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Ikarus 280.04 #2249

Ikarus 280.04 #2249

Wyprodukowany: 1987     Zezłomowany: 2015
Autor: mpelov bgRSS (0)
Dodano: 2015-11-06 17:36:48
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 800
Rozmiar pliku: 390.75kB
20 października 2015 - The ringing of the division bell had begun. Over 100 decommissioned buses from the three depots, including all Ikarus 280s are now being towed to a scrapyard of Makmetal Holding on the territory of the former Kremikovtzi metal works near Sofia. 2249 waiting for the tow truck in Malashevtsi depot.
en gt


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