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МП Трамвайно-троллейбусное управление (1945-2009)

Informacje o przewoźniku

NazwaМП Трамвайно-троллейбусное управление (1945-2009)
Atrybuty przewoźnikaPrzewoźnik tramwajowyPrzewoźnik trolejbusowy
Inne informacjeThe tramway system in Kaliningrad was reopened on 7 November 1946. Eventually the operation was extended to almost the entire tram system, which had been in operation in Königsberg until 1945.

The tramway system was reopened with the surviving parts of the German rolling stock, which has been delivered by the Waggonfabrik Steinfurt AG in Königsberg in 1924-1931. Most parts of the system remaining from Königsberg were gradually reopened under the new Soviet government.

The gauge of the tramway system is 1000 mm, and the Soviet industry did not manufacture tramway vehicles for systems other than those, which applied Russian standard gauge of 1524 mm. The deliveries of new trams to Kaliningrad, therefore, came from the manufactures in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Czechoslovakia.

The pre war rolling stock was gradually replaced from 1955 with new vehicles imported from the VEB Waggonbau Gotha.

From 1971 the system was modernised with vehicles of the standard type T4SU. Until 1979 a total of 223 vehicles were delivered to Kaliningrad (nos. 101-323). Due to the poor level of maintenance, the first withdrawals of these vehicles began as early as 1977 (nos. 109 and 114).

In 1987-1994 a total of 41 articulated trams of the czech standard type KT4SU were delivered to Kaliningrad.

In July 2009 the tram & trolleybus enterprise (TTU) was merged with the municipal bus company (PATP), forming a new entity: Kaliningrad-Gortrans


Linienplan der KWS
1937 - 1937
Autor: HKN

Ticket of the KWS from 1938
1938 - 1938
Autor: HKN

Kaliningrad tram routes in operation in May 2006
2006 - 2006
Autor: HKN

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Lista pojazdów

Aktualna flota

Historyczna flota

Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
228 Steinfurt 1924SteinfurtSteinfurt 1924Steinfurt 2 axeled trailer1946?
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94 Steinfurt 1924SteinfurtSteinfurt 1924Steinfurt 2 axeled tram1946?
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010-323 Tatra T4SUČKDČKD Tatra T4ČKD TE 022?2009
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03 Snow-sweeper tram?Technical Snow-sweeper tram19602009Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
401-441 Tatra KT4SUČKDČKD Tatra KT4ČKD TE 022H19872009
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501-530 Tatra T4DČKDČKD Tatra T4ČKD TE 02219972009
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100-133 Lowa ET54GothaLowa ET/EB50/54LEW EM 60/6001955?Nie ma zdjęcia0/34
07-336 Gotha T2-62GothaGotha B/G/TLEW EM 60/6001962?Nie ma zdjęcia0/41
03-164 Gotha T57GothaGotha B/G/TLEW EM 60/60019572009Nie ma zdjęcia0/32
165-292 Gotha T59EGothaGotha B/G/TLEW EM 60/6001960?Nie ma zdjęcia0/30
601-612 Tatra KT4DČKDČKD Tatra KT4ČKD TE 022H19992009
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442,443 Duewag GT6DuewagDuewag (G)T/B19952009Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
234-264 Gotha B57GothaGotha B/G/T1957?Nie ma zdjęcia0/31
265-293 Gotha B59EGothaGotha B/G/T1960?Nie ma zdjęcia0/28
200-233 LOWA EB54GothaLowa ET/EB50/541955?Nie ma zdjęcia0/6
Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
095-145 ЗиУ-682В0АЗиУЗиУ 682ЗиУ 682Динамо ДК-213?2009
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083-141 ЗиУ-682ЗиУЗиУ 682ЗиУ 682?2009
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001-082 ЗиУ-682БЗиУЗиУ 682ЗиУ 682Динамо ДК-210А319751977Nie ma zdjęcia0/81
132-149 ЗиУ-682Г00ЗиУЗиУ 682ЗиУ 682Динамо ДК-213?2009
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089-116 ЗиУ-682В00ЗиУЗиУ 682ЗиУ 682Динамо ДК-210А3?2009Nie ma zdjęcia0/5
152 ВМЗ-5298.00ВМЗВМЗ 5278/5298Динамо ДК-211БМ20022009
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154-163 Тролза-5275.05ТролзаТролза 5275 «Оптима»Динамо ДК-21320062009Nie ma zdjęcia0/10
150,151 АКСМ-101ПСБелкоммунмашЗиУ 682ЗиУ 68219982009
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096-099 ЗиУ-682ВЗиУЗиУ 682ЗиУ 682Динамо ДК-210А319832009
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146 АКСМ-100БелкоммунмашЗиУ 682ЗиУ 68219932009
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153 ВЗТМ / ЛиаЗ-5280ВЗТМЛиАЗ 5256/5293/6212Динамо ДК-21320062009
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Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
294-436 Gotha B2-62GothaGotha B/G/T19622009Nie ma zdjęcia0/37