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Daniel W. Apley


Editor-in-Chief-Elect, Technometrics

Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences

McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science

Northwestern University

2145 Sheridan Road

Evanston IL 60208-3119

office: Technological Institute C150
phone: (847) 491-2397
fax: (847) 491-8005
email: apley[at]northwestern.edu



Brief Bio

Research and Teaching Overview


Detailed Vitae (pdf)


I am a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. I obtained B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining Northwestern University in 2003, I served on the faculty of Texas A&M University for five years. I am an industrial statistician with research interests that lie at the interface of engineering modeling, statistical analysis, and predictive analytics. My work has been supported by numerous industries and government agencies, and I received the NSF CAREER award, the IIE Transactions Best Paper Award, and the Wilcoxon Prize for best practical application paper appearing in Technometrics. I currently serve as Editor-in-Chief Elect for Technometrics, the premier journal of the American Statistical Association and the American Society for Quality on statistical methods for the engineering, physical, chemical, and information sciences. I have also served as Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Quality Technology, Chair of the Quality, Statistics & Reliability Section of INFORMS, and Director of the Manufacturing and Design Engineering Program at Northwestern.


My broad areas of research and teaching interest are:

·        Industrial/engineering statistics

·        Statistical learning, data mining, and predictive analytics

·        Statistical quality control and six sigma variation reduction

·        Manufacturing process diagnosis and automatic control

I am an industrial statistician with research interests that lie at the interface of engineering modeling, statistical analysis, and predictive analytics, especially with large and complex data structures. Much of my work addresses the problem of how to transform large amounts of data into useful information. One important application domain involves developing quantitative six sigma process improvement tools that are suitable for modern manufacturing and design processes inundated with high-dimensional, high-volume data from automated measurement, data collection, and process control technologies, coupled with CAD/CAM and computer simulation data. Some of my research in this area develops statistical methodologies for discovering and visualizing pieces of information buried in large databases that will help engineers systematically identify and eliminate root causes of product and process variation. Another body of my research in this area develops methodologies for designing and analyzing computer simulation experiments, sometimes coupled with data from physical experiments.

I also conduct research solving data-intensive problems in other application domains that include business intelligence, healthcare engineering, product/process design optimization, and financial risk assessment. Recent projects in these areas include developing predictive models for strategic management of credit risk based on large-scale customer databases; Bayesian statistical analyses for product and process design optimization based on finite element computer simulations; reliable assessment of disease risk factors from error-prone electronic medical records; and statistical modeling of microstructure behavior for predictive materials science.

At Northwestern, I teach undergraduate courses in Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement (IEMS 305), Introductory Statistics (IEMS 303), and Statistical Tools for Data Mining (IEMS 304). I also teach graduate courses in Predictive Analytics (MSiA 420), Engineering Applications of Data Mining (IEMS 490), and Intermediate Statistics (IEMS 401).


McElroy, L. M., Khorzad, R., Rowe, T. A., Abecassis, Z. A., Apley, D. W., Barnard, C., and Holl, J. L., "Fault Tree Analysis: Assessing the Adequacy of Reporting Efforts to reduce Postoperative Bloodstream infection," American Journal of Medical Quality, to appear.

Li, W., Chen, S., Jiang, Z, Apley, D. W., Lu, Z., Chen, W., "Integrating Bayesian Calibration, Bias Correction, and Machine Learning for the Validation Challenge Problem," ASME Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, to appear.

Bostanabad, R., Bui*, A. T., Xie, W., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "Stochastic Microstructure Characterization and Reconstruction via Supervised Learning," Acta Materialia, doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2015.09.044, 103, pp. 89—102.

Xu, H., Jiang, Z., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "New Metrics for the Validation of Data-Driven Random Process Models in Uncertainty Quantification," ASME Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, DOI: 10.1115/1.4031813, 1(1), pp. 011002-1—011002-14.

Chen, S. Jiang, Z., Yang, S., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "Nonhierarchical Multi-model Fusion Using Spatial Random Processes," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, to appear.

Ouyang, L., Apley, D. W., and Mehrotra, S., "A Design of Experiments Approach to Validation Sampling for Logistic Regression Modeling with Error-Prone Medical Records," Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, to appear, DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocv132.

Zhang, N. and Apley, D. W., "Brownian Integrated Covariance Functions for Gaussian Process Modeling:  Sigmoidal Versus Localized Basis Functions," Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear, DOI:10.1080/01621459.2015.1077711.

Arendt, P., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "A Preposterior Analysis to Predict Identifiability in Experimental Calibration of Computer Models," IIE Transactions, to appear, DOI: 10.1080/0740817X.2015.1064554. with supplement.

Jiang, Z., Li, W., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "A Spatial-Random-Process Based Multidisciplinary System Uncertainty Propagation Approach with Model Uncertainty," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(10), pp. 101402, 2015.

Jiang, Z., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "Surrogate Preposterior Analyses for Predicting and Enhancing Identifiability in Model Calibration," International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, DOI: 10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2015012627, 5(4), pp. 341–359, 2015.

Shi, Z., Apley, D. W., and Runger, G. C., "Discovering the Nature of Variation in Nonlinear Profile Data," Technometrics, to appear. with supplement.

Gramacy, R. B. and Apley, D. W., “Local Gaussian process approximation for large computer experimentsJournal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, DOI:10.1080/10618600.2014.914442, 24(2), pp. 561—578, 2015. draft version.

Sahu, A., Apley, D. W. and Runger, G., "Feature selection for noisy variation patterns using kernel principal component analysisKnowledge-Based Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.knosys.2014.08.027, 72, pp. 37—47, 2014.

Zhang, N. and Apley, D. W., "Fractional Brownian Fields for Response Surface Metamodeling," Journal of Quality Technology, 46(4), pp. 285—301, 2014.

Shinde, A., Sahu, A., Apley, D., and Runger, G., "Preimages for Variation Patterns from Kernel PCA and Bagging," IIE Transactions, 46(5), pp. 429—456, 2014.

Arendt, P. D., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "Objective - Oriented Sequential Sampling for Simulation Based Robust Design Considering Multiple Sources of Uncertainty," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 135(5), doi: 10.1115/1.4023922, 2013.

Arendt, P. D., Apley, D. W., and Chen, W., "Quantification of Model Uncertainty:  Calibration, Model Discrepancy, and Identifiability," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(10), 100908-1—100908-12, doi:10.1115/1.4007390, 2012.

Arendt, P. D., Apley, D. W., Chen, W., Lamb, D. and Gorsich, D., "Improving Identifiability in Model Calibration Using Multiple Responses," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(10), 100909-1—100909-9, doi:10.1115/1.4007573, 2012.

Apley, D. W., "Posterior Distribution Charts:  A Bayesian Approach for Graphically Exploring a Process Mean," Technometrics, 54(03), pp. 296 – 310, 2012

Im, J. K., Apley, D. W., and Runger, G., "Tangent Hyperplane Kernel Principal Component Analysis for Denoising," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 23(4), pp. 644—656, April, 2012.

Im, J. K., Apley, D. W., Shan, X., and Qi, C., "A Time Dependent Proportional Hazards Survival Model for Credit Risk Analysis," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63(3), pp. 306—321, March, 2012.

Sun, Y. Apley, D. W., and Staum, J., "Efficient Nested Simulation for Estimating the Variance of a Conditional Expectation," Operations Research, 59(4), pp. 998–1007, July–August 2011

Apley, D. W. and Kim, J. B., "A Cautious Approach to Robust Parameter Design with Model Uncertainty," IIE Transactions, 43(7), pp. 471-482, 2011.

Lee, H. C. and Apley, D. W., "Improved Design of Robust Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for Autocorrelated Processes," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 27(3), pp. 337-352, 2011.

Apley, D. W. and Lee, H. C., "The Effects of Model Parameter Deviations on the Variance of a Linearly Filtered Time Series," Naval Research Logistics, 57(5), pp. 460-471, August, 2010.

Apley, D. W., "Discussion of Nonparametric Profile Monitoring by Mixed Effects Modeling," Technometrics, 52(3), pp. 277-280, August, 2010.

Apley, D. W. and Lee, H. Y., "Simultaneous Identification of Premodeled and Unmodeled Variation Patterns," Journal of Quality Technology, 42(1), pp. 36—51, January, 2010.

Xiong, Y., Chen, W., Tsui, K. L., and Apley, D. W., "A Better Understanding of Model Updating Strategies in Validating Engineering Models," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 198, pp. 1327—1337, March, 2009.

Apley, D. W. and Lee, H. C., "Robustness Comparison of Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Charts on Autocorrelated Data and on Residuals," Journal of Quality Technology, 40(4), pp. 428-447, October, 2008.

Jiang, W., Shu, L., and Apley, D. W. "Adaptive CUSUM Procedures with EWMA-based Shift Estimators," IIE Transactions, 40(10), pp. 992-1003, October, 2008.

Shan, X. and Apley, D. W., "Blind Identification of Manufacturing Variation Patterns by Combining Source Separation Criteria," Technometrics, 50(3), pp. 332—343, August, 2008.

Chin, C. H. and Apley, D. W., "Performance and Robustness of Control Charting Methods for Autocorrelated Data," Journal of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers, 34(2), pp. 122—139, June, 2008.

Ding, Y. and Apley, D. W., "Guidelines for Placing Additional Sensors to Improve Variation Diagnosis in Assembly Processes," International Journal of Production Research, 45(23), pp. 5485-5507, December, 2007.

Xiong, Y., Chen, W., Apley, D. W., and Ding, X. "A Nonstationary Covariance Based Kriging Method for Metamodeling in Engineering Design," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 71(6), pp. 733-756, August, 2007.

Apley, D. W., and Zhang, F., "Identifying and Visualizing Nonlinear Variation Patterns in Multivariate Manufacturing Data", IIE Transactions, 39(6), pp. 691-701, June, 2007.

Apley, D. W. and Chin, C. H., "An Optimal Filter Design Approach to Statistical Process Control," Journal of Quality Technology, 39(2), pp. 93-117, April, 2007.

Chin, C. H. and Apley, D. W. "Optimal Design of Second-Order Linear Filters for Control Charting," Technometrics, 48(3), pp. 337-348, August, 2006.

Apley, D. W., Liu, J. and Chen, W. "Understanding the Effects of Model Uncertainty in Robust Design With Computer Experiments," ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(4), pp. 945-958, July, 2006.

Apley, D. W. and Ding, Y., "A Characterization of Diagnosability Conditions for Variance Components Analysis in Assembly Operations," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2(2), pp. 101-110, April, 2005.

Lee, H. Y. and Apley, D. W. "Diagnosing Manufacturing Variation Using Second-Order and Fourth-Order Statistics," International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 16, pp. 45-64, 2004.

Apley, D. W. and Kim, J.B., "Cautious Control of Industrial Process Variability with Uncertain Input and Disturbance Model Parameters," Technometrics, 46(2), pp. 188-199, 2004.

Ding, Y., Gupta, A., and Apley, D. W., "Singularity Issues in Fixture Fault Diagnosis for Multi-Station Assembly Processes," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126(1), pp. 200-210, 2004.

Apley, D. W., "A Cautious Minimum Variance Controller with ARIMA Disturbances," IIE Transactions, 36(5), pp. 417-432, 2004.

Shiu, B. W., Apley, D. W., Ceglarek, D., and Shi, J., "Tolerance Allocation for Compliant Beam Structure Assemblies," IIE Transactions, 35(4), pp. 329-342, 2003.

Apley, D. W. and Lee, H. Y., "Identifying Spatial Variation Patterns in Multivariate Manufacturing Processes:  A Blind Separation Approach," Technometrics, 45(3), pp. 220-234, 2003.

Apley, D. W. and Lee, H. C., "Design of Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts for Autocorrelated Processes with Model Uncertainty," Technometrics, 45(3), pp. 187-198, 2003.

Tsung, F. and Apley, D. W., "The Dynamic T2 Chart for Monitoring Feedback-Controlled Processes," IIE Transactions, 34(12), pp. 1043-1053, 2002.  Received the 2002-2003 IIE Transactions Best Paper Award for Quality and Reliability.

Apley, D. W., "Time Series Control Charts in the Presence of Model Uncertainty," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124(4), pp. 891-898, 2002.

Shu, L., Apley, D.W., and Tsung, F. "Autocorrelated Process Monitoring Using Triggered Cuscore Charts," Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 18(5), pp. 411-421, 2002.

Apley, D. W. and Tsung, F., "The Autoregressive T2 Chart for Monitoring Univariate Autocorrelated Processes," Journal of Quality Technology, 34(1), pp. 80-96, 2002.

Apley, D. W. and Shi, J., "A Factor Analysis Method for Diagnosing Variability in Multivariate Manufacturing Processes," Technometrics, 43(1), pp. 84-95, 2001.

Apley, D. W. and Shi, J., "The GLRT for Statistical Process Control of Autocorrelated Processes," IIE Transactions, 31(12), pp. 1123-1134, 1999.

Apley, D. W. and Shi, J., "An Order Downdating Algorithm for Tracking System Order and Parameters in Recursive Least Squares Identification," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 47(11), pp. 3134-3137, 1999.

Apley, D. W. and Shi, J., "Diagnosis of Multiple Fixture Faults in Panel Assembly," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 120(4), pp. 793-801, 1998.

Shi, J. and Apley, D. W., "A Suboptimal N-step-ahead Cautious Controller for Adaptive Control Applications," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 120(3), pp. 419-423, 1998.

Apley, D. W., Seliger, G., Voit, L., and Shi, J., "Diagnostics in Disassembly Unscrewing Operations," International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 10(2), pp. 111-128, 1998.