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Chyba tak, tylko nie wiem na jaki schemat - te białe z żółtym pasem wyglądają na przemalowane, czyżby już tak zaczęli malować, czy to tak specjalnie, żeby tylko dół odświeżyć a góry nie ruszać?
Sanosy są przemalowane i chyba nadal jeżdżą! Niestety nie trafiłem :( może Tobie się uda
The white-yellow combination is the new colour scheme (bland and a step down, if you ask me). Unfortunately, the seven C2 buses which look like this haven`t been repainted, but were covered with some high-quality foil instead. The two buses with Croatian checkerboards (#310, 311) are a special story. They arrived just in time (on the day of the opening, no less!) for the European handball tournament which was held in Croatia and were decorated for that purpose. However, Promet was so lazy and didn`t remove the advertising for months. The solution: add a couple of footballs stickers and make it look like the advertising is for the current football World Cup.