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Name: Raquel Trillo Lado
Area: Computer Languages and Systems.
Address: Edificio Ada Byron, María de Luna, 1
                E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Phone & Fax: (+34) 976762109 (+34) 976761914
e-mail: raqueltl@unizar.es

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University Education

Degree in Computer Science.

Postgraduate Diploma in Computing Science from the University of A Coruña.

PhD at Computer Science Programme at the University of A Coruña.

Professional Experience (Click here to download my professional c.v. or ask me for an updated version)

Currently, I am teaching and doing research as Associate Professor (Profesora Colaboradora Doctora) at Computer Science and Systems Engineering Department (DIIS) in the University of Zaragoza

From 2001 to 2004 I worked at University of A Coruña and Software e Solucións in SERGAS, taking part in software engineering projects for Xunta de Galicia, acquiring knowledge and experience in the following areas:

·   Relational Databases modelling     ·   Integration with Workflow systems     ·   Web technologies   

·   e-Learning systems                      ·   Digital Libraries                                ·   Information Systems   

Research (Click here to download my researching c.v. or ask me for an updated version)

Member of the Distributed Information Systems Group (University of Zaragoza) where my supervisor is Dr. Eduardo Mena and coworker of Data Bases Laboratory (University of A Coruña) where my advisor is Prof.Nieves R. Brisaboa. I also collaborate with DBGroup of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia where I stayed as Visiting Researcher from April to September 2009, and from June to August 2010.

Main areas of Interest:

·        Semantic Web        ·        Mobile Agents         ·        Digital libraries

Some publications are available in BDI Library


Confederación Valles Ulla-Umia: Módulo de formación de igualdade de oportunidades (course 2003/2004).

Centro Politécnico superior (CPS) : Compiladores I (course 2004/2005, course 2005/2006 and course 2006/2007), Compiladores II (course 2004/2005) and Sistemas de Información (course 2004/2005, course 2005/2006 and course 2006/2007), Ficheros y Bases de Datos (course 2010/2011), Bases de Datos Avanzadas (course 2010/2011), Programación (course 2010/2011), Ingenieria del Software II (course 2010/2011), Proyectos Final de Carrera en Telematica (course 2010/2011).

Escuela universitaria de Estudios Empresariales (EEUUZ): Informática Aplicada a la Gestión Empresarial (course 2005/2006, course 2007/2008, course 2008/2009 and course 2009/2010), Bases de Datos y Sistemas de Información (course 2007/2008).

Escuela de INgenieria y Arquitectura (EINA): Programacion de Sistemas Concurrentes y Distribuidos (course 2011/2012 and 2012/2013), Bases de Datos Avanzadas (course 2011/2012), Programación en Ingenieria Electrica (course 2011/2012 and 2012/2013), Ingenieria del Software II (course 2011/2012 and 2012/2013), Laboratorio de Programación (course 2011/2012) and Sistemas de Información (course 2012/2013).

Master de Bases de Datos e Internet: Diseño de sitios Web con DreamWeaver (course 2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010) and Diseño de Aplicaciones mediante el Uso de Patrones (course 2008/2009, 2009/2010 and 2010/2011).

Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion: Introduccion al Manejo de Blackboard (course 2010/2011 and 2011/2012).

Escuela de Ingenieria y Arquitectura: Sistemas de Informacion (course 2012/2013).


Other subjects: DEA and SPRINGS (course 2004/2005).

Some links.

Firma por Informática                                       &nbsfp;                                                            Last partial updated: 09/07/2011