Numerical analysis |
Remarks on Some Newton and Chebyshev-type Methods for Approximation Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrices I. Pavaloiu, E. Catinas | 14.12.1998 | pp.3-17 |
Computer system organization |
Regional Computer Networks: Research Aspects, Solutions I. Bolun | 17.12.1998 | pp.18-54 |
Data acquisition with direct memory access Iu. Guzun | 02.04.1999 | pp.55-62 |
Theory of computing |
Canonical bases for subalgebras of factor algebras P. Nordbeck | 05.01.1999 | pp.63-77 |
Artificial intelligence |
Intelligent tecnology of information analysis and quantitative evaluation of condition with preliminary and inaccurate data of current observations Yu. Savva | 04.12.1998 | pp.78-85 |
Economics, operations research, programming, games |
Decision support system for vehicle scheduling Gaindric Constantin | 02.12.1998 | pp.86-104 |
Numerical measure of strong stability and strong quasistability in the vector problem of integer linear programming V.A. Emelichev, Y.V. Nikulin | 02.12.1998 | pp.105-117 |
Experimental results on quadratic assignment problem N.P. Nikolov | 04.01.1999 | pp.118-125 |
A general equilibrium evaluation of trade policy changes in Moldova Republic S. Alanoca, E. Hristev, I. Muntean, Naval Elvira, L. Savenko | 01.02.1999 | pp.126-139 |
Chronicle |
Abstracts of PH. D. Theses
| | pp.140-144 |