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Abellio London Ltd

Informacje o przewoźniku

NazwaAbellio London Ltd
Atrybuty przewoźnikaRegularny przewoźnik autobusowy
Inne informacjeThis operator`s history started in 2000 as Connex London when they started operating London bus services. Connex bought the remains of Limebourne (Independent Way and Q-Drive) and Travel West Midland`s London operation; Travel London in 2001. This Travel London operation had been set up in 1998 by the National Express Group and sold to Limebourne in 2000.

In 2004 the Connex operation was bought by the National Express Group, the company being renamed Travel London. Tellings-Golden Miller`s bus operations were sold to Travel London in 2005. This included London bus services as well as operations in Surrey, to the south west of London, in places like Staines. The Surrey operation was called Travel Surrey and operated from a depot in Byfleet. In 2006 the fleet was renumbered, the letter classifications disappearing. In 2008 the fleet was renamed National Express London and National Express Surrey.

In 2009 the operation was sold to the Dutch Railways, when the names Abellio London and Abellio Surrey were introduced on 30 October 2009.
In 2018 the Surrey operation was closed down, including the closure of Byfleet depot.

In February 2023 the Dutch Railways sold their Abellio operations, including Abellio London, in a management buyout. In early 2024 the branding of Transport UK started to replace the Abellio logo`s on buses.

- Battersea (QB)
- Beddington (BC)
- Fulwell (TF)
- Hayes (DH)
- Southall (GW)
- Walworth (WL)

Szukaj pojazdu

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Lista pojazdów

Aktualna flota

Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
LT602-LT787 Wright NRMWrightWright New RoutemasterCummins ISB4.5E5 185B2015-
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9401-9523 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400Alexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 4002007-
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2401-2486 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 HybridAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 4002011-
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2012-2560 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400H MMC 10.3mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro MMCAlexander Dennis Enviro 4002015-
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9524-9558 Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 IIAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 4002012-
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1501-1543 Caetano CBN006e e-City GoldCaetanoCaetano City Gold CBN2020-
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3401-3423 BYD D8UR-DD / ADL Enviro 400EV City 10.8mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro MMC/CityBYD K82021-Nie ma zdjęcia5/5
8844-8862 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC 10.8mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro MMC/City2016-
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8140-8218 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC 8.9mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro MMC/City2016-
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8118-8126 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 8,9mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 2002013-
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8783-8830 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 10,8mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 2002012-
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8325-8335 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 III 9,3mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIAlexander Dennis Enviro 2002010-
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8518-8550 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 II 10,2mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIDennis Dart SLF2009-
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1711 Wright GB Kite Electroliner BEVWrightWright GB Kite2023-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1
1004 Switch MetroCity 870EVSwitch MobilityOptare MetroCity2022-Nie ma zdjęcia1/1

Historyczna flota

Numery taboroweNazwa modeluProducentNadwoziePodwozieSilnikSkrzynia biegów
Wprowadzenie do ruchuRok wycofaniaZdjęcia
8002-8033 ADL Dart SLF / ADL Mini PointerAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Mini PointerAlexander Dennis Dart SLF20042020
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9001-V73 Volvo B7TL / Wright Eclipse GeminiWrightWright Eclipse/Meridian/Pulsar/SolarVolvo B7TL (S2)20042019
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9773-9843 TransBus ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Dennis Trident 220042017
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8009-8062 Dennis Dart SLF / Plaxton Mini PointerPlaxtonPlaxton PointerDennis Dart SLF20052016Nie ma zdjęcia0/4
8703-8711 Dennis Dart SLF / Plaxton PointerPlaxtonPlaxton PointerDennis Dart SLF20052008Nie ma zdjęcia0/4
8453-8468 Dennis Dart SLF / Caetano NimbusCaetanoCaetano NimbusDennis Dart SLF20052018
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8068-8091 Transbus Dart SLF / Transbus Mini PointerTransbusPlaxton Mini PointerDennis Dart SLF20042016
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8847-S239 Optare Solo M850OptareOptare SoloOptare Solo19982010Nie ma zdjęcia0/5
8344-8347 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 MMC 9.7mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro MMC/City20162022Nie ma zdjęcia0/3
9701-9772 Dennis Trident 2 / Alexander ALX400AlexanderAlexander ALX400Dennis Trident 220042018
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8101-ES5 Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 II 8,9mAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis Enviro II/IIIDennis Dart SLF20062018Nie ma zdjęcia0/5
8402-8902 Dennis Dart SLF / Plaxton Pointer 2PlaxtonPlaxton PointerDennis Dart SLF20052017
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8417,8418 Dennis Dart SLF / East Lancs SpryteEast LancsEast Lancs SpryteDennis Dart SLF20042018Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
8801,8802 VDL SB120 / Wright ElectrocityWrightWright EnduranceVDL SB12020072012Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
8769 Alexander Dennis Dart SLF / East Lancs MyllenniumEast LancsEast Lancs MyllenniumAlexander Dennis Dart SLF20102017
Zobacz wszystkie
8471-8490 TransBus Dart SLF / Caetano NimbusCaetanoCaetano NimbusDennis Dart SLF20052017Nie ma zdjęcia0/2
8301-8320 ADL Dart SLF / ADL PointerAlexander DennisAlexander Dennis PointerAlexander Dennis Dart SLF20042018
Zobacz wszystkie
  • Nie ma zdjęcia
    Caetano CBN006e e-City Gold