EECS1019 MATH/EECS 1019: Discrete Math
                                             Jeff Edmonds: Fall 2023-2024 A

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1019 exam Fri Dec 15, 9am 1019 Exam TC SOBEYS
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Review Slides
Practice Questions

Topics Jeff Ass Sol days Book Chpts Book Neal
Introduction ppt ppt ppt
Logic and proofs pdf
pdf pdf 5+1 1.1-1.8
? = optional, x = omit
01 02 03
04 05
Sets, functions, infinity ppt 4-2 2.1-2.5
?2.2.4 x2.2.5&2.3.6
ppt 06 07
Growth of functions; big-O ppt 1 3.2 ppt 11
Induction (+structural) ppt 4-1 5.1-5.3
x5.2.4 Thm 1&5.3.5
ppt 08 09 10
12 12'
Recurrence Relations ppt pdf pdf 2 8.1-8.2
?8.1.3, Thm 4&5, 6 deg 2
ppt 18 19 20
Graphs ppt 4-1 10.1-10.5
ppt 14 15 16
17 21
Relations (+equivalence) ppt 2 9.1&9.5
ppt 13 14 20
Trees ppt pdf 2 11.1
ppt 22

     Jeff tends to talk too fast. Please help him go pole pole slowly.
     Please ask questions.

       Teaching numerous courses has led me to believe that a lack of
       abstract and logical thinking, along with a shallow grasp of the big
       picture, is often the root cause of student struggles.
       To address this, I explain the same material from many perspectives,
       aiming for at least one to resonate with your subconscious.
       To ensure you aren't overwhelmed, I offer detailed insights on the
       main topic while keeping peripheral matters in a more relaxed context.

How to Study:
     Watch, Pause, Think, and Unpause the slides/videos.
     Try to solve things yourself.
     If you get stuck, watch for another slide or two.
     Repause it. Was that enough of hint so that you can now solve it?
     After watching the entire solution, ask yourself what you were missing.
     Maybe set all notes aside and see if you can now write up the solution on your own.

Jeff's Logic Chapter
Discrete Mathematics Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen & Connect
Neal Madras & Suprakash Datta's slides
Additional exercises (not for grading)
Tutoring: mathlab, Math & Stat Help Center, note, Bethune Peer Tutoring Schedule
Resources from Rosen Book
     Self Assessment
     Instructions for using Connect
     Crib Sheets
     Common Mistakes in Discrete Math
     Advice on the Writing Projects
     logic, 1, all or 4, 6, 10-21
     Find us others.
Foundations of Computer Science
Discrete Math
More Jeff Topics
Jeff's Fun Stuff

Symbol Meaning:
ppt Power Point Slides
5 Video from this year's Math1019 (5min)
Introduction (ppt):
  Administrative Details How the course will be run.
  Summary of course Just a quick over view
Logic and Proofs (ppt) (More EECS1090):
- Propositional Logic: And, Or, Neg, Implies
- Predicate/Quantifier Logic: Forall object, Exists object
  Objects, Predicates, & Relations ∀x,y [Daughter(y,x) iff Parent(x,y) ∧ Female(y)]
    - Hugely Expressive Helps you understand and prove mathematical statements
  Intro to Quantifiers ∀x ≡ for All x  and   ∃x ≡ there Exists a y
     - Testing Validity An Infinite Iterative Algorithm
  Order of Quantifiers ∀x∃yP(x,y)   vs   ∃y∀xP(x,y)
    - So wrong ∀inputs x, ∃program J, J(x)=P(x)
  Understand as as a Game Prover provides ∃x, adversary ∀y, and oracle helps with assumptions
Example Proofs
    - Humans are Mortal "All humans are mortal" and "Socrates is human" hence "Socrates is mortal"
    - Reals ∃a∀x∃y x=a ∨ x×y=1
  Formal Proof System Arbitrary c vs Some c
- Removed
Sets, functions, carnality (ppt):
- Sets: Collects an ordered bunch of elements together.
   Examples Reals, integers, (a,b]={x|a<x≤b}
   Union, Intersection, ... A∪B={x|x∈A&x∈B}, A∩B={x|x∈A or x∈B}
   Cartesian Product, Power Set A×B={〈a,b〉|a∈A&b∈B}, P(S)=2S={A|A⊆S}
   Subset, Equal A⊆B iff ∀x∈A x∈B, A=B iff ∀x∈A x∈B & ∀x∈B x∈A
   Inclusion-Exclusion |A∪B|=|A|+|B|-|A∩B|
   Proofs [A∪(B-A)]=[A∪B]
- Functions: f:A→B maps element x∈A to f(x)∈B
   Introduction A=domain, B=co-domain, range={y|∃x∈A,f(x)=y}⊆B
   Onto Every y∈B is mapped to. ∀y∈B,∃x∈A,f(x)=y.
   One-to-One y in B not mapped to twice. ∀x,x'∈A,[x≠x'→f(x)≠f(x')]
   Bijections both onto and one-to-one
   Inverses (one-to-one) f:A→B iff f-1:B→A & f-1(y)=x iff f(x)=y
   Function Operations (f1+f2)(x)=f1(x)+f2(x), (f1∘f2)(x)=f1(f2(x))
   Proofs If f1 & f2 are onto/1-1, then so is f1∘f2
   Graphs x vs y=f(x) like in high school
   Important Functions ⌊x⌋, ⌈x⌉, n!
- Sequences/Recurrences/Sums:
   Arithmetic 1+2+3+4+...+n=Θ(#terms×last), ai=ci+b=ai-1+c
   Geometric 1+2+4+8,...+2n=Θ(last), ai=cri=r×ai-1
   Fibonacci 1,1,2,3,5,8,13..., ai=ai-1+ai-2=1.618i
   Harmonic 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+...+1/n=Θ(logn), ai=1/i
- Infinity:
   Countable (More EECS2001) S is countable if 1-1 function to integers if each element has a finite description
   Uncountable reals are uncountable because most element need an infinite description
   Uncomputable (More EECS2001) More problems than algorithms. The halting problem has no algorithm
Growth of functions; big-O (ppt)
           (We classify functions based on their rate of growth without giving too much detail.
   Growth Rates Θ(1). Θ(logn). Θ(n). Θ(n2). Θ(2n)
   Running Time (More EECS2011) Constant, binary search, sorting, feasible, every possible solution
   Classifying Functions Constant=Θ(1), Polynomial=nΘ(1), Exponential=2Θ(n)
   Notation n≪o(n2), n2≤O(n2), n2=Θ(n2), n2≥Ω(n2))
   Intuition 3(sin(n)+5)n2log(n)+7nlog100(n)+5 = Θ(n2log(n)) ≤ O(n2.001) ≤ nO(1)
   Definition of Theta f(n)=Θ(g(n)) iff ∃c1,c2,n0, ∀n≥n0 c1g(n)≥f(n)≥c2g(n)
   Proofs 3n2+7n+5 = Θ(n2), 3n2+7n+5 ≠ Θ(n),
   Adding made easy. Σi=1..ni3 = Θ(#terms×last term) = Θ(n3)
Induction (+structural) (ppt):
- Induction: [S(0)&∀i[S(i-1)→S(i)]] → ∀iS(i)
  Counting Though we never reach all integers i, each i is eventually reached.
  Understanding Induction Though we never prove S(i) for all i, for each i, S(i) eventually is proved.
  Sums i=1..n i = ½ n(n+1)
  Special Prove that every positive integer is special.
  Faulty Proof All elephants in a given room are the same color.
  Counting, Inequalities, & Dividing # of subsets; 2n ≤ n!; n3-n is dividable by 3
- Strong Induction [∀i [(∀j<i S(j))→S(i)]] → ∀iS(i)
  Proof of Soundness Having is a proof of φ ensures that φ is valid.
- Loop Invariants: S(i) ≡ "My iterative algorithm's loop invariant is true in its ith iteration."
    - Establishing ⟨Pre-Cond⟩ & ⟨Pre-Code⟩ ⇒ ⟨Loop-Inv⟩
    - Maintaining ⟨Loop-Invt⟩ & ¬⟨Exit-Cond⟩ & ⟨Loop-Code⟩ ⇒ ⟨Loop-Invt+1
    - Ending ⟨Loop-Inv⟩ & ⟨Exit-Cond⟩ ⇒ ⟨Post-Cond⟩
  Max in Array Maxi∈[1..n] A[i]
  Selections Sort Put the next element where it belongs
  Differential Equations Acceleration(t) = - Distance(i)
  Game of Life One day at a time
- Recursion: S(i) ≡ "My algorithm gives the correct answer on every input of size at most i."
  Friends Trust friends to solve any smaller instances meeting the pre-conditions
  Merge Sort Friends sort first and second halves and then I merge these solutions together.
  Tiling & Factoring L shaped pieces; 12 = 2 × 2 × 3
- Recursively Defined Structures
  Non-neg Integers Basis Step: Start with 0; Recursive Step: add n+1
  Balanced Parenthesis (()())
  No Adjacent 0's Let An be the set of all 0/1 strings of length n that do not have any adjacent 0's
  Well Formed Syntax ∀x∃yP(x,y)   
Recurrence Relations (ppt):
   Recursive Algorithms T(n)=2T(n-1) → T(n)=2n
T(n)=2T(n/2)+n → T(n)=Θ(nlogn)
   Thm 1b: Linear Relations Every solution to ai=c1ai-1+c2ai-2 is a linear combination of any two different solutions
   Thm 5b: NonHomo Linear Relations Every solution to bi=c1bi-1+c2bi-2+c is formed by adding in one fixed one.
   Thm 1a: Exponential Growth Two solutions are ai = r1i and ai = r2i for roots of a quadratic
   Thm 5a: Constant One solution is bi = b
   Finances Solving bi=1.05bi-1-$20000
Graphs (ppt):
           (Graphs, ie nodes and edges, are very useful for representing
Relations (+equivalence) (ppt):
Trees (ppt):
           (A great data structure storing objects is a binary tree. If it is
           balanced than its depth is only log(n) with n nodes. Hence, operations
           are quick.)