Publication IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and SystemsVol.E100-DNo.1pp.166-174 Publication Date: 2017/01/01 Publicized: 2016/10/18 Online ISSN: 1745-1361 DOI: 10.1587/transinf.2016EDP7138 Type of Manuscript: PAPER Category: Image Recognition, Computer Vision Keyword: dense trajectories, proficiency evaluation, removing individual habit, random forests,
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Summary: We propose an appearance-based proficiency evaluation methodology based on fine-motion analysis. We consider the effects of individual habit in evaluating proficiency and analyze the fine motion of guitar-picking. We first extract multiple features on a large number of dense trajectories of fine motion. To facilitate analysis, we then generate a histogram of motion features using a bag-of-words model and change the number of visual words as appropriate. To remove the effects of individual habit, we extract the common principal histogram elements corresponding to experts or beginners according to discrimination's contribution rates using random forests. We finally calculate the similarity of the histograms to evaluate the proficiency of a guitar-picking motion. By optimizing the number of visual words for proficiency evaluation, we demonstrate that our method distinguishes experts from beginners with an accuracy of about 86%. Moreover, we verify experimentally that our proposed methodology can evaluate proficiency while removing the effects of individual habit.