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Fractyl is a Predacon from the Beast Wars portion of the Generation 1 continuity family.
More like "Pteradorktyl".

From the moment he emerged from his stasis pod, Fractyl has been more concerned with studying the strange planet's surplus Energon than battling Maximals. Though Megatron tries to force him to be a warrior, it's no use. Fractyl is an excellent geochemist but he is, more often than not, a liability in battle.

Despite his shortcomings, Fractyl tries hard to gain the respect and admiration of his fellow Predacons, often to the detriment of the team. It seems the only one among them who does so is Vice Grip.

In at least one universe, Fractyl combines with the Wreckers to form Wreckage.



3H comics

Voice actor: Doug Parker (English)
Fractyl practices his end zone celebration by spiking the MacGuffin.

Fractyl discovered a new form of energy, which he named Furmanite, and claimed that it could be used as an energon armor, shielding a Transformer from the effects of the Energon without the need of a beast mode. Instead of running more tests, he impulsively used it on himself, making sure it would work before presenting it to Megatron. Before he could bring it to Megatron, however, the Furmanite was stolen by the Maximal Packrat.

Fractyl soon discovered Furmanite is actually anti-energon, a substance that could destroy the entire planet if it were exposed to high concentrations of energon. Fractyl risked both an encounter with the Maximals and the wrath of Megatron to catch Packrat before he went boom. He was able to reason with the Maximals and remove the Furmanite from Packrat, and even managed to make it look to the Predacons like he had driven off the Maximals single-handedly. Go, Fractyl. Ground Zero

Fractyl and Vice Grip attacked Packrat and Onyx Primal as the two Maximals sought to recover a mysterious "Plot Device", the Transfer Interlink. After being driven off when Maximal reinforcements arrived in the form of Silverbolt and Rattrap, the two decided to go get drunk on mech fluid. Visitations

After the Beast Wars had run their course, Fractyl once more heard the call to arms and sprung into action. Primeval Dawn II

Surprisingly it's NOT Fractyl that ends up there this time.

Having joined the Wreckers under circumstances so far untold, Fractyl tagged along with Primal Prime, Rodimus, and Spittor to try and coax Arcee out of her sulking emo phase deep in the caves of Cybertron, where she went shortly after the death of Daniel Witwicky. When the other Wreckers left frustrated and disappointed because Arcee wouldn't play with them, Fractyl stayed behind to talk, relating how he too had lost a good friend (presumably Vice Grip). He was then nearly killed by Blastcharge, but was saved by Arcee and the power of love. Fractyl later showed up in his shiny new body and paid Blastcharge back by slicing him in half. He used his new, jet-powered beast form to bring Arcee to the Wreckers' shuttle, which was already in the process of blasting off and leaving Cybertron. Departure

His victory was short-lived, though, as his seemingly buggy new body shorted out during a fight with Devcon in the cargo hold of the Wreckers' shuttle. With no medic on board, Apelinq created a drone called CatSCAN to fill in. Fractyl was put into stasis for several cycles. Betrayal

After the Wreckers re-entered Cybertron's atmosphere, an emergency evacuation forced the crew to pull Fractyl and Rotorbolt out of their stasis. Rotorbolt came out more or less recovered, but Fractyl was still unconscious and in critical condition. While Rotorbolt considered putting Fractyl out of his misery, Tigatron intervened by using the last of his Vok-derived abilities to heal him. Fractyl, a geologist, was ironically out-of-action for the duration of the Wreckers' pursuit of the Divine Light. Once he was again operable, he was able to use his talents to analyze the prism-like object and give information to allow the Wreckers a victory over Cryotek. However, this victory had a terrible cost. At the battle's end, Arcee and Fractyl departed to bury the body of Rodimus in a secret underground Autobot burial site. Wreckers: Finale Part II

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

Fractyl attended the Predacon military academy, being viciously bullied all the while. Though he barely graduated, he served under Megatron, and produced enough scientific gadgets to make-up for his lack of battle prowess. Beast Wars Sourcebook #2

Kre-O comic

Fractyl fights for science.JPG

Fractyl was part of the Autobot troops guarding Autobot City. When Earth's most wanted criminals attacked the city, Obsidian ordered Fractyl and Rattrap to take the flanks. He shot a Nightbird while using "For science!!" as a battlecry. He celebrated with the others when the intruders were defeated. The Brick List: Earth's Most Wanted


One version of Packrat who ended up in Axiom Nexus had met a Fractyl at one point or another. This Packrat, number five on Cybertron's most wanted list, used the calling card, "Fractyl did it!" Rook - Axiom Nexus News, 2015/06/12

Of Masters and Mayhem

How embarrassing! Zey let a man of science escape vith ze papers!

Fractyl was one of the many Transformers who managed to flee Cybertron after its destruction at the hands of Thunder Mayhem. Like many of the refugees, he took shelter in a stasis pod aboard a ship. The ship sustained damage during its flight, and Fractyl's stasis pod crash-landed on Chicxulania—a primitive world seeded with dangerous amounts of energon. Fractyl entered stasis lock to recalibrate his own systems to protect against the energon radiation, but in the process was kidnapped by a group of Vespoids, who planned to sacrifice him!

Tied up and unable to transform, Fractyl was rescued by Thrashclaw and her Raptoricons, a group of ex-Decepticons who had abandoned the war and gone native on the planet. Ever the scientist, Fractyl was impressed by their organic alternate modes, although neither Slice or Gnash had the patience to answer his questions. On their way back to Thrashclaw's base, the Velocity, Fractyl learned more about the Raptoricons and their unusual techno-organic modifications from Shred, and encountered a herd of Triceratops.

At the Velocity, Thrashclaw pressed Fractyl for answers about his stasis pod. Before he could answer, however, the ship came under assault by another swarm of Vespoids, who had burrowed underneath the vessel. Although Slice was suspicious, Fractyl took part in the efforts to repel the invasion, clearing a gang of Vespoids off the ship's roof. The Raptoricons were able to repulse the attack, but not before the aliens took Gnash hostage.

Realizing that there was a connection between Gnash's unusual energy readings and an odd crystal sample he had discovered shortly after arriving on the planet, Fractyl requested that he use the ship's facilities to research the unusual mineral. When Slice objected, still unable to trust him, Fractyl finally dropped the bombshell on the quartet—that Cybertron was gone. With the bad news out of the way, Shred and Fractyl remained at base to investigate the connection. While the Decepticon set up a makeshift lab aboard the ship, he learned more about the Raptoricons from Shred, and realized that the bizarre green crystals were, in fact, a kind of energon. What's more, this odd mineral was part of the Vespoid physiology!

After finding a massive vein of the stuff beneath the Velocity, Fractyl and Shred harvested as many as they could. It was far too much for two Transformers to carry, though. Fractyl—hoping to try the bio-augmentation technology the Raptoricons had employed—reformatted himself into a new beast mode based on the local pterosaurs, and recruited a flock of other pterosaurs using his beast mode instincts. Together, the flock delivered their haul to the Vespoid's nest as a peace offering, and also provided advice to the other Raptoricons about Gnash's unusual energon requirements. Fractyl was proud of himself for brokering peace between the two races, but the arrival of Impactor cut the ceremony short. Impactor had traced his pod's distress signal and detected Cybertronian energy signatures below.

Toxic Transformer The Wreckers.jpg

After helping to ratify a peace treaty between the Queen of the Vespoids and Thrashclaw, Fractyl helped set up a Greenergon mine for Vespoid use. With that done, Fractyl departed the planet with Impactor and Counterpunch. At Impactor's urging, Fractyl reformatted himself back into his old Cybertronian jet mode, although he lamented that he was only just getting in touch with his wild side. When Fractyl asked why they had tracked him down, Impactor simply responded that he was putting a new team together... a team to take down Thunder Mayhem! Life Finds a Way

Fractyl helped them find the first new recruit, Toxitron, thanks to having old Decepticon files about a lost experimental base. He was extremely creeped out by the new member, his sociopathic nature, and that creepy laugh he had. The Toxic Transformer Thanks to Fractyl's experiments with the Greenergon, he managed to augment the rest of the Wreckers—including new recruits Alpha Bravo and Impactor—with combiner technology, giving them the ability to form the powerful combiner Wreckage. In a test battle against a nest of Mecannibals, Wreckage went berserk; unable to live with the ramifications of unleashing such a monster on the universe, Alpha Bravo killed Offroad and then allowed Toxitron to kill him. Deadly Aim

LivelyPursuit Wreckers.jpg

Fractyl and the Wreckers returned to Cybertron where they found Bluestreak dealing with the Teklaan race to possibly restore the planet. Unfortunately, the Wreckers were necessary as raw materials for the process. While imprisoned, Fractyl remembered what he had heard about the Teklaans, who restored the organic world of their creators before allowing it to fall to a pre-manufactured virus. Realizing the same fate was meant for Cybertron, Bluestreak joined Fractyl in the Wreckers in forming a new incarnation of Wreckage and destroying the Teklaans' ship. Lively Pursuit

Fractyl and the Wreckers received a signal tracking Thunder Mayhem to the planet Earth. Pandora's Gift There they teamed up with Optimus Prime, Megatron, and the humans and Mega Pretenders of another reality to battle Thunder Mayhem. The human Elizabeth used her power to channel Wreckage's energies and shatter the Matrix of Malice, forcing the evil combiner apart. Fractyl and the Wreckers took the Mayhem Attack Squad into custody following that exchange. Finale

Beast Wars: Uprising

Under the pseudonym, GEOFAN, Fractyl was a regular poster on a Predacon message board for sharing software patches and coding ideas. Identity Politics A decade after the end of Grand Uprising, he had moved to Dinosaur City on Metascan Omega. When the Vok declared the planet was not for mortals, governor Longrack requested the presence of anyone who could help with this crisis, including Fractyl. The Inexorable March


Beast Wars

Once he ditches the rat, he'll be able to settle down with a nice girl.
  • Fractyl & Packrat (Multi-pack, 1997)
  • Accessories: Gun
Fractyl is a green, white, and gold redeco of the original Basic-class Terrorsaur, transforming into a large, organic Pteranodon with a spring-loaded, one-step transformation to robot mode activated by pulling back on his beast-mode head. (His hands and feet need to be folded out separately.). His handgun folds up to store inside the empty area behind his robot mode head, tucking away neatly in beast mode. His green plastic was given a sparkly sheen to simulate the "energon armor" effect from the accompanying comic book "Ground Zero".
He was sold exclusively at BotCon 1997, in a boxed set with Packrat.
The same mold was used to make Age of Extinction Strafe (no, really). It was also used as the basis for the all-new-tooling Lazorbeak, which was subsequently used to make Beast Wars Neo Hydra and Dinobots Terranotron. It was planned to be used as a TransCon II exclusive version of Swoop, but that toy was canceled when Hasbro pulled its approval of the convention.
Beast Wars mold: Terrorsaur
  • Hasbro:
  • Takara:
  • 3H Productions:
  • Men in Black Productions:

Expanded Universe

Looking spiffy in the Wreckers catalog.
  • Fractyl (Deluxe Transmetal, 200?)
  • Accessories: Left & right wing-blades
Fractyl's Transmetal form was shown at BotCon 2001 as a hand-painted prototype, made from a Transmetal Terrorsaur. This version was ultimately never produced, either as a general release or as a convention exclusive.
This mold was later redecoed and slightly retooled to make Beast Machines Terranotron, and then redecoed and retooled differently to make Armada Terrorsaur. The mold was also the base model for the non-toy character Ravenus.
Your bargaining posture is highly dubious.

Proceed on your way to oblivion.
This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release.


  • Kreon Souvenir Figure Set (Multi-pack, 2014)
  • Accessories: Small pistol
"Kreon Fractyl" is based on the BotCon 1997 Fractyl figure, and can be rebuilt into a pterosaur.
He was only available as part of a BotCon 2014 Kre-O six-pack, including Breakdown, Gigatron, Landshark, Rattrap, and Shattered Glass Rodimus.
His promotional images show his "beak" cone piece with eye tampographs which the final version does not feature.

Combiner Wars

  • Fractyl with Scorponok (TFSS 5.0, 2016)
  • Accessories: Double barreled gun, Gun/fist/foot
Part of the fifth and final Transformers Figure Subscription Service, Combiner Wars Fractyl is a redeco of BotCon 2016 Terrorsaur, who himself is a retool of Combiner Wars Deluxe Class Air Raid, who is in turn a retool of Skydive. Fractyl transforms from robot into a green F-14 Tomcat fighter jet. He is also capable of turning into an arm or leg for any Combiner Wars-style Voyager Class figure (or into one of Legends Godbomber's legs). Fractyl comes with Scorponok, who is a redeco of Thrilling 30 Legends Class Scamper.
Fractyl and Scorponok were released alongside Lifeline and Quickslinger.
This mold was also retooled and redecoed into Unite Warriors Curse Armada Thrust. This tooling also served as the model for the non-toy Beast Wars: Uprising incarnation of Hydra.
Combiner Wars mold: Skydive

Version 1:

Version 2:

Other versions:

  • HasbroCombiner Wars Strafe
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Dreadwind
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomyPower of the Primes Blackwing

External links

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