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Stagecoach South Ltd.

Informacje o przewoźniku

NazwaStagecoach South Ltd.
SkrótStagecoach South
Atrybuty przewoźnikaRegularny przewoźnik autobusowy
Inne informacjeStagecoach South is formed by four divisions: Stagecoach in Hampshire, Stagecoach Hants & Surrey, Stagecoach in the South Downs and Stagecoach in Portsmouth. These operations are formed from historical companies such as Hampshire Bus, bought in 1987 and Southdown Motor Services, bought in 1989.

In December 2011 Stagecoach bought Fleet Buzz, an independent company set up in 1995 in Basingstoke and later moving to Fleet in Hampshire. Between 2011 and 2014 the company was kept as a separate operation that was part of Stagecoach South, but at the end of 2014 the Fleet Buzz name disappeared and it was fully incorporated into Stagecoach South.

- Aldershot
- Andover
- Basingstoke
- Chichester
- Guildford
- Portsmouth (Farlington)
- Winchester
- Worthing

Szukaj pojazdu

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Lista pojazdów

Aktualna flota

Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
18194-18525 Alexander Dennis ALX400Alexander DennisAlexander Dennis ALX400Alexander Dennis Trident 22006-
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34411-34615 TransBus Pointer DartAlexanderPlaxton PointerDennis Dart SLF2003-
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15588-15993 Scania N230UD 4x2 EB / Alexander Dennis Enviro 400Alexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIScania N UD 4x2 EBScania DC9 01 2302009-
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47032-47046 Optare Solo M920OptareOptare Solo2019-Nie ma zdjęcia3/3
33189-33191 Alexander Dennis Dart SLF / East Lancs MyllenniumEast LancsEast Lancs MyllenniumAlexander Dennis Dart SLF2013-
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34853-35257 ADL Dart SLF / ADL PointerAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis PointerAlexander Dennis Dart SLF2006-
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27562-27877 Alexander Dennis Enviro 300 IIAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/III2008-
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10001-37292 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 IIAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 4002012-
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36925 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 10,8mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 2002013-
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47931 Optare Solo M880SROptareOptare Solo SROptare Solo2014-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1
17740-18084 TransBus ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Dennis Trident 22014-Nie ma zdjęcia2/2
19055-19078 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400Alexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 4002014-Nie ma zdjęcia2/2
16527 Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties Palatine INorthern CountiesNorthern Counties PalatineVolvo Olympian (YN)2015-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1
Nieznany ?Leyland G7 / Short BrothersLeylandLeyland G?-
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786 Leyland Titan PD2 / BeadleBeadleLeyland Titan PD1993-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1
15760 Bristol VRT/SL2ECWBristol VR?-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1
39652-39656 MAN 14.240 HOCL-NL / Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 IIAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIMAN 14.xxx HOCL-NL (A66)2008-
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19909 Leyland Titan PD2 / Northern CountiesNorthern CountiesLeyland Titan PD?-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1
29109 BYD D8UR / Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC EV 10.8mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro MMC/CityBYD K82018-
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Historyczna flota

Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
52477 Volvo B10M / Plaxton Premiere InterurbanPlaxtonPlaxton PremiereVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)20052006Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
14818-14990 Leyland Olympian / Alexander RLAlexanderAlexander RLeyland Olympian19892011
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353-16523 Volvo Olympian / Alexander RLAlexanderAlexander RVolvo Olympian (YN)19962016
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17698 Dennis Trident 2 / East Lancs LolyneEast LancsEast Lancs LolyneDennis Trident 220162018
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22744 MAN 18.240 HOCL-NL / Alexander Dennis Enviro 300Alexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIMAN 18.xxx HOCL-NL (A69)20082017Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
32077 Dennis Dart / Plaxton Pointer 9.8PlaxtonPlaxton PointerDennis Dart20022009
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33020 Dennis Dart SLF / Plaxton Pointer 2PlaxtonPlaxton PointerDennis Dart SLF19992015
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597-32580 Dennis Dart / Alexander DashAlexanderAlexander AMDennis Dart19922011
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17069-17072 Dennis Trident 2 / Alexander ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Dennis Trident 220042005Nie ma zdjęcia0/3
52658 Volvo B10M / Jonckheere Mistral 50JonckheereJonckheere MistralVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)20132018Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
13622-ET1848 Leyland Olympian / Alexander RHAlexanderAlexander RLeyland Olympian20032008Nie ma zdjęcia0/3
20629-20832 Volvo B10M-55 / Alexander PSAlexanderAlexander PVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)19942013Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
855-877 Mercedes-Benz 709 D / Alexander SprintAlexanderAlexander AMMercedes-Benz T2 Mk II 7xx (669)Mercedes-Benz OM 364 [364.919]19932007Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
139 Leyland NationalLeylandLeyland National19922002Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
15205 Volvo B10M / Northern Counties PalatineNorthern CountiesNorthern Counties PalatineVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)19892006Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
1828 Leyland Leopard / Plaxton Panorama ElitePlaxtonPlaxton Panorama EliteLeyland Leopard19711988Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
34060-34243 Dennis Dart SLF / Alexander ALX200AlexanderAlexander ALX200Dennis Dart SLF20032015Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
15763 Bristol VRT/SL3ECWBristol VR20022004Nie ma zdjęcia0/1