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First London

Informacje o przewoźniku

NazwaFirst London
SkrótFirst London
Atrybuty przewoźnikaRegularny przewoźnik autobusowy
Inne informacjeFirst London was formed in 1997 with the purchase of CentreWest and in 1998 Capital Citybus was taken over. The companies were first known as First CentreWest and First Capital.
First London`s depots were sold off between December 2007 and June 2013 with the last closing in September 2013. The depots were sold to Metrobus, London General, Metroline and the newly formed Tower Transit.

Szukaj pojazdu

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Lista pojazdów

Aktualna flota

Inny Pojazd
Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
DMC45540 Fictitious vehiclesFictitiousFictitious vehicles2010-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1

Historyczna flota

Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
DN39117-DNH39131 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 HybridAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 40020122013
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920-SRM3 AEC Routemaster RMPark RoyalLondon Transport RMAEC Routemaster19982013
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DMC41492-DMC42519 TransBus Dart SLF / Caetano NimbusCaetanoCaetano NimbusDennis Dart SLF20032014
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32366-VNZ32501 Volvo B7TL / Wright Eclipse GeminiWrightWright Eclipse/Meridian/Pulsar/SolarVolvo B7TL (S2)20042013
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VN36101-VN37996 ?Volvo B9TL / Wright Eclipse Gemini 2WrightWright Eclipse 2/Pulsar 2Volvo B9TL (S4)20092013
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SN36031-SN36069 Scania CN230UD 4x2 EBScaniaScania OmniCity (N-series)Scania DC9 30 230ZF 6HP504C20112013
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DN33501-DN33631 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400Alexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 40020072013
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132-166 Leyland Olympian / Northern Counties PalatineNorthern CountiesNorthern Counties PalatineLeyland Olympian19982004Nie ma zdjęcia0/10
61222 Scania L94UB / Wright SolarWrightWright Eclipse/Meridian/Pulsar/SolarScania L94UB?2005Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
DN33612-DN39129 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 IIAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 40020112013
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ES54098 Mercedes-Benz 411 CDIMercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz Sprinter Mk IMercedes-Benz Sprinter Mk I 4xx (904)Mercedes-Benz OM 611 DE 22 LA [611.981]20022006Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
V12 Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties Palatine IINorthern CountiesNorthern Counties PalatineVolvo Olympian (YN)19952002Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
VFL1254-VNL32266 Volvo B7TL / Alexander ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Volvo B7TL (S2)20032010Nie ma zdjęcia0/3
DML44171-DML44322 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 10,2mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 20020112013
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DM44226-DMV44311 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 10,8mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 20020092013
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20201 Volvo B12 6x2 / Plaxton ExcaliburPlaxtonPlaxton PremiereVolvo B12 6x2 (R2)20072013
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DMS44401-DMS44420 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 II 8,9mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIDennis Dart SLF20092013Nie ma zdjęcia0/20
DMS44421-DMS44432 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 8,9mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 20020112012Nie ma zdjęcia0/12
DML44001-DML44315 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 II 10,2mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIDennis Dart SLF20072013
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VN32100-VNL32214 Volvo B7TL / Plaxton PresidentNorthern CountiesPlaxton PresidentVolvo B7TL (S2)20022010Nie ma zdjęcia0/15
DM44208-DML44202 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 9,6mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 20020112013Nie ma zdjęcia0/12
10182 Volvo B7LA / Wright Eclipse FusionWrightWright Eclipse/Meridian/Pulsar/SolarVolvo B7LA (R7)20102014
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19031-19034 Volvo B7LA / Wright StreetCarWrightWright StreetCarVolvo B7LA (R7)20072014Nie ma zdjęcia0/3
DM44194-DM44201 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 9,3mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 20020112012
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ESQ64991-ESQ64993 Mercedes-Benz O530 BZMercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz O530Mercedes-Benz 628 02 O53020032007Nie ma zdjęcia0/3
TNA32947 Dennis Trident 2 / Alexander ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Dennis Trident 220002007Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
WN35001-WN35004 Wright Eclipse Gemini 2WrightWright Eclipse 2/Pulsar 2VDL DB30020092013
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VNL32296-VTL1324 Volvo B7TL / TransBus PresidentNorthern CountiesPlaxton PresidentVolvo B7TL (S2)20032012
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TN32802-TNL33140 Dennis Trident 2 / Plaxton PresidentNorthern CountiesPlaxton PresidentDennis Trident 219992013
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VNL32251-VNL32273 Volvo B7TL / TransBus ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Volvo B7TL (S2)20032010
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TN33048-TNL33076 TransBus PresidentNorthern CountiesPlaxton PresidentDennis Trident 220012012Nie ma zdjęcia0/9
VDN34215-VDN34216 Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties Palatine INorthern CountiesNorthern Counties PalatineVolvo Olympian (YN)19982012Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
DMP42406 Dennis Dart SLF / Plaxton PointerPlaxtonPlaxton PointerDennis Dart SLF19962005Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
708 Dennis Dart SLF / East Lancs SpryteEast LancsEast Lancs SpryteDennis Dart SLF19982003Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
DM143-DMS472 Dennis Dart SLF / Marshall CapitalMarshallMarshall CapitalDennis Dart SLF?2013
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EA11001-EA11065 ?Mercedes-Benz O530GMercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz O530Mercedes-Benz 628 03 O530G20032013
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401-416 Dennis Arrow / Northern Counties Palatine IINorthern CountiesNorthern Counties PalatineDennis Arrow19982004Nie ma zdjęcia0/12
EC64001-ES64011 Mercedes-Benz O530Mercedes-BenzMercedes-Benz O530Mercedes-Benz 628 02 O53020022012
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WNH39001 Wright Eclipse Gemini 2 HybridWrightWright Eclipse 2/Pulsar 2VDL DB30020082014Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
TNA33343-TNA33386 TransBus ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Dennis Trident 220032013
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136-153 Leyland Olympian / Leyland BusLeylandLeyland Olympian19982001Nie ma zdjęcia0/4
20463 Volvo B10M / Plaxton Expressliner IIPlaxtonPlaxton PremiereVolvo B10M 4x2 (1M)20052007Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
642-DW91 Dennis Dart / Wright HandybusWrightWright HandybusDennis Dart1991?Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
EV52596 Mercedes-Benz 814 D / Marshall MasterMarshallMarshall MasterMercedes-Benz Vario 8xx (670)?2005Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
LLW12 Dennis Lance SLF / Wright PathfinderWrightWright EnduranceDennis Lance SLF19972001Nie ma zdjęcia0/1
431-438 Dennis Arrow / East Lancs PyoneerEast LancsEast Lancs PyoneerDennis Arrow19982004Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
RML2374-RML2647 AEC Routemaster RMLPark RoyalLondon Transport RMAEC Routemaster19942004
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RMC1510 AEC Routemaster RMCPark RoyalLondon Transport RMAEC Routemaster19942012
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WSH62991-WSH62995 VDL SB200 / Wright Pulsar HydrogenWrightWright Eclipse/Meridian/Pulsar/SolarVDL SB20020102013
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