Topkick truck ceased when General Motors exited the medium-duty truck market in 2009. Ironhide's death in the third film is certainly not connected to this, not at all.


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