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Net 1000.net - search, news, chat, comparison shopper, articles, free stuff and more! Deal of the Day
Net 1000.net  >  Make Net 1000.net Your Start Page
This means that whenever you open up an internet browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, AOL.....) you automatically go to Net 1000.net's main page.  This saves you from having to manually type it Net 1000.net's URL (www.net1000.net).

Also, while your surfing the net if you want to go to Net 1000.net to do a quick search, get the news, chat or whatever all you have to do is click on you Internet Browser's "Home" button.

Here's how to make Net 1000.net your Homepage:

On Netscape:

1. Click on the Edit Menu and select Preferences.

2.  Select Navigator

3.  In Navigator Starts With section select Home Page

4.  Type in /  in the Home Page Location box, then click OK.

On Internet Explorer:

1.  Go back to /.

2.  Select the View menu, then Internet Options

3.  If it doesn't already say so, change the Home Page section to say /.

4.  Click Use Current.