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Flexoelectric Effect on Image Sticking Caused by Residual Direct Current Voltage and Flicker Phenomenon in Fringe-Field Switching Mode Liquid Crystal Display

Daisuke INOUE
Mitsuhiro SUGIMOTO

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics   Vol.E104-C    No.2    pp.45-51
Publication Date: 2021/02/01
Publicized: 2020/07/21
Online ISSN: 1745-1353
DOI: 10.1587/transele.2020DII0002
Type of Manuscript: Special Section INVITED PAPER (Special Section on Electronic Displays)
Category: Electronic Displays
FFS,  image sticking,  flicker,  flexoelectric effect,  

Full Text: FreePDF(3.5MB)

Although transmittance changes like a quadratic function due to the DC offset voltage in FFS mode LCD, its bottom position and flicker minimum DC offset voltage varies depending on the gray level due to the flexoelectric effect. We demonstrated how the influence of the flexoelectric effect changes depending on the electrode width or black matrix position.