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This article is about the small American Targetmaster. For his Japanese counterpart, see Nightstick (Headmasters).
Fracas is a Decepticon-allied Nebulan Targetmaster from the Generation 1 continuity family.
It's not clear who sat in this cockpit before Fracas came along.

Fracas's new Targetmaster body allows him to transform into an incendiary cannon for his Decepticon partner Scourge—fitting, since Fracas is himself a hot-running, volatile scrapper who explodes into violent rages.



Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.

Fracas became the Targetmaster partner to Scourge, under Scorponok's command, near the end of the Decepticons' stay on his homeworld of Nebulos. During his trial-run, Scourge wielded him in battle against several Autobot Headmasters who had just escaped from a Decepticon prison into the streets of Koraja. When the Autobots left Nebulos, Scorponok's Decepticons followed, as did their Nebulan partners. Brothers in Armor!!

If Fracas knew his partner was a time-lost traveler from the future, he gave no indication of it. That fact would soon come into play on Earth, however, as Cyclonus and Scourge apparently deserted Scorponok to seek out their former commander Galvatron, who, like them, had arrived via time travel on 1980s Earth. En route, the pair encountered a squadron of Earth jets. When one nearly got the better of Cyclonus, Scourge ordered Fracas to have Cyclonus's partner Nightstick take control and retreat.

Cyclonus and Scourge met up with Galvatron in a human city, demanding his time-jump trigger device. When Galvatron asked how they planned to defeat him without weapons, Fracas and Nightstick promptly transformed, taking their place as the two Decepticons' weapons. The arrival of the Wreckers at that moment prevented the three Decepticons from coming to blows.

I'll be able to fight better if my gun goes for a jog.

In the midst of the ensuing battle, Scourge sent Fracas to find Nightstick, who had retreated when Cyclonus was briefly knocked out. The Decepticons finally ended up retreating when lured out into the open by Springer. Wrecking Havoc

The two Decepticons and their Nebulan partners returned to the headquarters of Shockwave, to whom they had promised allegiance in return for protection if their bid to return to the future failed. As they waited to meet with him, Fracas wondered why they didn't simply kill him and take control of the Decepticons of this time period, to which Scourge noted that they'd had help last time. Shockwave's arrival interrupted the conversation, and a slip-up by Cyclonus soon turned the meeting into a firefight, with Fracas and Nightstick converting to their weapon modes. The fight soon turned against them when Shockwave unleashed the brainwashed clone of Megatron on them. The clone bashed Scourge aside, wounded Cyclonus, and killed Nightstick. Scourge was confident that Megatron would not survive a full-powered shot from Fracas, but realized that if Megatron was killed before he ever became Galvatron, Scourge himself might cease to exist. Thus he decided to make his exit, leaving the wounded Cyclonus to die at the hands of "Megatron". Dry Run!

Scourge soon reconciled his differences with both "Megatron" and Galvatron, and he and Fracas were waiting when Ravage stumbled into their underground base. Galvatron stayed Scourge's hand, however, welcoming Ravage as a potential ally.

When the Wreckers and the Mayhem Attack Squad entered Galvatron's base, Scourge and Fracas challenged their leaders, Carnivac and Springer. Fracas waited nearby while Scourge presented himself as unarmed, hoping to goad Carnivac into an attack. But Springer recognized the trick, having seen it before, and held Carnivac back. Fracas transformed anyway and prepared to fire, but Springer spoke to Scourge, telling him that a rift in time and space had opened, and that he and Cyclonus were part of the problem. Scourge began to question his decision to side with Galvatron and soon left the battle.

Fracas and Scourge flew off and returned to Shockwave's headquarters. As they blasted their way in, Fracas wondered if returning there was such a good idea, considering how they'd fared previously, but Scourge was adamant that there was no other way. Fracas quickly transformed to arm his partner, taking some comfort in his firepower. Scourge then explained to Fracas how he and Cyclonus had time-jumped without using the proper mass substitution, creating an imbalance and thus the rift which was now threatening to consume the Earth.

In Shockwave's control room, the pair found Shockwave sunk into dementia in the face of his future demise, and Cyclonus's body strung up like a wall hanging. When Scourge tried to remove it, however, Shockwave blasted him and left him for dead. Time Wars

At this point Fracas just disappears from continuity. While Scourge and Shockwave both reappear in the "Time Wars" finale—to be swallowed by and to seal the time rift respectively—the Nebulan's fate is left unresolved. Separated from Scorponok's forces and with Cyclonus, Scourge and Nightstick dead or missing in the time rift, the best possible scenario would be that Fracas was left to live out his days on Earth-120185.

The Transformers cartoon

Voice actor: Neil Ross (English), Jin Horikawa (Japanese), Michel Barbey (European French)

Fracas was a member of the Hive, the ruling body of Nebulos who commanded machines with their very thoughts, but had let their physical shells wither and decay with disuse. Seeing an opportunity, the Hive leader Zarak forged an alliance with the Decepticons to create Headmasters and Targetmasters, giving Fracas and the others bio-mechanically supported exo-suits to restore their mobility. Fracas became the weapon for Scourge, one of the leaders of the Decepticons, although Scourge was less than thrilled with the arrangement. Fracas and the Nebulan Targetmasters assisted the Decepticons in recovering the Key to the Plasma Energy Chamber from their Autobot foes, but then insisted at Zarak's command that the Decepticons return to the Hive city without wiping out the Autobots. When Scourge resisted, Fracas showed him who wore the muzzle in the partnership, and politely insisted. The Rebirth, Part 2

Fracas continued to serve as Scourge's weapon after the rise of Scorponok, and their return to Cybertron. He was then formally initiated into the Decepticons: in other words, Galvatron threatened to kill him. Fracas and the Targetmasters were later on-board Scorponok when the plasma energy plumes rocketed it off Cybertron and into deeper space. The Rebirth, Part 3

Transformers in 3-D

Scourge wielded Fracas during the Decepticons' attack on Tau-Ursa. The War Against the Destructons, Chapter 1 of 3


Scourge carried Fracas in a battle with the Autobots on Nebulos. His presence did not have much effect, as the Decepticons retreated after Straxus, their field commander, was defeated. The Fierce Fighting on Planet Nebulos

Titans Return marketing material

An ancient Titan Master, Fracas granted his partner the ability to steal other bots' powers. Titans Return Fracas and Scourge toy bio Scourge, Fracas, and Crashbash tracked Hyperfire to Velocitron, and attempted to kidnap Blurr's Titan Master on the final lap of the planet's biggest race. They didn't get far before having to fight Sentinel Prime, Hardhead, and Optimus. Titans Return: The Power of the Titan Masters

Beast Wars: Uprising

Fracas was a Nebulan member of the World Watcher alliance, fighting against the Hive-Decepticon coalition. When the Autobots developed Targetmaster technology, Fracas became a Targetmaster and partnered up with the Autobot Artfire. However, Fracas and Nightstick defected to the Decepticons, and brought the secrets of spark-enhancing Targetmaster technology to the Decepticons. A Brush With Infamy–Prologue

Subsequently, Fracas bonded to the high-ranking Decepticon Scourge, also working alongside the Headmaster Krunix, Identity Politics until the Great War finally ground to a close. When the military tribunal found Galvatron and his cohorts guilty in the wake of the destructive Great Push, Fracas was released to Artfire for extradition. A Brush With Infamy–Prologue

Centuries later, Krunix still remembered Scourge and Fracas, immortalizing the latter with a hologram in his bar. Identity Politics

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material


Fracas was an Air Force Weapons Raider and a member of the Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron. After countless attacks had been made on several of the Autobot resistance's positions by Fracas and the rest of the Phantomstrike Squadron, the Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce was called into action. Final Strike Figure Series marketing material[1] Dispatched to the outer edge of the Sea of Rust, inside an underground base, Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files Alphastrike analyzed the Phantomstrike Squadron's attack patterns, anticipating their next strike. Final Strike Figure Series marketing material[1]

While the Phantomstrike Squadron was stationed in Darkmount, south-east of Alphastrike's position,[2] Greenlight—who had been tracking them from her drop point in a nearby deserted Decepticon zone—attempted to transmit the all-clear for the attack to commence, but the Phantomstrike Squadron discovered her transmission and corrupted its signal. Teletraan-1 attempted to retrieve the full transmission from the Decepticons to gather the location data needed to assess the threat. Following this, a battle ensued between both strike teams. Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files

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Transformers: Earth Wars


Transformers: Earth Wars


The Transformers

  • Scourge (Targetmaster, 1987)
Released in the fourth year of the Hasbro The Transformers toyline, Fracas is a figure of an armored humanoid in gray armor with black legs. Fracas folds in half to turn into an incendiary cannon that can be held by any Targetmaster (or any toy that uses 5 mm pegs for accessory holding/mounting), though he is designated as complementing his partner Scourge.
Fracas was released in Japan without changes as Artfire's partner, Nightstick.


No, I was shot midway between the me and the navel.
  • Fracas (Targetmaster Micron, 2010)
United "Targetmaster Micron" Fracas is a redeco of Power Core Combiners Chainclaw, transforming into a non-firing multi-missile launcher that can be held by any toy using 5 mm weapon-mount points, though he is meant to complement the United release of Scourge.
His instructions only show the hand-held mode, but as he is a Power Core Combiners Mini-Con mold, he can also be converted into a missile launcher meant for vehicle mode use (attached by his Powerlinx socket), plus an "armor" mode that connects to a Power Core Combiners Commander toy's chest or back-mounted Powerlinx plug for use in either of their robot modes.
Fracas was part of the "Targetmaster United" promotional campaign, a free gift available only with the purchase of 3000 yen worth of United product at Bic Camera and Yodobashi Camera stores in Japan in (very) late December 2010.
This mold was also used to make Power Core Combiners Bomb-Burst and United EX Spanner.

Titans Return

Scourge likes wearing Fracas's arms as earmuffs.
  • Fracas & Scourge (Deluxe Class, 2016)
Packaged with Scourge as part of the first wave of Titans Return Deluxes, this Fracas is a Titan Master, transforming from a tiny robot (based on the original Nightstick toy,see below) into a head compatible with Scourge or any other Deluxe-or-larger Titans Return figure.
Fracas features ball-joints in the neck and shoulders, with swivels in the hip and knees. This gives a deceptive amount of articulation and posability for a toy its size. The knees are double jointed, allowing them to bend backwards for a seated on kneeling position in addition to forming his head mode. The balljointed neck also allows for Scourge to move his head.
In addition to forming his head, Fracas can also sit in Scourge's vehicle mode cockpit and in his double-barrelled gun. He also features peg holes in his feet which allow him to attach to a wide variety of Titans Return figures.
This toy was repurposed as the Beast Wars: Uprising version of Krunix, and this mold was redecoed in Japan to make the small Headmaster stage of Legends Scourge and retooled as Legends Sweeps.
Titans Return mold: Fracas
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:

War for Cybertron: Siege

Shrute cosplaying as Fracas, or Firedrive cosplaying as Shrute? You decide!
  • Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron (Multi-pack, 2019)
  • Hasbro ID number: WFC-S27
  • TakaraTomy ID Number: SG-EX
  • TakaraTomy release date: January 20, 2021
  • Hidden message code: TELEPORT
Packed with Skywarp, Shrute, and Terror-Daxtyl, Siege "Decepticon Fracas" is a straight redeco of the Battle Master Firedrive, transforming to "Duo-Charge Electrostatic Photon Cannon" in five steps. As a part of the C.O.M.B.A.T. System, he includes two "Fire Blast effect" pieces that can be used to simulate his blaster mode firing, and can slot onto the various hardpoints found on other figures and weaponry from the same subline to simulate blaster fire or explosions. The outer peg of the effect parts can also attach to 5 mm ports. The actual gun barrel piece can detach from the back, revealing a 3 mm peg, and connect to his arm like a cannon. Due to the size of the piece compared to Fracas, attaching Fire Blast parts to his barrels will cause the figure to become too unbalanced to stand.
The CG stock render on the packaging depicts his torso as grey, and his unpaintable limbs as black. The final product ends up inverting his plastic colors; due to this, Fracas ends up looking like a pearlescent version of Firedrive. It's worth noting that, while never officially repurposed back, the Generations Selects line would later release a Nightstick closely resembling this render.
You can choose to pair him with any version of Scourge with 5mm fists, though the Studio Series SS86-05 release is contemporary.
This set was made available at general retail in Taiwan without prior announcement from Hasbro, and was an Amazon exclusive for North America, which also label the set as "Final Strike Figure Series: Part 2", and later a TakaraTomy Mall exclusive for Japan.
Siege mold: Battle Master Firedrive
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:
  • TakaraTomy:
Siege accessory mold: Firedrive's Fire Blast effects
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:


"Fracas who? Oh, no, I'm Nightstick, his, uh...brother."
  • The character models for Fracas and Nightstick appear to have been swapped around in pre-production, so Fracas's fictional appearances in both the cartoon and Marvel comics are based on Nightstick's toy, and vice-versa. This seems to have originated from a model sheet (see right) that refers to Fracas's model as being the partner to Cyclonus. It also seems that the animators caught onto this too; though a little too late into production, leaving them no choice but to just swap the colors around. So even though Fracas is clearly based on Nightstick's toy, he's still colored like Fracas.
    • This also means that Krunix is technically a giant Fracas, not a giant Nightstick.
    • Targetmaster Scourge's box art shows him holding the Fracas mold in Nightstick's colors; so basically he's got model-sheet Nightstick.
  • Amusingly, Fracas is merely referred to as "the Nebulan" in Scourge's G1 on-package bio. Thankfully, his name is printed on the box-front and in the instructions.
  • Generations Deluxe Class Scourge has a pair of handguns that can combine into a single weapon resembling the original Fracas toy's rifle mode.
  • Arms Micron Blowpipe was initially solicited under the name "Fracas".
  • Fracas replaces his identical twin Nightstick-the-goodie in Beast Wars: Uprising as a playful way to explain why they look identical.[3]

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Fracas (フレイカス Fureikasu)
  • Russian: Prikus (Прикус, "Bite")


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